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Gender: the "fragrant grass" in women's private places is more "thick" and more "eager"?

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For hair, in different areas, humans have different "requirements" for them

For hair, the denser the better

People like long and curly eyelashes

For nose hair, the shorter the better

The remaining beard, armpit hair, leg hair, chest hair

Men and women may have different preferences

In addition to these, there is another place that may be difficult for us to say, that is - private hair!

Many men like to call the hair of a woman's private part secret forest, bush, grass

Because they are in the privacy of women, when mentioned, women will be shy and embarrassed.

Xiao Mei, 22 years old this year, has had a lot of hair on her body since she was young. She was very upset in the summer. Recently, she planned to go to the seaside with her boyfriend. In order to put on a beautiful bathing suit, she gave herself a full body "hair removal".

Xiaomei shaved all the hair on her legs, armpits and private parts. When she was about to finish all the "hair removal" work, she had a brainwave and shaved off the hair on the "Chrysanthemum Department". Anyway, it was so hot in summer, and the hair there was useless and stuffy.

I thought it was refreshing, but I didn't expect that when she walked to work the next day, the skin in the middle of Xiaomei's buttocks was rubbed and very uncomfortable. A few days later, the situation became more serious, and the buttocks began to itch, just like ants crawling.

After going to the hospital for examination, Xiaomei was diagnosed with perianal eczema, and the reason for this disease was that she shaved off "anal hair". She thought that perianal hair was useless, so Xiaomei woke up and misunderstood it

In fact, female pubic hair is also part of body hair, and pubic hair has a very unique role.

When women enter puberty, due to hormone secretion, women have inverted triangle, shield, long strip or inverted trapezoid pubic hair.

The hair of women's private parts is generally curly, with a length of 1~7 cm. Like our hair, pubic hair will also fall off.

This "secret forest" in the private place has existed since the birth of human beings. As a shelter for privacy, it is both mysterious and useful.

The pubic hair of women is the closest "armor" to the genitals, which can protect women's reproductive health to a certain extent;

At the same time, women's pubic hair is also attractive to men, and it is easier to arouse men's desire in love.

In fact, in men's psychology and vision, women's pubic hair will produce a mysterious beauty;

From a medical point of view, women's pubic hair is a natural barrier, just as eyelashes can protect the eyes, it can reduce the risk of bacterial and viral infection and protect reproductive health.

Physically, a woman's pubic hair is a sports buffer. Sexual life, long time wearing clothes and walking, will cause certain friction damage to the skin of the female pubic region. At this time, pubic hair can play a buffering role and protect the skin of private parts.

This is what many people are curious about. Men often feel bad. The thicker the pubic hair, the stronger the desire of women.

In fact, it can clearly tell you that whether pubic hair is thick or not is not necessarily related to sexual ability

The density of pubic hair is related to genetic factors, androgen secretion, hair follicle sensitivity to hormones and other factors. Although androgen is positively related to sexual desire, sexual desire is also affected by emotional, mental, disease and other factors, and androgen does not play a decisive role.

1. Whitening

Chinese women's pubic hair is mostly black or brown, which contains a lot of melanin. With the growth of age, it will naturally turn white like the hair, which is a physiological change. But generally after 60 years old, if the pubic hair turns white before the age, you must pay attention!

2. There are attachments

If there are yellow, black or red nodules on a woman's pubic hair, it may be tinea pubis.

If there are small gray particles and unbearable itching, it is likely that they are entangled by pubic lice.

At this time, we must pay attention, check and treat in time, and avoid sexual life, because it is likely to infect the other half!

3. Large amount of falling off

Women's pubic hair will fall off just like their hair. With age, hair follicles will gradually shrink, pubic hair loss will increase, and pubic hair will gradually become scarce, which is a normal physiological phenomenon.

But if a large number of them suddenly fall off, a lot of them will fall off once they grasp them. At this time, they may be caused by diseases, so we must pay attention!

If you are troubled by pubic hair, you don't need it!

The pubic hair still has many functions for women, and male friends can pay more attention to the changes of their girlfriend's pubic hair at ordinary times, and pay more attention to her!

What is the reason why men are obsessed with women's breasts? No matter when, men like to stare at women's breasts, especially plump ones. So, what is the reason why men are obsessed with women's breasts? The following small margin will reveal the truth for you, please know.

The reason why men are obsessed with women's breasts

Women know that one of men's favorite parts is breasts, so women want their breasts to be sexy and plump, but few people think, why do men love breasts so much, and what kind of breasts do men like best?

Why do men like women's breasts?

Men are naturally obsessed with breasts, which is related to hormone secretion. American biologists Dr. Larry Young and Dr. Brian Alexander analyzed in their new book that, physiologically speaking, men's obsession with breasts is the breast attraction bound when snacks are eaten. When a mother takes care of a newborn, it stimulates the hypothalamus to release oxytocin. Oxytocin can not only make women secrete milk, but also let newborns remember the mother's appearance, voice and smell. Therefore, it has a strong force in shortening the relationship between mother and baby, and also has a strong catalytic role in future lovers.

Attractive criteria for breast

For women, having perfect breasts is a great way to attract partners. The standard for judging the beauty of breasts is not only size, but also the following characteristics, forming a unified and harmonious whole with the human body, forming a unique smooth, round and beautiful curve beauty of women. Only the following five factors can determine the most beautiful breast.

(1) Firm+Hemisphere

Strong and hemispherical are the basic requirements to measure a perfect pair of breasts. Plastic surgeons measured the breasts of some unmarried young women in China, and found that the standard breast volume of women with a height of 1.6m should be 150350ml. Generally speaking, the height of the breast axis (the height from the breast bottom to the nipple) is 46cm, about 1/2 of the diameter of the breast bottom. Hemispherical breasts are the most beautiful breasts for Chinese women. But in life, people always think that the bigger the breast, the better. In fact, the ideal breast for Asians should be BC cup.

(2) Bilateral+symmetrical

The symmetry mentioned here is not completely symmetrical, but basically symmetrical, because no one's two breasts are identical. The size, shape and position of both sides are basically the most beautiful. The breast should be higher than the second to sixth rib; The nipple should be located above and below the fourth rib, almost in the center of the shoulder and elbow. In addition, if the concavity between the two clavicles and the connection between the two nipples can be triangular, it is the most ideal and perfect form.

(3) Skin+smooth

The skin of breast is very delicate, but it also needs our care. The chest skin is smooth and feels good, making people feel more comfortable and closer. But if the skin is rough and prickly to the touch, people have no desire to touch. So when you usually care for your body, you should also care for your chest skin and apply body lotion to moisturize it.

(4) Soft+elastic

The perfect chest should be soft and elastic, like a ball, so that people can't put it down. Breast is composed of fat and breast tissue. The texture of breast tissue is higher than fat toughness, but it is not as ideal as fat. Therefore, the higher the proportion of fat, the better the feeling of breast, and the more elastic the feeling. With the growth of age, fertility and lactation, the proportion of breast fat will be reduced, and the elasticity and feel of breast will also be reduced.

(5) Areola+pink brown

The color of areola also becomes the standard to measure whether the chest is perfect. According to the survey, most people believe that the ideal nipple and areola should be pink brown. The nipple is uniform cylindrical, slightly upward, symmetrical on both sides, and generally 0.60.8cm in diameter. However, in real life, some women can not protrude their nipples due to congenital reasons or lactation, or the nipple areola is pigmented and enlarged, which affects the overall beauty of the breast.

In short, if a woman wants to attract men's attention, she must first have a pair of plump and round breasts.

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