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Eight days after his mother's death, the second uncle came to borrow 300000 yuan. His father hesitated, and the boy replied like this

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On Saturday, near noon, Liu Licai was ready to get up, but his mental state was still not very good. Eight days after his mother died, just in his dream, he saw the familiar face again and smiled at him.

Liu Li has a good relationship with his mother. Now, the family has no mother, which makes him feel lost too much.

He wanted to continue sleeping soundly, but his father called him several times in the living room, saying that he hadn't eaten breakfast. Now he ordered takeout, and they will deliver it soon.

When my mother was alive, the family would not order takeout. She was a typical good wife and mother. She was diligent, thrifty, virtuous and had always taken care of housework.

Liu Li and his father are very happy, but they are also spoiled in life. For example, their father and son's cooking skills are really not flattering. Once, on his mother's birthday, the father and son suddenly decided to cook together to make a love meal for her.

The result is very regrettable, very bad, to put it mildly, it is difficult to swallow; Hard to say, the dogs at home don't eat.

Since the death of their mother, their grief has not completely eased, and their father is in a relatively good state. When they are at home, they have chosen to eat takeout these days.

Liu Li was putting on his pants when a knock on the door suddenly sounded. It should be that the takeout had been delivered to his home, so he accelerated his pace.

The father in the living room quickly got up and said loudly, "Here we are."

Then his father called Liu Li's name again, urging him not to stay in bed.

When my father opened the door, the person who appeared in front of me was not a delivery clerk, but a familiar relative.

"Brother in law, have you eaten yet?"

The other smiled and said hello first. He was none other than Liu Li's second uncle.

The father was stunned and soon came to his senses. Then he smiled and called Liu Li's second uncle into the room. Although he did not know what the other side was doing, his father did not ask in a hurry, but answered what Liu Li's second uncle had just asked.

"It's almost time to eat. Not long ago, I ordered takeout on the Internet. Our father and son's cooking skills were really poor, and we didn't want to eat outside. So we asked the takeout to be delivered home, and we could eat anything!"

After saying that, the father asked Liu Li's second uncle politely, "Have you eaten yet? Brother, if not, let's go together! I'll order two more dishes."

Liu Li's second uncle shook his hand and said, "I met an acquaintance on the way here, and we just had enough food in the street restaurant."

At this time, Liu Li, who was about to open the door and walk out of the bedroom, suddenly chose to stop.

Because he is now a little disgusted with his second uncle.

When her mother was alive, she was super good to her only brother. Liu Li's second uncle met with difficulties in life. As long as she found Liu Li's mother, her mother was always ready to speak up. She gave money and efforts, but did not want to return.

Over the years, my second uncle has borrowed money from Liu Li's mother many times, married to buy a house, changed a new car, changed a school district house for his children, and started a business

I borrowed at least 800000 and 900000 yuan before and after, but never paid them back.

Liu Li's father didn't complain about this, let alone complain about it, because Liu Li's mother paid a lot at home. More importantly, when she married her father, she didn't think that her father was a poor man at that time. She accompanied her father to bear hardships and struggle together. Later, life became better and better, and her mother became a housewife, but she still managed the family industriously and thriftily, Never spend money lavishly for oneself.

The only disadvantage of mother is that she cares too much for her own brother, who is disappointing and likes to take advantage. She borrows money to him again and again, hoping that he can change and make progress, and that he can live better.

Unfortunately, her mother's hope was disappointed. Liu Li's second uncle not only did not rely on her mother's help many times to strive for growth and progress, but was spoiled. When he was short of money, he borrowed from his sister's home. In name, he never paid it back.

What's more, Liu Li's second uncle is not good at making money. He is good at spending money.

These aspects were not enough to make Liu Li not want to see his second uncle. What made Liu Li angry was that his mother was very kind to the second uncle. However, the second uncle had no trouble when his mother died. Even when his mother was in mourning, the second uncle talked and laughed with the guests who came to find his father's more successful friends everywhere, Pull to look for opportunities to work together to discuss business and business.

It made those guests very embarrassed, after all, it was very untimely.

