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It's a mule or a horse. Jiang Ping, a gifted technical secondary school student, was suspected of cheating and scored only 85 points in the monthly math exam

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Recently, Jiang Ping, a 17-year-old female student majoring in fashion design in Lianshui Technical Secondary School, became famous overnight and became famous all over the world.

It turned out that she, together with her math teacher Wang Runqiu, recently participated in the global math contest organized by Alibaba. In the preliminary contest, she ranked 12th in the world among all the experts with a high score of 93 points; Her teacher, ranked 125th.

Jiang Ping, who "disciples don't have to be inferior to teachers", may not be particularly impressive in itself, but because of her special elements that must be popular - "secondary school students", "17-year-old girls", "clothing design majors", "higher scores than teachers" and so on, it is obviously impossible for her not to be angry!

However, when many well-known universities at home and abroad came to offer olive branches to them, there were also many voices of doubt on the Internet:

First, the teacher Fang, who graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China and appeared abroad to crack down on fake science, repeatedly questioned:

"Jiang Ping copied all the Sigma into/2, the Gamma into reverse, and the last term of the remainder formula into an index, which really reflects the level of technical secondary school students. Because she can't understand the symbols of higher mathematics, she copied the book incorrectly.".

"How can a technical secondary school student use LaTex skillfully? Is she still a computer genius? It's obvious that someone else took the exam for her. What's wrong with pretending to be a 'mathematical genius', because it's so easy to deceive?"

He also revealed that "Jiang Ping scored 83 points out of 150 points in the math exam of the high school entrance examination. However, this score is the highest in the special class, and may be cultivated by his math teacher as a math genius".

"It is now certain that this' mathematical genius' does not understand advanced mathematics at all. He can only report the title of a book and copy the formula incorrectly. Then, who is faking in order to introduce a 'mathematical genius of technical secondary school students'? Is Alibaba faking his competition results, or is his math teacher taking the exam instead? China even has gunmen for the closed book exam, let alone the two-day open book exam".

However, after that, Mr. Fang soon revised the path:

"Correction: 'Jiang Ping's score of 83/150 is not her high school entrance exam score, but her second year math monthly exam score in the month she participated in the competition (April 2024). The content is conic curve, permutation and combination, and basic knowledge in the foundation.' This' mathematical genius' can't even do simple high school math well, but also can do advanced mathematics and partial differential equations? Cheating those who are also poor at math.

At the same time, another person named "BMY MEION" said:

"Objectively speaking, I am familiar with many of the top 500 students. They are all students of our school. Many of them have won the gold medals of Qiu Sai, CMO and imo. Personally, I don't believe that a secondary technical school girl who has only studied advanced mathematics and pde by herself can be equal to them.".

"The Alibaba qualifier is a two-day online open book exam, during which you can answer questions by any means, and there is a great possibility of cheating. If she still gets a prize in the offline closed book exam of the final next week, I would like to apologize for my remarks.".

In addition, another netizen, "Huashan School 6", labeled as "Math Teacher of East China Normal University", has also repeatedly sent questions:

"... The high school math score in the figure alone is already very convincing evidence. It is absolutely impossible for this score to understand partial differential...".

"... let alone the original book" Partial Differential Equations ", even the basic course of mathematical analysis needs a threshold. Even if you can enter the mathematics department, you may not learn mathematical analysis well (see our freshmen's scores), let alone only get 83 points when the full score of high school mathematics is 150).

"... There are two guesses on Zhihu: one is that Wang Runqiu has some uncertainties, so the answers submitted by different accounts are different. In addition, the discrepancy caused by subjective revision of the test paper results in different scores for different answers submitted by the same person".

"Second, Wang Runqiu wanted Jiang Ping to get high marks in order to promote his postgraduate entrance examination counseling business, but he didn't expect such a big fuss. In addition, Wang Runqiu could work as a team to answer questions. He also had a record of fraud, and he had dug it out.".

