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Undercover duck intestines and goose intestines factory: step on goose intestines to squeeze feces, and throw cigarette butts into duck intestines basket

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Because of their crispy taste and fresh taste, duck intestines and goose intestines often occupy the top of the hot pot restaurant's "hot list". This shows that diners like duck intestines and goose intestines, but it does not mean they are relieved.

In late April 2024, Beijing News reporters visited two meat processing plants in Binzhou, Shandong Province and Qingfeng County, Henan Province, and found that there were many health and safety hazards in the production of duck intestines and goose intestines.

In the goose intestines workshop of Qingfeng Yongguan Food Co., Ltd., workers wore rubber shoes and stepped on goose intestines to squeeze feces, and dyed with blood. The production environment was even more messy and poor. The workshop leader admitted that he had been repeatedly required by the regulatory department to rectify.

In the duck intestines workshop of Shandong Yashixiang Meat Food Co., Ltd. in Binzhou, after decontamination and oil scraping, the duck intestines were randomly placed on the ground and mixed with the sewage from washing the ground. After simple water mixing, sub packaging and freezing, they were labeled "wash free" and sold to many provinces. In addition, the company's production workshop environment is dirty, disorderly and poor, and dead ducks that fall into the sewage ditch mixed with duck feathers and pollutants are fished out and hung back to the production line. In this sewer, even workers urinate in it

Feet squeezing, blood coloring

Henan Qingfeng Yongguan Food Co., Ltd. is an enterprise mainly engaged in poultry slaughtering, meat products freezing, processing and sales. In late April, the Beijing News reporter, as a purchaser, repeatedly entered the goose intestines workshop of the factory and found that the internal organs of the workshop were in disorder: workers smoked in the workshop, a large number of goose intestines were scattered on the ground, and the workshop wall was covered with stains.

The person in charge of the workshop also admitted that the sanitary environment was not up to the standard. "Last year and this year, it was inspected by the regulatory authorities. The main thing is that the sanitary environment was not up to the standard."

Despite repeated inspections by the regulatory authorities, the environment of goose intestines workshop is still not optimistic. In the workshop, the reporter saw the staff wearing rubber shoes, stepping directly on the goose intestines placed on the ground, "stepping on it will be cleaner."

In Henan Qingfeng Yongguan Food Co., Ltd., workers step on goose intestines to extrude feces. Photographed by the investigation team of Beijing News

A staff member explained that the goose intestines produced in the workshop were divided into two types according to the customer's requirements. One was to poke it open and clean it up. After treatment, it was shipped frozen. The other does not need to poke and clean up, and does not specifically clean up the feces of geese intestines. Instead, it is convenient to clean up the feces of geese intestines after it is sent to the merchants.

The reporter of the Beijing News observed that the goose intestines trampled by the staff would be sent to the assembly line for water cleaning, and then put into a container containing red liquid to soak. The originally off white duck intestines turned pink. "There is blood inside, and the goose intestines will look fresher and more attractive after a while," explained a staff member.

The head of the workshop said that their goose intestines were mainly sold to hot pot stores in Chongqing and other places, and there was no need to mark the production date. Simply put a plastic bag on the freezer to ship by air. "Fresh, today will be the day of shipment, and tomorrow will be the day of shipment."

In the goose intestines production workshop of Yongguan Food Co., Ltd., workers soaked in blood and dyed to improve their appearance. Photographed by the investigation team of Beijing News

Duck intestines are placed on the ground and soaked in sewage

Compared with the problems of "stepping on goose intestines", "blood staining" and "not marking the production date", the sanitary environment of the duck intestines production workshop of Shandong Yashixiang Meat Food Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yashixiang Company") is worse.

In late April, the Beijing News reporter entered the duck intestines production workshop of Yashixiang Company without obtaining a health certificate or being required to do any physical examination. The workshop was filled with a pungent smell, and the walls were covered with stains. The duck intestines to be cleaned were directly piled on the ground. Workers smoked while washing the duck intestines, And throw the cigarette ends directly into the basket containing duck intestines.

