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The Japanese predicted that the "four most developed cities" in Asia in the next 20 years, depending on how many Chinese cities are on the list

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In recent years, under the situation that the economic environment is not developing well, the Asian region still presents a very stable market dynamics and a sustained growth trend.

In order to further promote the economic development of Asia, 48 cities in Asia are united, He has invested a lot of energy in building his own city.

In April 2023, the Japanese media Asahi Shimbun predicted the future development trend of Asia. It also reviews the 100 cities with the highest GDP in Asia and finds the four most developed cities.

How many Chinese cities are on the list? Is the Japanese evaluation fair?

Tokyo, Japan tops the list

When Japan conceives the blueprint of future urban development, it naturally puts Tokyo in a leading position, which may be a little boastful. However, if we deeply analyze the recent rapid progress and changes in Tokyo, we will find that this confidence is not groundless.

As the central nervous system of Japan, Tokyo has taken the lead in the global urban economic competition with its amazing GDP of 1.52 trillion US dollars. This brilliant achievement is undoubtedly the best proof of its strong economic strength and prosperity.

The rapid growth of Tokyo's economy is largely due to the booming financial industry and the thriving entertainment industry. These factors have attracted many Asian rich people to settle down, further promoting the circular development of the economy.

In addition, Tokyo's technological strength is also its proud capital, Since the advent of Shinkansen in the 1960s , up to now, remarkable achievements in chip technology, biotechnology and new energy,

Tokyo has gradually transformed into a world-class high-tech center, especially in the field of hydrogen energy. Its leading technology of hydrogen production from seawater provides an innovative way to solve the problem of energy self-sufficiency, which is crucial to maintaining long-term economic growth potential.

However, while proudly demonstrating Tokyo's economic development and scientific and technological progress, It is also facing severe challenges brought by nuclear sewage discharge.

This behavior not only threatens the health of the marine ecosystem, but also damages the international image of the country, which may become an important factor restricting the future development of Tokyo and even Japan.

The potential nuclear radiation risk may deter investors, affect the confidence of financial and technology enterprises, and further shake Tokyo's position as a hot spot for investment.

Therefore, how to balance economic development and environmental protection, Deal with the problem of nuclear sewage Will be the key to determine whether Tokyo can maintain its global leading position.

If this environmental crisis cannot be properly solved, Tokyo's future development may be overshadowed, and its halo in the global city rankings may also be dimmed.


Seoul, the capital of South Korea, carries Korean pride and has long been regarded as the pearl of East Asia, It is not only the world center in the eyes of Koreans It is also an investment hot spot pursued by numerous financial groups and entrepreneurs around the world.

But does Seoul deserve it?

A series of data and achievements give a positive answer. In the latest "2024 World's Best Cities" list, Seoul has firmly ranked 10th. At the same time, it has also won the third place in the "2024 World Cities Studying Abroad" list.

Seoul's GDP per capita reached USD 35600, It ranks in the forefront of major economies in the world, and its economic output accounts for an astonishing half of South Korea's national economy, The accurate proportion is 47.39%, This data clearly shows Seoul's strong driving force and core position as the lifeline of the national economy.

The solid foundation of Seoul's economic miracle is deeply rooted in its outstanding achievements and profound accumulation in cutting-edge technology industries such as semiconductors and displays.

Samsung Electronics, As a global electronics giant, it not only leads the trend in the field of smart phones and TV It is also unique in semiconductor technology. Galaxy series smart phones compete with Apple, and screen technology is also world-renowned.

In addition, as another business card of Korean industry, Hyundai Motor, headquartered in Seoul, has a wide range of product lines, from household cars to commercial heavy trucks, all of which reveal Hyundai's global influence.

Seoul is not only a highland of commerce and manufacturing, but also an active platform for international exchange. Frequent international conferences and exhibitions attract global elites and promote cultural integration and ideological collision.

A large number of foreigners and international students live here, forming a diverse and inclusive cultural atmosphere.

Although the use of Korean English contains a unique local color, The Seoul Municipal Government is going all out, Actively promote the internationalization of the city's language environment, ensure that English is popularized to every street corner, and effectively strengthen Seoul's connectivity and communication ability with the world.

Seoul's geographical location makes it occupy an important position in the strategic layout of the United States, It plays the role of connecting the east and the west and monitoring neighboring countries This unique geopolitical identity, although accompanied by a partial compromise of national sovereignty, has also won the favor of the United States for this city, attracting foreign capital inflows, and the stationing of US troops has strengthened its regional security and international status.

The rise of Seoul as a super city is not only the result of the unremitting efforts of the Korean people, but also the result of the complex game in the international political and economic pattern.

Hong Kong, China

The reason why Hong Kong can shine on the international stage lies in its unique Geographically located, highly open and inclusive economic system , as well as world-class financial service capabilities.

The free and open nature of Hong Kong's economic system constitutes its core competitiveness. The low tax rate, simple tax system and unlimited foreign exchange flow, combined with an all-round embrace of foreign investment, have built an ideal place for the influx of global capital.

