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Tourists posted that diving in Hainan was abandoned and they swam back to the shore for 2 hours. Wanning Culture and Tourism Bureau: there was a problem after investigation

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"I almost died in Wanning, desperate to save myself for four hours." Recently, Mr. Jin, a Zhejiang tourist who traveled to Wanning, Hainan, posted his experience of participating in free diving in Wanning to the social platform. He said that on June 9, he and two other trainees, led by the coach, went to Zhouzai Island, Wanning City by boat for a diving test; After finishing the exam, no ship came to pick up after waiting for 2 hours; As it was getting late, four people were forced to swim in the sea for about 2 hours under the wind and rain before reaching the shore; Finally, they walked for more than half an hour before being rescued with the help of kind-hearted people. This has aroused heated discussion among netizens. Upstream news (material reporting mailbox )The reporter conducted multiple interviews and investigations.

No boat to pick up after diving test

Mr. Jin's online name is "Dapao Cai". Recently, he posted a post and video on several social platforms, "No boat picked up during the diving test, forced to swim back to the shore". He introduced the reason for posting: "I am from Zhejiang, and now I have returned to Zhejiang from Wanning. Since no one has given us an explanation on this matter since the accident on June 9, it was published online."

Mr. Jin released his experience of diving trapped in the sea on the social platform, causing concern

Mr. Jin recalled that at the beginning of June this year, he contacted a diving coach through a social software and asked for the free diving AIDA (Free Diving Organization) two star exam. After receiving a deposit of 300 yuan and a balance of 3180 yuan, the coach contacted the local Ocean Holiday Club in Wanning and asked it to provide a shuttle service to the dive site.

At 11:30 on June 9, Mr. Jin and two other students gathered at Wanning Ocean Holiday Club with the coach, and were guided by the staff of the club to board a double deck yacht named "Rainbow Kelly". "We didn't know until we got on the ship that this ship was not owned by the Ocean Holiday Club, but by the Navigation Club," Mr. Jin said.

At about 1 p.m., the yacht sent Mr. Jin and his party to Zhouzai Island. The coach found that the water depth at the place where the ship docked could not meet the requirements of the exam, so he asked the captain to take them to a place with deeper water nearby, and told the captain to go back together after about 2 hours of the exam.

After waiting for 30 minutes, the captain sent a motorboat to tow the banana boat and sent them to the examination site. Unexpectedly, there was a problem before getting off the boat. As Mr. Jin recalled, "The crew member who saw you off said," You can swim back. We are very busy and have no time to pick you up. After the coach talked with the crew member many times, he said that he would tell the captain to set sail to pick you up before returning. "

Mr. Jin said that from the official start of the diving test at 2 p.m. to the end of the test at 4 p.m., the ship never appeared. Mr. Jin said, "When it was about 4:50, I didn't think anyone would pick us up, so I asked them whether they would swim to the shore. The coach said that they (the crew) would leave work at 5:00 and pick us up at 5:30 at the latest. So we waited for 5:30 at the same place, but still no one came to pick us up."

Four people share one lifebuoy and swim back to the shore

Why didn't the ship come to pick up the phone? Mr. Jin replied: "At first, I thought it was a joke that the crew could not come to pick up. In addition, it was inconvenient to bring mobile phones for the diving test, and the sea signal was also bad, so we didn't bring mobile phones."

120 ambulance will take Mr. Jin and his party to the hospital for treatment

From 4 p.m. to 6:15 p.m., the ship still did not appear. So Mr. Jin and his party decided to swim back. He said frankly: "The situation was not good at that time. Some students vomited five or six times when diving, and their bodies were weak. There were only two life buoys on the scene, and one couldn't be used because of the load. So four of us shared a life buoy - I pedaled in the middle, the coach pulled in the front, and the other two students held on both sides."

Speaking of the journey back, Mr. Jin said frankly: "It's really scary. After swimming for about half an hour, I felt the sea cold and the sky overcast. After swimming for about 40 minutes, it began to rain and the wind and waves became bigger. At the end of the swim, I felt completely exhausted, my legs could not move, so I had to rely on my hands to paddle. The whole body was cold and numb."

Fortunately, the sea water flowed to the shore at that time. Finally, around 8:00 p.m., Mr. Kim and his party arrived at the shore after swimming in the sea for nearly two hours. "The place where we went ashore was an undeveloped wild beach, full of weeds. Worried about snakes or sharp objects in the grass, we had to walk around the place with light for half an hour. Finally, we saw a road, and a passing driver surnamed Wu helped us."