"In this factory, the most lax is the duck intestines workshop, which is the most messy. You can do as you like," an old employee told reporters.

The Beijing News reporter noticed that duck intestines were placed on the floor of the workshop at random, making the floor slippery. When cleaning the ground, the staff directly poured the detergent for cleaning the ground on the ground next to the duck intestines, which led to the sewage mixed with the duck intestines. The staff didn't care about this: "It's OK, we'll have water later."

In the production workshop of Shandong Yashixiang Company, duck intestines were randomly placed on the ground, mixed with the sewage from cleaning the ground. Photographed by the investigation team of Beijing News

According to official information, Yashixiang Company is a key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization in Shandong Province. It was founded in 2008 and currently slaughters 140000 meat ducks a day. The company declared on its official website that "being rigorous, careful, paying attention to details, following procedures and strict standards" is the company's corporate culture, but it seems that this corporate culture does not apply to production workshops.

On the duck processing production line, the slaughtering and defeathering workshops are at the front, and the duck intestines processing workshop is at the end. Outside the workshop, there is a drain connecting all workshops. The waste and dirt such as duck blood and duck feather produced in each workshop are discharged from the sewage channel, and even workers urinate directly in the sewage channel.

Surprisingly, almost every day, the staff of the front assembly line go to the end of the sewage channel to pick up the dead ducks that fall into the sewage channel and send them back to the production workshop. "These are all ducks that fall off the production line and float here. Send them to the duck killing workshop and hang them up," said the staff.

On April 22, a sudden machine failure occurred in the slaughterhouse of Yashixiang Company, and a large number of ducks to be split after slaughter fell from the production line. Workers stacked these fallen ducks on the ground at random. Workers in the past did not avoid them, but stepped on ducks directly. Even maintenance masters often stepped on ducks to repair machines. About an hour later, the machine ran again, and the ducks were hung back to the production line.

Many minors work in the factory with their parents

In addition to the problem of duck intestines, the Beijing News reporter also noticed that there were many minors working in the workshop.

These minors include boys and girls. One of the boys claimed to be 15 years old and had worked in the factory with his parents for three months. Another girl claimed to be 10 years old and had just come to the factory for more than 10 days.

Some children's parents told the reporter that some of these child workers were on holiday to help, and some were full-time workers who had dropped out of school.

In order to protect the physical and mental health of minors and promote the implementation of the compulsory education system, as early as 2002, the State Council issued the Provisions on the Prohibition of Child Labour, which requires that state organs, social organizations, enterprises and institutions, private non enterprise units or individual businesses should not recruit minors under the age of 16.

The regulation also makes clear punishment measures for the unit or intermediary agency that uses or introduces child labor: if the unit or individual introduces employment for minors under the age of 16, the labor and social security administrative department will impose a fine of 5000 yuan for each person introduced; If a job intermediary agency introduces employment for minors under the age of 16, the administrative department of labor and social security shall revoke its employment introduction license.

The outer label of the package is "wash free", and the inner hair is fresh

On April 25, according to the clues provided by the sales staff, the reporter of the Beijing News found that the duck intestines produced by Yashixiang Company were flowing to the wholesale markets in many provinces in China. And some products are also marked with the label of "free of cleaning" on the outer package.

In the Haibawang Western Food Logistics Park in Chengdu, Sichuan, a wholesaler who deals in frozen meat products told reporters that they have direct cooperation with Yashixiang Company. In addition to duck intestines and other products, the frozen food store also sells other duck products of Yashixiang Company.

During the conversation, the wholesaler took out a package of duck intestines produced by Yashixiang Company from the freezer and showed it to the reporter. The reporter saw that the outer package of the product was also labeled "free of cleaning". "Free cleaning is just a little treatment," explained the wholesaler.

