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New Legend of Carving Heroes: Tolerate the ugliness of Huang Rong and the tenderness of Mei Chaofeng, but this is really unbearable

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Jin Yong's swordsman dramas, can you respect Jin Yong?

Throughout the swordsman market, Jin Yong's swordsmen have a great influence. His characters are flesh and blood, and the humanity and rich emotions in the bones of various wizards and masters can always attract audiences.

The martial arts dramas produced by TVB can particularly reflect the essence of Jin Yong's novels. Huang Rihua's version of The Legend of the Carving Hero, Chen Xiaochun's version of The Deer Cauldron, and Gu Tianle's version of The Condor Heroes are all regarded as classics of martial arts dramas.

However, Jin Yong's dramas in recent years are totally aimed at destroying classics.

5.8 points of "Yitian Slaughter the Dragon", 3.4 points of "Tianlong Eight", and 3.3 points of "Luding", each of which is making bad dramas with the popularity of classic IP.

Here comes another big collection of bad dramas - Jin Yong's Swordsman World.

The story of Guo Jing growing into a great Xia is told in five units, namely, "Iron Blood and Heart", "Eastern Evil and Western Poison", "Southern Emperor and Northern Beggar", "Huashan Sword", and "Nine Yin Scripture".

One word summary: rotten!

Drama has been greatly deleted and changed

It can be said that Jin Yong's Knight errant World is a new adaptation of Jin Yong's novels. On the premise that the original works can be used for reference, it chose——

Remove the essence and form the dross.

The background of the story takes place in the Southern Song Dynasty. After the Jingkang Revolution, Guo Xiaotian (Yan Jie), the father of Guo Jing (this sand decoration), was killed by a treacherous minister. Guo Jing and his mother fled, and Genghis Khan brought them into the army to support them.

By chance, the Seven Eccentrics of Jiangnan found Guo Jing and taught him martial arts.

However, the background of Genghis Khan was ignored in Jin Yong's World of Swordsmen, and the identity of Guo Jing's son-in-law of Jin Dao was lost. The beginning of the plot was that seven monsters in the south of the Yangtze River led Guo Jing to practice martial arts, which made the plot unsustainable.

Guo Jing went to Jiangnan to make a fortune. When he saw Huang Rong (decorated with grace) giving clothes and money, he seemed to have a cornucopia on his body. He could easily pull out silver.

Why, the seven monsters of Jiangnan cultivate some secret magic, which can turn the sand in the desert into silver.

And Ma Yu (Wang Jiusheng), who admires the seven monsters of Jiangnan who went to the desert to save the orphans. In order not to let their disciples lose to their teachers' disciples and ruin their reputation, he goes thousands of miles into the desert to teach Guo Jing's mind skills.

His martial arts and benevolence are top in the Wulin. How can such a person stop Guo Jing to peep when the Seven Eccentrics of Jiangnan are fighting Mei Chaofeng (Meng Ziyi).

When Guo Jing's move was misunderstood by the masters, Ma Yucai showed up to show his identity.

When the original book told the story here, Ma Yu and Guo Jing accidentally found that people in the tribe were colluding with Wulin people to invade the Song Dynasty. Ma Yu and Guo Jing explained their identity to the Seven Eccentrics in Jiangnan.

If not, shoot according to the original work. The good and decent people are changed into villains, and Jin Yong's coffin is almost overwhelmed.

Even if the plot is changed, the soul of the martial arts drama is only an empty shell——


It can't be said that there are no fighting scenes, but every fighting scene in the play is set off by editing and camera switching.

Mei Chaofeng held the tree and turned around. The man stood in front of her and waited for her to kick. The sword in his hand protected his chest. His feet had not touched the skin yet, and he flew away.

It's harder to swing a stick than Zhu Bajie's harrowing with nine teeth. Besides, when people swing the stick on the right to the left, Mei Chaofeng can't avoid it.

The masters were fighting with Mei Chaofeng. Guo Jing came on the swing and stumbled so that he almost fell on the ground. Teacher Weiya and the actors could not cooperate with each other.

It seems that a group of people are dancing in the drama. I didn't see it.

Please, the main creators, don't shoot randomly depending on the audience's love for Jin Yong's martial arts dramas.

The actors don't agree. Guo Jing plays too silly

The essence of swordsman dramas always lies in people. Each character in Jin Yong's novels is original and authentic.

The casting of Jin Yong's drama is also a top priority. To be honest, no matter who plays these roles, there is no dispute. "Jin Yong's Swordsman World" simply breaks the pot and focuses on casting with eyes closed.

Let's start with the actor of Huang Rong.

When Bao Shangen comes out, netizens can't sit still and start wheat directly——

The ugliest Huang Rong in history.

When Huang Rong met Guo Jing for the first time, she was a 16-year-old girl. She had the pure beauty of lightness and detachment from consciousness. But her makeup was too modern. Her face was blackened and she still remembered to mention the lying silkworm.

And the porcelain teeth, too much drama.

When she came on the stage in women's clothes, it was described as follows in the original book——

"The skin is incomparably beautiful and snowy, and the complexion is extremely beautiful. You can't look at it closely. Guo Jing only feels dazzled, and dare not look at it again..."

Indeed, if I were Guo Jing, I would not dare to watch any more. I was infected by the cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed cross eyed.

Bao Shangen didn't have the aura to play the role. Instead, he gave Huang Rong a "hooliganism". His mouth was pulled into a parallelogram when he spoke. No wonder netizens said they wanted to push her into the river. I also wanted to.

Let's talk about the actor of Mei Chaofeng, Mencius Yi.

Although Mei Chaofeng in the original book was a great beauty when he was young, he hid in the dark every day after escaping to practice the Nine Yin White Bone Claw. How could he still be as delicate as his youth.

Is it really reasonable that the lipstick and heavy makeup that can be seen clearly under the gloomy filter when Meng Ziyi appears?

The most important thing is that Guo Jing has grown into a teenager. Why Mei Chaofeng is still so tender? She only cultivates nine yin white bone claws, not white bone essence.

However, the most unbearable thing for me is Guo Jing's actor - this sand.

Different from other Great Xia, Guo Jing has a kind of "stupid" temperament. It is not really stupid, but great wisdom like foolishness. But what this sand shows is foolishness with incomplete mind.

When Huang Rong invited guests to dinner for the first time, his eyes almost grew on each other, staring straight at people, like kindergarten children saw sugar.

When helping out when the road is not smooth, he frowns and blinks, and his chin and mouth pout out for two miles, for fear that others may not see his innocence and innocence.

The director dares to hand over the script and the sand dares to accept when he plays the 18-year-old Guo Jing with an old face.


After reading Jin Yong's Swordsman World, I finally understand why the Swordsman Drama has declined.

The story can not stand up in a disorderly way, the story is illogical after being substantially edited, the actors' acting skills are poor and the role fit is low, and the whole play is soft like dancing.

It is difficult to have a play, and none of its advantages can be singled out. Jinyong Swordsman World has done it.

It won't be ugly to shoot the original work honestly, but the so-called main creators must adapt according to their own ideas. One bad play after another is enough to illustrate the problem.

Audiences love to watch swordsmen, but not all swordsmen plays deserve the word "swordsman".

All directors, since they can't shoot swordsmen well, they let the audience down again and again.

What do you think about the slot points of Jin Yong's Swordsman World?

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