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There are 6 wonderful rules in North Korea. Don't touch them! If you are not careful, you will lose your life?

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Under the background of the vigorous development of national economy and culture, people's living standards are also rising, and the epidemic situation is gradually ending, More and more people choose to travel abroad for holidays , such as neighboring Thailand, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, etc.

When we go to these countries as tourists, we need to Follow unique local customs and regulations Because these countries are geographically close to China and share the cultural background of East Asia and Southeast Asia.

Incredibly strict information control regulations, strange production systems, and ironic diplomatic means All of the above have attracted wide attention and ridicule in the world, but at the same time, they have also brought a unique impact on the economy and society of North Korea. Today, let's talk about what are the wonderful regulations of North Korea, and what should we pay attention to when traveling as tourists?

North Korea forbids personal action

Although North Korea is our neighbor Its own closed and traditional policies Most people do not understand it. North Korea is famous for its unique political system and economic model. Especially after Kim Jong un took charge of North Korea, many wonderful regulations began to appear in this closed country.

Living in North Korea is like living under a monitor. Every move will be strictly monitored. It seems that we only have In spy movies and TV plays But it has become an extremely important rule in North Korea.

As tourists, when entering the territory of North Korea, everyone should do as the Romans do "Can't act alone" With the iron discipline, tourists entering North Korea can only participate in group tours, not as individual tourists.

Follow the local guide throughout the journey, and play in the designated area. Don't leave the team to fight alone because of curiosity or to shoot some beautiful scenes. Otherwise, you may be accidentally put on the hat of "espionage crime".

Occurred before 2016 US Tourist Events It is a lesson from the past. When an American young man traveled to North Korea, he secretly went to the fifth floor of the elevator at night because of his curiosity and adventurous spirit and wanted to get rid of the limited time and space for activities.

His unauthorized actions, together with the touch of posters, seriously violated the laws of North Korea, resulting in his immediate sentencing "Conspiracy state crime", sentenced to 15 years

This story deeply reminds tourists that curiosity kills cats in North Korea.

North Korea restricts drying clothes

In countries all over the world, drying clothes is such a common chore. After washing clothes, whether they are hung on the indoor balcony or outdoors, people will let the breeze and sun dry clothes naturally to remove mites and smell. However, drying clothes on the balcony, Some cities in North Korea are forbidden Why?

The reason is that the Korean government believes that drying clothes on the balcony will not only Affect the beauty and tidiness of the city In addition, if clothes fall from the balcony, it may affect foreign tourists traveling on the street. Therefore, in order to create a good tourism experience, the government prohibits drying clothes on the balcony.

Do you know whether this practice should be evaluated as intimate or too much?

Cannot make international calls

In this modern society, where the traffic and mail are fast, The mobility of people has also been greatly enhanced More and more people leave their hometown and go to all corners of the world.

When we are in a foreign country, it is a normal basic need to make a consolation call to our family and friends or have a video chat with electronic devices.

Usually, it is not to convey any important information, but to gossip for a few minutes. But living in North Korea Extent of blockade of external information by the Korean government I believe everyone has heard that it is difficult to talk to people from countries other than North Korea or understand the outside world.

Although many units in North Korea have landlines and some people have mobile phones, most of them cannot make international calls, You must apply first , or You can only go to the International Communications Office to go through relevant formalities , or go to some foreign-related hotels that provide relevant services.

But in these places, international long-distance calls are not only Very high charging standard It is also very troublesome to go through the formalities.

Do not take photos or imitate leader's actions at will

nowadays Mobile phone photography It has become a way of recording everyone's daily life. When traveling, you can take photos of the natural beauty around you. It is normal to see the humanistic scenery.

But traveling in North Korea, Taking photos will be stopped by the tour guide In the view of the North Korean government, tourists taking photos at random may reveal state secrets and pose a threat to national security.

When tourists travel in North Korea, they are not allowed to shoot sensitive and confidential places such as military facilities and government buildings. At the same time, if they want to shoot local residents, government workers, police, etc., they must also comply with relevant regulations and can only shoot after getting permission.

