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Five thousand applications joined Huawei Hongmeng, but no WeChat? Informed person: technical communication in progress

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On June 21, the 2024 Huawei Developers Conference announced the remarkable progress of Hongmeng's ecological opening. The reporter from Nandu noticed that more than 100 applications from several leading companies, including Alibaba, Byte, Tencent and Baidu, announced that they would adapt to the HarmonyOS NEXT Hongmeng Galaxy version. It is reported that up to now, TOP 5000 applications have been added to Hongmeng Ecology, 1500+applications have been put on the shelves, and Hongmeng native application development has been started in many fields. However, this application of WeChat did not appear in Hongmeng ecology. A person close to Tencent said to the reporter from Nandu that many products, including WeChat, are engaged in the development, adaptation and technical communication of Hongmeng system. The HarmonyOS NEXT base is self-developed by Huawei. Because it is no longer compatible with Android, it is also called "pure blood Hongmeng" in the industry. Since Huawei announced the full launch of Hongmeng native applications in September 2023, domestic leading enterprises and small and medium-sized developers have been paying attention to and developing Hongmeng version of App applications. The on-site information of Huawei developer conference shows that the HarmonyOS NEXT Hongmeng Galaxy version has received actual support and response from leading domestic Internet enterprises. Tencent has more than 10 apps announced that they will be suitable for Hongmeng. Alibaba's Taobao, 1688, Xianyu, Feizhu, Cainiao Baobao, Nailing and other apps, as well as byte based head apps such as Today's Toutiao, Tiao Yin, Watermelon Video and other apps also appeared on the Hongmeng eco logo wall at the conference site. According to industry speculation, the above apps may become the first batch of "Pure Blood Hongmeng" native applications that have completed basic adaptation development and have been officially launched in succession.

Previously, it was reported that Huawei was about to reach an agreement with Tencent to allow the super application WeChat to run on its Hongmeng operating system without receiving in app revenue sharing. According to insiders, after months of negotiations, the two sides are close to reaching an agreement. Huawei will agree not to charge any fees for in app transactions in WeChat. People familiar with the matter also said that in exchange, Tencent would continue to maintain and update WeChat applications. In response to the above information, Nandu reporter has asked relevant people of Tencent for confirmation, and has not received a reply as of press release.

In addition, it is reported that WeChat has started the development of the original Hongmeng version in October 2023. In addition to the self owned development teams of various products, Tencent also recruits volunteers through the open source collaboration team to continue to provide technical support for the development of Hongmeng applications. However, at this Huawei developer conference, WeChat App did not appear in Hongmeng ecology. A person close to Tencent said to the reporter from Nandu that many products, including WeChat, are engaged in the development, adaptation and technical communication of Hongmeng system.

Yu Chengdong, Chairman of Huawei Terminal BG, announced that Hongmeng native application has entered a full sprint stage. Up to now, TOP 5000 applications have been added to Hongmeng Ecology, 1500+applications have been put on the shelves, and Hongmeng native application development has been started in many fields, constantly injecting new vitality, and Hongmeng puzzles have been accelerated to take shape.

In the view of industry developers, "Pure Blood Hongmeng" uses a unique ArkTS language, which is very different from mainstream programming languages, and its technical framework is also different from Android. In terms of adaptation, the larger the user scale, the higher the development cost, and the greater the corresponding pressure on data privacy security.

Interview: reporter from Nandu Lin Wenqi

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