Through the mobile phone of the driver surnamed Wu, Mr. Jin contacted his girlfriend who had already called the police, and the police and 120 rushed to the scene. Mr. Jin and his party were sent to Wanning People's Hospital for treatment. After examination, Mr. Jin and his party were all OK, but physically and mentally exhausted, so they received fluid replacement in the hospital.

From the pictures and videos provided by Mr. Jin, they received simple inquiries from relevant personnel in the hospital. Later, Mr. Jin called 12345 to complain, and his partner and coach also went to Wanning Public Security Bureau to make a record on June 10.

Subsequent problems have not been solved yet

The upstream news reporter interviewed Miss Meng, the diving coach, who confirmed that Mr. Jin's statement was true, and said: "I booked a home stay in Wanning Shenzhou Peninsula in advance. There happened to be a diving club called PADI (International Professional Diving Training System) under the home stay building, so I went to this marine holiday club for consultation. The scuba coach of the club replied that they only do business on the Shenzhou Peninsula, and they can only arrange ships for free diving, and then pick them up. "

Mr. Jin received rehydration treatment in Wanning People's Hospital

Miss Meng provided the reporter with a screenshot of WeChat chat. The screenshot shows that at 22:07 on June 6, Miss Meng transferred 300 yuan to the coach of Ocean Holiday Club. "The scuba trainer told me that the total price set by the manager was 1150 yuan. I charged 350 yuan to each student, and I paid 100 yuan myself. At that time, I immediately transferred 300 yuan of deposit to the scuba trainer," she said.

After that, Miss Meng communicated with the Ocean Holiday Club. According to Miss Meng, "the club has only communicated with us twice. The first time was to communicate with me and offer an apology; the second time was a Tencent conference held by mobile phone two days ago (3 students and the club leader joined) The person in charge had a bad attitude. He said that he only introduced the boat and had no responsibility. The most he could do was to pay 10 times the compensation together with the yacht party, so the two sides broke up in discord. "

Mr. Jin, who participated in the second communication, said: "My appeal is not to get the so-called 10 times compensation, but to intervene through the relevant departments to prevent similar things from happening again."

The upstream news reporter contacted the Ocean Holiday Club by phone, and the phone of the club has been unanswered all the time; The yacht party appointed the staff of our Sailing Club to refuse to give an interview because they were resting. Since then, the line has been busy.

The Bureau of Culture and Tourism has made a preliminary investigation

In the afternoon of June 16, the upstream journalist contacted the Dong'ao Coast Police Station, and the staff said that only he could inquire about the progress of the case.

On June 17, an upstream journalist called Wanning Culture and Tourism Bureau, and a staff member said: "We have made a preliminary investigation on this matter, and there are indeed some irregularities and irrationality. We are ready to (transfer this matter) to the Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau for handling, including the yacht's lack of diving business qualifications."

Staff from relevant departments inquired about tourists in the hospital

On June 9, whether there was a dangerous situation that the ship didn't pick up tourists, the staff member said: "The public security organ went to investigate, and the transcript and mouth were provided to us. The tourists themselves said so, but whether the crew members said anything that they didn't pick up remains to be confirmed. After our investigation, we also asked about some situations. This time, the ship was set sail by Ren Youyou (Navigation Club) , charter is the Ocean (Holiday) Club. Ocean Club didn't have the qualification to operate diving projects, so it introduced the business to me. The coach said that he just needed to send them to the diving place without their teaching, so he (let me swim) sent them there. The training took several hours. The ship could not have waited all the time. It drove back, but it did not pick up. At about 6:30, they (actually Mr. Kim's girlfriend) called the police, and we learned about it. They swam back by themselves. Let me persuade the ship to sail past, and no one can be seen. "

The upstream news reporter asked me about the pick up time as mentioned by Ren I Sailing Club. The staff member asked other staff members around him and replied "Let's go at 5:00" first, but then said: "They (Ren I Sailing) didn't go until they received the alarm."

Will the clubs involved be dealt with? The staff responded: "We (the Culture and Tourism Administration) are the supervision department, and have no law enforcement authority. The punishment should be done by the Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau, and we are making a handover." He also said: "This time, there is a problem with the coach bringing people to dive. Zhouzai Island is not developed, and it is not allowed to take people to dive there."

Photograph by Zhao Yingji, an upstream journalist

Editor in charge: Dai Lili_NN4994

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