In addition to security considerations, the DPRK government also believes that taking photos at will will damage the national image of the DPRK, and there are taboos for taking photos: It is not allowed to photograph people who look malnourished, and it is not allowed to photograph anything showing poverty and difficulties Etc.

What the DPRK government hopes to show the world is A prosperous, happy and unified country , rather than the image of a poor and backward country, however, there are always some people in history who try to break the rules and want to show the real North Korea in their eyes.

A photographer named Eric has entered North Korea for six times, and has taken many photos of local life that he witnessed with his own eyes Inconformity with policy , was banned by the North Korean government and asked him to delete all photos, but Eric still used a digital memory card, I secretly saved and brought out some photos To show them to the world.

But he was also banned from entering North Korea for life.

"No Smiles" on National Day

In North Korea, it is always possible to see local people walking silently on the street. They are usually Serious look, hurried steps

They will not smile at strangers coming in the face. If foreign tourists hold cameras to shoot, they will deliberately avoid the camera. Here, North Korea has to be mentioned The festival tradition of "no smile"

North Korea has not been founded for a long time, but it attaches great importance to festivals and protects festivals, especially the "Sun Festival" in North Korea. Every time this festival comes, the whole country will celebrate it solemnly.

The so-called Sun Festival is actually for Commemorating the Birthday of North Korean Leader Kim Il Sung In the eyes of the Korean people, the birth of Kim Il Sung is a symbol of the rising sun of the nation.

On the day of the Sun Festival, North Koreans living in Pyongyang will hold flower bouquets in their hands and go to the Mansudae in Pyongyang to offer flowers. There stands a sculpture of Kim Il Sung to express their feelings of remembrance.

However, all recreational activities are prohibited on the day of the Sun Festival, which is even more shocking, You can't even smile Because laughing on this day will be regarded as a blasphemy and a show of disrespect for great people.

Kim Il Sung is very noble and inviolable to the whole country of North Korea, so in order to maintain absolute respect for him, you should not smile or entertain on this day. If you are found to violate this provision, Could face a sentence

Premarital cohabitation is expressly prohibited

Marriage symbolizes love and commitment. It is sacred in many countries and people's hearts. But in modern society, people's ideology is more open and free, Cohabitation before marriage is already a thing, which does not mean that it is unclean On the contrary, it can also enhance the understanding of both parties in love, find problems in time, and prepare for marriage.

In North Korea, though free love has been supported, the government firmly opposes premarital cohabitation. Specifically, women must go home at night, and must not spend the night outside, let alone open a house.

Therefore, in North Korea, housing policy has become a thing worth mentioning. On the one hand, North Korean hotels are only for foreign tourists Yes, the local people in North Korea can't open a house at all. They can only live at home.

On the other hand, different from most countries, the government will allocate wedding houses according to the specified area, and even allocate furniture for easy occupancy.

In this respect, it seems to alleviate the anxiety of young people about getting married and buying a house. For others, this tradition may be stale and make a fuss, but for North Koreans, it is Adherence to and respect for traditional family values , which also leads to the extremely low divorce rate in North Korea. People attach great importance to marriage and do not easily ask for divorce.

Although there are many regulations and prohibitions that are difficult for outsiders to understand, and North Koreans have low income and relatively backward material level, North Korea also has enviable welfare policies for its citizens, involving medical care, education, housing and other aspects.

In addition to the marriage distribution of new houses just mentioned, The DPRK government encourages fertility No matter how many children there are in the family, the state will provide support and implement 11 year free compulsory education for all During this period, the tuition and miscellaneous expenses and stationery expenses needed are all paid by the state, and the two sets of school uniforms for pupils a year are also uniformly distributed by the state.

Besides, whether it's a cold or cancer, North Korean people are free to see doctors in hospitals The medical expenses are included in the medical insurance system and borne by the state.

Therefore, for most of the Korean people, they can still live a comfortable and happy life even though they can only get a salary of 300 or 400 yuan per month.

In fact, there are still many things to pay attention to when traveling to North Korea. If you want to go, you must know the specific rules in advance and avoid touching the taboos. If there are serious consequences, you will lose more than gain.

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