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He was elected Deputy Mayor of Xingtan Town and has been working in the Shunde public security system for a long time

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On June 18, the eighth meeting of the 18th People's Congress of Xingtan Town, Shunde District, Foshan City was held. The General Assembly voted to allow Comrade Zheng Xiaojun to resign as Deputy Mayor of Xingtan Town People's Government, and voted to elect Liu Feng as Deputy Mayor of Xingtan Town People's Government according to law.

Huang Yongsheng (front left), chairman of the People's Congress of Xingtan Town, issued the certificate of election to Comrade Liu Feng (front right). Photographed by birch

According to the public data, Liu Feng has worked in the Shunde public security system for a long time before. He has successively served as the squadron leader of the First Squadron (Comprehensive Guidance Squadron) of the Criminal Police Brigade of Shunde Branch of Foshan Public Security Bureau, the deputy director of the Command Center of Shunde District Public Security Bureau, the deputy leader of the Science and Technology Informatization Brigade, the deputy leader of the Public Security Management Brigade, etc.

Public information shows that at present, Liu Feng, as the deputy mayor of Xingtan Town and the director (sub director) of Xingtan Police Station (sub bureau) of the District Public Security Bureau, is in charge of public security, national security, traffic management, social security, and coordination of fire rescue work. Assist in comprehensive treatment, stability maintenance and complaint reporting.

Comprehensive South+etc

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