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Putin killed three birds with one arrow

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Sure enough, the Kremlin announced it.

From June 18 to 19, Putin visited North Korea; On 19-20, Putin visited Vietnam.

Although it was expected earlier, I saw that many western media still immediately used "Rare access" To describe.

Especially the visit to North Korea. After all, the last time Putin visited North Korea was 24 years ago in 2000, when Putin was very young and had just taken charge of Russia. It was Kim Jong Il, the father of Kim Jong Un, who received him.

Twenty four years is really a snap.

According to the disclosure of Russian media, Putin will lead a large delegation this time, including Foreign Minister Lavrov, First Deputy Prime Minister Mantulov, Defense Minister Belosov, Health Minister, Minister of Transport, Director of the Space Agency, Russian railway chief and other political and economic officials.

There will certainly be flowers, applause, and super large warm welcome scenes, and a series of important cooperation documents will also be signed, including "a possible comprehensive strategic partnership agreement".

Why now? Why go to these two countries?

I always think that this is Putin's diplomatic means. This visit will kill three birds with one arrow.

1. To show the world that Russia also has many friends. Especially at the closing of the Ukraine Peace Summit, he announced that he would visit North Korea and Vietnam immediately.

2. Strengthen relations and closer and deeper cooperation with the two countries. This is not a simple symbolic visit. There must be a lot of substantive cooperation.

3. Take the initiative to counter the encirclement and suppression of the United States and the West. When the United States plays Ukraine, Caucasus and economic sanctions against Russia, Russia will also play cards, Peninsula and look east.

So, we see that, In the past two years, the relationship between Russia and North Korea has become closer and closer. There is no doubt that the most tense one is South Korea, and the other is the United States.

According to media reports, last Friday, Kim Hongjun, the first official of the South Korean Foreign Ministry, made an emergency call with US Deputy Secretary of State Campbell to discuss the possible visit of Putin to the DPRK.

The United States and South Korea have their own anxieties.

South Korea is most worried that this will boost North Korea's confidence, especially Russia's help will improve North Korea's missile and satellite level, which poses a serious threat to South Korea.

The United States is most worried that Russia will get help again. It does not rule out that North Korea will send urgently needed weapons to Russia for use in the Ukrainian battlefield.

In any case, according to the South Korean Intelligence Agency, South Korea has detected that North Korea has delivered at least 10000 containers to Russia, which can contain up to 4.8 million shells.

South Korea said it was right, but Russia and North Korea categorically denied it.

Russia also has a clear attitude that it will cooperate and develop relations with North Korea in the way it chooses, and will not let any country tell Russia what to do, especially the United States.

That is to say, what Russia wants to do, the United States' opposition is invalid, and South Korea's opposition is even more invalid.

After staying in North Korea for one night, Putin will also go to Vietnam. This is Putin's first state visit to Vietnam since 2017, and will also be his fifth visit to Vietnam.

There must also be cooperation. According to officials familiar with the matter, Russia and Vietnam are expected to announce a series of cooperation in trade, investment, technology and education.

I see that many western media have described the American attitude as both embarrassed and angry.

Because it is very simple, when Biden visited Vietnam last year, the US Vietnam relations were "upgraded to two levels in a row", from "comprehensive partnership" to "comprehensive strategic partnership", and the US was very happy. However, Vietnam turned around to receive Putin.

The United States cannot influence North Korea, but it can pressure Vietnam.

Therefore, we see that the spokesman of the US Embassy in Vietnam has said that no country should provide Putin with a platform to "publicize his war of aggression", and "if he can travel freely, Russia's flagrant violations of international law will be normalized".

But now that the official announcement is made, it means that Vietnam will definitely not bird the United States.

After all, Vietnam is also a sovereign and independent country. From the perspective of Vietnam, receiving Putin's visit also reflects that the country "pursues a balanced foreign policy that does not favor any major country".

Therefore, we can see that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been playing a great game in the world recently.

1. At the G7 Summit in Italy, the West gathered together and invited Zelensky. The theme was how to deal with Russia, and incidentally accused China of helping Russia.

2. The G7 meeting was followed by the Ukraine Peace Summit in Switzerland. The theme was still how to help Ukraine.

3. The Ukraine Peace Summit has just ended, and Putin's visit was announced by the Kremlin officials. The timing must be carefully designed.

4. Undoubtedly, in the next few days, Putin's visit and breakthrough, as well as various anxieties of the West and South Korea, will be a major international concern.

I saw that C's analysis article was very sour. At the end of the article, it said:


"In the end, we probably won't know what agreement has been reached - we didn't know when Kim Jong un visited Russia last year. But with impeccable visual effects and information transmission, Putin can make a big step in this world's most isolated country to announce: 'Yes, I can -- see me.'"

North Korea and Vietnam are China's close neighbors. What will China think of them?

At the regular press conference of the Foreign Ministry last week, the irrepressible Yonhap News Agency asked relevant questions. Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian replied: We have taken note of the relevant reports. This issue involves bilateral exchanges between Russia and the DPRK. I can't comment on it.

He went on to say: In principle, China welcomes the consolidation and development of traditional friendly relations between Russia and relevant countries

Four liang is worth a thousand jin.

Of course, in addition to the diplomatic game, there is also a small issue related to China that I am most concerned about.

Don't forget that Putin visited China last month and the joint statement issued by China and Russia has one sentence related to North Korea, namely“ (China and Russia) The two sides will hold a constructive dialogue with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on Chinese ships sailing through the lower reaches of the Tumen River. "

The issue of the Tumen River estuary is a permanent pain for us Chinese people. We can even overlook the sea, but we can only look at the sea and sigh.

This issue concerns the three countries, the dredging of the downstream river, and the treatment of the low bridge. It needs good consultation among the three parties.

"Constructive dialogue" is a dialogue aimed at solving problems.

Will Putin talk about this issue in passing during his visit to North Korea?

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