Among them, two of Liu Li's father's business partners thought that Liu Li's second uncle was Liu Li's father's enemy and came here to make things worse.

This incident not only aroused Liu Li's strong dislike, but also his father was not happy, but he kept it in check. After all, it was the second brother of his dead wife. His father was more restrained, and he was too lazy to argue about it afterwards.

However, Liu Li was different. He was just as energetic as a man, and almost drove people away that day. At the critical moment, he was persuaded by other relatives in time, so that nothing very unpleasant happened.

Since then, Liu Li had no intention of recognizing the second uncle.

So this time, the second uncle suddenly came to the door. He was too lazy to go out to say hello. Instead, he picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to his father outside. He asked his father to tell the second uncle clearly and let him go.

In the living room outside the door, the father couldn't help asking Liu Li's second uncle, "What's important about your coming to...?"

The second uncle rubbed his hands and smiled. After a while, he raised his right hand to make a gesture: the thumb and index finger touched and rubbed together.

At the same time, he said: "My brother-in-law is really insightful. To be honest, I have encountered some economic difficulties in business recently, mainly due to the shortage of cash flow, so I specially asked you to borrow 300 thousand yuan to meet the emergency. When this crisis is over, I will return it to you immediately, and I have another thank you. The economic return and dinner invitation are no different."

Hearing this, Liu Li's father was silent. He got 300 thousand yuan, but he was unwilling to lend it to the other party. He has thoroughly understood this relative for so many years.

It's true to borrow money, but pay back and repay? He doesn't believe in punctuation.

Moreover, after his wife's death, his wife's brother's performance really made him feel cold.

Now, before his wife died, the money lent to the second uncle was obviously hard to get back, and he seldom bothered about it. But from then on, the second uncle would like to take money from his family like his son stabbed his father? He doesn't want to continue to be a big enemy.

Liu Li's father did not refuse directly, but hesitated to think about how it would be better to refuse politely.

At this time, Liu Li, hiding in the bedroom, couldn't help it.

He opened the door with a grim face and said, "If you don't, you can't lend money to others. I need more money."

The father and the second uncle in the living room were stunned and looked at Liu Li.

The father opened his mouth and stopped talking. After thinking about it, he felt that although his son's attitude was not very friendly, it also represented his own idea.

The second uncle looked inconceivable and asked, "What kind of outsider? I'm your second uncle, your mother's brother. What you said is chilling. My sister has only been away for eight days. Why, your father and son have started to turn against each other?"

Liu Li uttered a sneer and said, "Are you okay to say that you are my second uncle? My mother's brother? You really can say that."

"I'm too lazy to tell you this. Anyway, there's no way to borrow money. Don't say 300 thousand, 30 thousand, or even 3000."

The second uncle was about to speak, but Liu Li suddenly said, "You are willing to borrow money? Before my mother died, you always said you would pay back the money you borrowed, but which time did you pay back? Every time my mother used you, she always believed that you would become better and better. We are not confused."

"Do you still remember how much money you borrowed from my family over the years? I'm afraid you never remember! Yes, after all, you never thought about paying back."

The second uncle was angry at these words and said, "What's your attitude?"

Liu Li replied, "My attitude, no matter how bad it is, is much better than the brazen attitude of borrowing money without asking for it."

The second uncle choked on Liu Li's words. He looked angrily at Liu Li's father and said, "brother-in-law, what do you say?"

Liu Li answered directly: "Our father and son are one heart. Do you think my father is stupid and my son is not as close as my uncle? Moreover, he is the kind of uncle who has no reputation, only wants to take advantage of his family, but does not read family ties."

The second uncle continued to look at Liu Li's father and wanted to get down the steps and borrow the 300000 yuan.

However, Liu Li's father remained silent and seemed to say, "My son can represent me completely."

Liu Li's second uncle was so angry that he turned his head and walked away. At the same time, he put down his words and said, "You are not afraid of my dead sister's cold heart when you do this. Well, well, I can't afford to be a relative like you!"

Then the second uncle closed the door behind him and disappeared.

Soon, the sound of knocking at the door rang again. However, the door was not the one Liu Li disliked very much.

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