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Too fierce! Academician He Zuoxiu talked about traditional Chinese medicine again: traditional Chinese medicine is only 10% essence, and 90% is dross!

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Academician He Zuoxiu, a famous scientist and a leading figure in Chinese theoretical physics, talks about traditional Chinese medicine again.

He said that only 10% of the essence of traditional Chinese medicine, 90% of which are dross, should sublate.

Why did Mr. He suddenly become angry with traditional Chinese medicine? It turns out that some netizens started a topic:

Is TCM scientific or unscientific? He Lao said that whether traditional Chinese medicine is scientific or not is a problem;

In fact, he has said it many times, and he reiterated:

Only 10% of the essence of traditional Chinese medicine, the rest are dross, should be abandoned.

This time, Academician He also mentioned the so-called theory of Yin Yang and Five Elements, which should be sublated.

He also cited the views of some famous figures on TCM, such as Sun Yat sen, Liang Qichao, Guo Moruo, Ba Jin, Lu Xun and other famous thinkers and writers on TCM.

Academician He said that Lu Xun, a famous litterateur and thinker, once said that traditional Chinese medicine was almost the same as P Zi.

He once again stressed that the biggest problem of traditional Chinese medicine now is the need to solve the cognitive problem of traditional Chinese medicine, which is the biggest ideological problem and requires a deep understanding of the root of the problem.

In fact, it is not the first time for Lao He to talk about traditional Chinese medicine.

He has commented on traditional Chinese medicine many times before:

He Laozeng wrote that many celebrities in history opposed traditional Chinese medicine. For example, Chen Duxiu said that traditional Chinese medicine only had 1% of the essence, and academician He Zuoxiu said that I would also increase the essence of traditional Chinese medicine to 10%.

He quoted a data saying that less than 2% of people now see TCM.

A netizen asked whether the Chinese medicine left by the old ancestors should be recognized internationally?

He Lao said that it was not a question of international recognition at all;

However, many "therapies" of Chinese medicine follow the question recognized by medicine;

Otherwise, traditional Chinese medicine may be abandoned by the people and decline.

Academician He said that 90% of traditional Chinese medicine is dross, and only 10% of the essence. The dross needs to be abandoned as soon as possible.

To be honest, I don't agree with Academician He this time. The Chinese civilization has been thriving for more than 5000 years. The role of Chinese medicine is obvious. Foreign countries are making great efforts to protect Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine culture, and we are all criticizing Chinese medicine.

He has always been able to fight against the ultra leftist forces and fight against the ultra leftist forces with his own strength. I always support this, but I do not support anti Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine does not need counter measures, but needs strong support and development.

Of course, Academician He deserves respect in terms of anti extreme left situation.

Especially the war with the anti American fighter Dasima and the communication expert Xiang Accountant.

It can be said that we have fought resolutely against the ultra leftist forces on our own, without compromise or concession.

He angrily denounced Sima as a one-sided person. He said that Sima Nan appealed for common prosperity every day, which was supported and warmly responded by tens of millions of fans; What is the result? As a result, he or his small group became rich, and those loyal followers? Has common prosperity been achieved?

He Lao deeply revealed that Sima was practicing liberalism while fighting Marxism.

He said that Simanan was a dogmatist who adhered to Marx's theory with a wide range of aspects.

But he finally believed that Sima was a good man with great one-sided.

Look, after all, he has been a friend for decades. He thinks he has no personal grievances with Sima. He just wants to save his friend for decades and stand in the last post.

In addition, he also angrily accused the accountant of having no knowledge of science and being ignorant of it. He didn't even touch the door of science. He stood outside the door and observed. He was a proper layman, but he thought he was an expert.

Why does academician Lao Xiang dislike him so much? It is because Lao Xiang feels that he has become a Sunflower Treasure and is invincible in the world. He said that China's scientific and technological strength has surpassed that of the United States, but we are just confident. We are far ahead in three major fields. The United States has not made progress for decades and is on the verge of collapse.

Xiang Ligang said, first of all, don't mention the number of papers, university rankings, which are superficial; More importantly Basic capabilities, materials, energy and information , we are far ahead.

China has been far ahead of the United States in materials, new energy and communication capabilities, and the United States is no longer China's competitor. This is the general direction. There are also typical examples. The United States, such as electromagnetic guns and supersonic missiles, also lags behind China.

Including the next big opportunity, smart cars, have taken the lead in the United States.

Lao Xiang also offered three standards of Xiang Ligang, saying that netizens summarized his three standards very ingeniously, which he felt was very useful.

The netizen asked, "What kind of technology expert is Xiang always?"?

He Lao said that he clearly made a big mistake and confused science and technology with industry. He also equated science with technology, but science is not equal to technology and even less industry... He didn't even touch the door of science. His scientific observation was just standing far away to observe, but he thought he was an expert

President Xiang doesn't just regard himself as an expert. He openly said that in the scientific and technological world, there are no more than 5 people who are more capable than him. It's too cruel. Mr. Xiang is so confident and admired!

Recently, some people attributed the economic difficulties, difficulty in recovery and sluggish consumption to the noise of the extreme left.

He Lao said that as long as these ultra leftist forces, such as Sima and others, are still clamouring, economic recovery will be more difficult "! Originally, economic recovery is a big problem. Plus Sima and others are clamouring, of course, it will be" more difficult "!

I don't agree with anti TCM, but I firmly support anti extreme left.

Why is it difficult for the economy to recover? As long as the big V who eat patriotic food are still generating flow and calling for wind and rain, the economy and confidence will be difficult to recover. This may be the best indicator and evaluation standard. It can be said that the current economic barometer is more reliable than any expert prediction

Only when those ultra leftist forces stop making noise can the economic recovery be hopeful. It is fundamental to restore the economy, increase employment and promote consumption.

Finally, Dr. Zhang Honglin, a good friend of Mr. He for several decades, said that Mr. He is not anti Chinese medicine, not to mention a complete denial of Chinese medicine. A group of people with ulterior motives slandered Mr. He for anti Chinese medicine, or Chinese medicine.

Academician He is 97 years old and still active in the front line every day. Some people think that He Laohei is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, and some people think that He Laolao is at this age. It's commendable to dare to tell the truth!

Personally, I believe that Chinese medicine will continue to carry forward. It has been a part of Chinese culture and civilization for thousands of years. I hope He Lao will be healthy and live to be more than 100 years old. As he said, he will do his last duty and stand on the last post!

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