The above three doubters are all professionals who are familiar with advanced mathematics. Although Mr. Fang did not study mathematics when he was at the University of Science and Technology of China, he obviously still has the ability to question, and will not be criticized as "what qualifications do you have to question" by those who do not know what calculus is.

People who have gone to high school know some basic knowledge of calculus. However, if they really want to learn professional advanced mathematics, partial calculus and other professional mathematical knowledge, they really need to have a brush - this is not to deny that secondary school students cannot have such gifted students, but to say that this is indeed something that happens once in many years.

However, this does not mean that people can not question it - of course, it still needs to be "bold to question, careful to verify".

First, people's scores from Jiang Ping's junior high school to senior high school have not crossed the key high school line; In terms of clothing design, which I studied in technical secondary school, I would really be surprised, even a little suspicious, at the result of such a talented math contest.

Secondly, Jiang Ping scored only 85 points in the monthly exam of "Senior High School Mathematics Grade Two" in April, though her total score was 150. This is a big contrast to her amazing performance in global competitions.

If this evidence is true, many people will question its true level. Obviously, it is not groundless, nor is it just "not afraid of the worst malicious guess".

Third, Teacher Fang questioned Jiang Ping from some wrong details in the Alibaba contest; Others also doubted from their actual conditions and capabilities, but these are still only "guesses" and hardly strong evidence.

Fourth, people questioned the possibility of cheating, and put forward the loopholes and possibilities that really exist - that is, the preliminaries are two days of open book examinations, which really left room for the possibility and feasibility of cheating; And Jiang Ping's teacher has participated in this competition twice. People question her teacher or participate in it. There are conditions that may cheat.

As for the motivation of cheating, it is also easy to understand: become famous and then make profits. For example, online questioning of their teachers is for their postgraduate training classes.

But so far, Jiang Ping and her teacher Wang Runqiu have not officially responded to the online query voice, so we still cannot say that they definitely cheated.

In fact, as the questioner said, the final will come soon. If it is a closed book exam, it will be much more fair, impartial and objective, and it is difficult to cheat again.

If Jiang Ping's performance and achievements in the finals fall too far behind those in the preliminaries, can we basically conclude that most of them will be tricky? After all, for a real mathematical genius, it is unlikely that there will be a great difference between the preliminaries and the finals. Otherwise, what kind of "genius" is it?

In other words, "It is a mule or a horse. Take it out for a walk" - "Practice leads to true knowledge"! Even those famous schools that want to make an exception to Jiang Ping's admission can each produce some examination questions of a certain level, so that they can test the truth. "Real gold is not afraid of fire", which is also applicable to Jiang Ping.

People may ask: Can Jiang Ping and her teacher, with such extraordinary brains, not even these ordinary people can think of things that they did not expect?

Obviously, there is a possibility that both teachers and students did not expect that Jiang Ping could get such outstanding scores, right? Or I wanted to get a better score, which could achieve some fame and help students in the future, as well as teachers' fame and training career.

If so, this attitude of "seriously cheating and faking" is not worth praising and complacency. Obviously, it may make him lift a stone and hit his own foot.

If the voice of the doubters is proved in the final, then this overnight "story of genius not born" will obviously collapse into an embarrassing "accident".

This hype, which is known all over the world, will make the label of "fraud" stick on the face of the Chinese again. If so, it will only make people feel angry, lamentable, hateful and pathetic in the end!

Of course, all of this is still speculation, suspicion and doubt. Although there seems to be some truth and basis, it is still difficult to convince the public until the final results are released. Therefore, Jiang Ping and her teachers need not speak now, but only face the doubters with authentic results after the final.

In fact, as a Chinese, I really hope that Jiang Ping can finally beat our faces with a bang - gold is easy to get, talent is hard to get! Therefore, I sincerely hope Jiang Ping can show her talent in the final, get good results, and prove herself again. And we doubters are willing to stretch out our faces across the air, so that the little hand of this talented girl can be fanned with great pain! [Original comment: Yu said it was still off]

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