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange, as the leading stock exchange in Asia, It has not only attracted global enterprises to come to seek funds It has also become the preferred springboard for mainland Chinese enterprises to go global, effectively promoting the interaction and integration of eastern and western capital.

In addition, Hong Kong's banking, insurance and asset management industries enjoy a high reputation worldwide. Many international financial giants have set up branches here to expand the Asia Pacific market as a strategic fulcrum.

The efficient regulatory mechanism and sound legal system of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority provide a safe and reliable haven for global investors, further driving the continued prosperity of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong's geographical advantages, especially its Victoria Harbor on the east coast of Asia, Make it a natural bridge between China and the world market.

As one of the busiest aviation hubs in the world, Hong Kong International Airport has an extensive route network covering more than 200 destinations around the world, ensuring the efficient flow of people and goods.

The completion and opening of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge has further deepened Hong Kong and the mainland, especially Links in the Pearl River Delta , accelerated the flow of talents and resources, and jointly promoted the coordinated development of regions.

Although the financial services industry is Hong Kong's strength, the city has not stopped here. In recent years, Hong Kong has actively encouraged scientific and technological innovation, attracted global technology enterprises and start-up teams to settle in, and set up R&D bases, demonstrating its firm pace of continuous upgrading and transformation, and moving towards diversified development.

As the political heart of China and a world-famous historical and cultural city, Beijing's unique charm is not only limited to its rich historical accumulation, but also lies in its cutting-edge position in the field of scientific and technological innovation.

In the ranking of global scientific research cities in 2023, Beijing tops the list, At the same time, it has been listed as one of the top three cities with global innovation capability in many international assessments, It highlights its role as a leader in the era of global knowledge economy.

Beijing has an ambitious vision. It has long been planned to become a model city of the global digital economy by 2030. At present, its digital economy has reached a considerable scale. As early as three years ago, it has exceeded the threshold of 1.66 trillion yuan, ranking the first echelon in the development of the digital economy. Its strong competitiveness cannot be underestimated.

In terms of infrastructure construction, Beijing has also demonstrated world-class standards. Its urban infrastructure quality is among the best in the world. There are 131 high-rise buildings in the CBD alone, This region is second only to Tokyo in attractiveness in Asia , ranking seventh in the world, attracting numerous domestic and foreign enterprises and talents.

In addition, as a famous tourist city with a long history, Beijing has many world cultural heritages such as the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, Temple of Heaven, etc. These historic sites spanning thousands of years are not only the witness of China's long history, It is also a magnet that attracts tourists from all over the world, attracting millions of visitors every year to explore the broad and profound Chinese civilization.

Therefore, Beijing is not only the political center and economic center of the country, but also a bridge connecting the past and the future. It is an international metropolis integrating classical charm and modern vitality.

Is the ranking fair?

Japan regards Tokyo as the first place. This emotion naturally contains a deep national complex, but it is undeniable that Tokyo's development is facing a bottleneck, which echoes the stagflation of Japan's overall economy.

At present, Japan's economy is nearly stagnant, the aging problem is intensifying, the gap between the rich and the poor is wide, and the traditional advantages in global science and technology and manufacturing are gradually weakening, which indicates that Tokyo will face many difficulties in maintaining its current international status in the next two decades.

In contrast, the development potential of Chinese cities is particularly prominent.

With the rapid rise of the country, not only Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other first tier cities have occupied an important position in the global economic landscape, but also Guangzhou, Tianjin, Chongqing, Chengdu, Xi'an, Wuhan and other cities are relying on the huge population base Active innovation industry , as well as the increasingly improved infrastructure, showing a strong momentum of catching up with and even comparable to Tokyo.

The rapid development of these cities is partly due to the rich resources and policy support in their vast regions. For example, Guangzhou is backed by Guangdong, an economically powerful province, while Chongqing and Tianjin enjoy preferential policies at the national level as municipalities directly under the Central Government, Its development momentum is not easily comparable to that of a single city in Japan or South Korea.

On the level of economic scale, Guangdong Province is already on a par with Japan, which should not be underestimated; At the same time, Chongqing and Tianjin, as municipalities directly under the Central Government, have shown their unique competitive strength under the policy dividend.

Looking back at the city rankings published by the Japanese media, The emotional tendency may deviate from the reality.

In the face of the current global economic situation, especially the external pressure brought by the Federal Reserve's continuous interest rate hikes, the Japanese economy is undergoing a severe test. The problems such as the depreciation of the yen and weak consumption are becoming increasingly prominent. The economic growth forecast for this year is not optimistic.


Therefore, we should be cautious about such city rankings based on the position of specific countries.

The real urban development should not only stay in the false name of the ranking, but need to solve the internal structural problems through real efforts, and constantly innovate and reform to achieve sustainable and healthy economic and social development.

In this process, the actual actions and results can reflect the real strength and development potential of a city and even a country more than the ranking on paper.

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