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Mobile phones cannot be placed beside pillows, because there is radiation that can lead to tumors? Swedish research tells you the answer

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Do you like to play with your mobile phone before going to bed?

@Ah sister: These days, everyone has to I can't sleep until I watch my cell phone for a while Well, I must read novels anyway, otherwise I can't sleep soundly.

@A drop in the ocean: I remember my lower bunk in college. He is the only person in my life who doesn't look at his mobile phone before going to bed. Every night when he arrives at 11:30, he puts his mobile phone on his desk to charge it, and then goes to bed. After all these years, I still feel a twinge when I think of him Deep admiration 。@ Want something delicious!: I often realize that I am asleep only when my mobile phone snaps on my face~

Nana belongs to the school of watching mobile phones fall asleep, but it is said that watching mobile phones fall asleep can cause cancer! What the hell is going on? Let's have a chat today.

I The cell phone beside the pillow has cancer risk?

A Swedish study found that people who have used mobile phones for more than 25 years are three times more likely to be diagnosed with glioma than people who have used mobile phones for less than one year.

But can this research prove that playing with mobile phones has cancer risk? The answer is no. Because mobile phones are mainly used electromagnetic wave Transmission of signals. This radiation mainly belongs to Nonionizing radiation The radiation intensity of non ionizing radiation is small, it will not produce ionization, and it will not damage DNA, so mobile phone radiation will not cause cancer.

But we also need to pay attention! Although mobile phone radiation No cancer However, if the mobile phone is placed beside the pillow for charging for a long time, it may have other effects on the human body.

First, the blue light from the mobile phone screen will inhibit the human body melatonin Melatonin is a hormone that regulates the sleep and wake cycle. When melatonin levels drop Sleep quality will be affected , which may lead to problems such as difficulty in falling asleep, increased number of waking at night and early waking.

However, long-term insufficient sleep and decreased sleep quality will Affects the normal function of the brain , which may cause problems such as inattention and memory loss. In addition, blue light can also interfere with the brain Memory center And further affect the memory ability.

Moreover, staring at the mobile phone screen for a long time will make the eyes tense for a long time, which will lead to eyes Fatigue and dryness This feeling of fatigue and dryness may affect your eyesight and increase the risk of Eye diseases such as dry eye Risk.

When playing mobile phones in bed, people usually adopt unnatural positions, such as lowering their heads or twisting their bodies. Maintaining such a posture for a long time will increase the burden on the cervical spine and wrists, which may lead to Cervical spondylosis, wrist pain And so on.

There's one thing that's hard to detect Psychological influence , that is, excessive use of mobile phones may lead to social isolation, increased loneliness, anxiety, depression and other emotional problems. Moreover, long-term attention to social media and other information on mobile phones may also cause internal pressure and anxiety.

II By doing this, you can effectively control the time of playing mobile phones

In modern society, mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our lives. It carries our social circle, work information and entertainment needs. However, excessive use of mobile phones may bring about a series of negative effects. So what measures can we take to control "mobile phone time"?

First, Nana suggests you set Clear objectives ——Determine the specific goal you want to reduce the use time of your mobile phone, such as reducing the use time by half an hour or one hour every day.

Second Develop time management plan , plan your daily activities and time, including work, study, rest and entertainment. Use for mobile phone Set a clear time period , and try to avoid using mobile phones outside this time period.

At the same time, some Time management tools , such as apps and settings on your phone to track and manage your screen usage time. These tools can help you understand which applications you spend the most time on, and set limits or reminders to reduce the use time.

Another small way is to Look for alternative activities , such as reading books, outdoor sports, face-to-face communication with friends, etc. These activities can make you more fulfilling and satisfied, and reduce your desire for mobile phones.

Nana reminds you that persistence is the most important thing, so don't try to give up using mobile phones at once. This may make you feel uncomfortable and frustrated. Remember, reducing phone use time is a gradually The process of Patience and persistence By adopting the above methods, you can gradually reduce your dependence on mobile phones and find a more healthy and balanced lifestyle.

3、 Three habits before bed are endangering your health

As night falls, the busy day gradually comes to an end, which is the moment when the body and mind need to rest and repair. However, many insignificant behaviors are actually like hidden killers in the dark. Besides playing mobile phones before sleep, what other bad habits are quietly eroding our health?

1. Emotional fluctuation

Going to sleep with negative emotions before going to bed can easily lead to insomnia Arrhythmia Women may also accelerate aging and increase the risk of gastric ulcer.

2. Eat before bed

Overeating before going to bed may lead to problems such as insomnia, dreaminess and shallow sleep. It is recommended that the dinner time be between 18:30 and 20:00, and it is best to go to bed Control seven full

three Bedtime exercise

Doing strenuous exercise before going to bed will lead to sympathetic feelings Nerve excitation and blood lactic acid increase , affecting sleep quality. It is recommended to avoid strenuous exercise before going to bed. You can choose slow exercise or stretching exercise.

Nana would also like to remind you that many people like to drink a little wine before going to bed, but you should know that although alcohol can make people fall asleep quickly, it is difficult to make people fall into deep sleep, and even can lead to breathing problems in serious cases. Therefore, it is recommended that you should not fall asleep directly after drinking.

reference material:

[1] "When you brush your mobile phone for 8 minutes before going to bed, your brain will be excited for 1 hour! The latest sleep survey in the United States confirmed". Life Times. 2022-02-07

[2] "Swipe your mobile phone before bed to lose your life? Experts refute rumors". June 28, 2012

[3] Alert! Playing with mobile phones before going to bed will make you ugly! And these hazards...... Popular Science on People's Daily Online. February 6, 2012

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