However, it was embarrassing to see that there was still a hair on the duck intestines in the package through the package of duck intestines.

The "wash free" duck intestines produced by Yashixiang Company. A wholesaler in Chengdu casually took out a bag, and there was still a hair in it. Photographed by the investigation team of Beijing News

In Shouheng Smart Cold Chain Logistics Park in Gaobeidian City, Hebei Province, a wholesaler said that most of the duck intestines produced by Yashixiang Company they wholesale were supplied to hot pot shops and delicatessens

The reporter of the Beijing News noticed that although all the duck intestines sold by these wholesalers were produced by Yashixiang Company, the packing boxes and names used were different. On the outer packing box, some brands are marked as "Good Duck Intestine", while others are named as "Xinzhong Duck Intestine".

Some insiders said that the name of most duck intestines frozen products can be changed at will. The important thing is to see the manufacturer and address below the package.

On April 24, in the name of a wholesaler, the reporter called the contact number printed on the package of duck intestines products of Yashixiang Company. The other party said that he contracted the duck intestines workshop of Yashixiang Company and was the head of the workshop. The production safety was jointly managed by Yashixiang Company and him. After sales, the two companies shared profits.

Expert: food safety should be checked from the source

Unlike Qingfeng Yongguan Company, which has been inspected many times by the regulatory authorities, the larger Yashixiang Company seems to be a "good boy" who strictly abides by the food safety regulations in the eyes of the regulatory authorities.

In 2022, the WeChat official account of the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Zhanhua District, Binzhou City announced that in order to fulfill the requirements of enterprise food safety self inspection, Shandong Yashixiang Meat Food Co., Ltd. will strictly implement the risk prevention and control measures of daily control, weekly inspection, and monthly scheduling, regularly organize food safety self inspection, evaluate food safety conditions, and improve the food safety traceability system. Constantly strengthen the food safety management in the whole process of raw material procurement, incoming inspection, production control, inspection and warehousing, and product sales from the source to the end.

However, the above is quite different from the actual situation seen in the secret visit of the Beijing News reporter.

In the workshop of Yashixiang Company, workers are dealing with duck intestines. The environment is messy. Photographed by the investigation team of Beijing News

Tan Mintao, a lawyer from Beijing Zhongwen (Xi'an) Law Firm, said that according to China's Food Safety Law, food producers and operators should have food raw material processing, food processing, packaging, storage and other places appropriate to the variety and quantity of food they produce and operate, keep the environment clean, and keep a specified distance from toxic, harmful places and other pollution sources. However, the duck intestines production workshop of Yashixiang Company failed to separate the product from the pollution source in the production process, which violated the relevant regulations.

Tan Mintao believes that Yashixiang Company is a large food processing enterprise, but the duck sausage workshop has not established a corresponding food safety guarantee system, and the use of employees without health certificates and job training also violates the relevant provisions of the Food Safety Law. Personnel engaged in food production and marketing cannot maintain personal hygiene, do not wear clean work clothes and hats when producing and marketing food, and the detergent and disinfectant used are not effectively separated from the products, all of which belong to dereliction of duty in production safety management.

Yun Wuxin, a doctor of food engineering and a well-known popular science author, believes that the most important thing for food safety is to achieve it through standardized operations in the production process. To some extent, violation of regulations may not lead to food safety problems, but there will certainly be hidden dangers. For example, the workers in the duck intestines production workshop of Yashixiang Company discarded cigarette butts at will, fished out the dead ducks that fell into the sewage ditch and sent them back to the production workshop, and the workers of Henan Qingfeng Yongguan Food Co., Ltd. "trampled on goose intestines" must be non-standard, which brought hidden dangers to food safety. Yun Wuxin believes that food safety cannot be achieved only by "detection", and it should also be strictly controlled in the production process.

Investigation team of Beijing News

Edit Gan Hao

Checked by Zhang Yanjun

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