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Teague talks about Kobe Bryant. He doesn't like watching him play. He seems to work hard, not as hard as Durant Anthony

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Kobe Bryant is known as one of the greatest players in the history of the NBA. Of course, his greatness is recognized by some and not by others. However, the players who have played with Kobe over the years are almost full of respect when talking about Kobe in the program.

However, there are some exceptions. For example, Jeff Tiger, the former Atlanta Hawks, recently talked about Kobe Bryant in his program, saying that he did not like his style of play, and that Kobe's tough style of mid-range shooting would remind people of Michael Jordan. So Jeff Tiger thinks that Kobe Bryant is compared with players like Kevin Durant and Cameron Anthony, This advantage does not exist.

Jefftig said, "I don't want to lie, have no intention or disrespect, but I never like to watch Kobe play,... he is not my type - I know he is cold, I know he is a killer, but I never like to watch him play, as if he worked hard, as if it was hard won"

"It's easy for him to score, but like all his moves -... when you look at KD and melon, it looks elegant like this, too easy."

Jeff Tiger made it clear that he was not a fan of Kobe Bryant, and he preferred to watch other players score points than Black Mamba. Players like Kevin Durant, their size, grace and skill make scoring seem effortless. Therefore, I prefer to watch others' offensive scoring rather than Kobe Bryant.

Later, when Jefftig discussed LeBron James and Kevin Durant, he thought LeBron James was too strong and tall, which seemed very difficult. Jeff Tiger also further explained in detail why he didn't like watching Kobe play.

"LeBron looks like... unreal. Like" I'm too strong, I'm taller than you ", Kobe's performance is excellent, his footwork is great, but it's like everything is accurate KD is like shooting on you. This is light, which is different. "

Kobe Bryant entered the NBA just after graduating from high school and played as a substitute for three seasons. Since the fourth season, he has become the most concerned young player in the league. Although Kobe was not the best talent in the 1996 NBA draft, he was the most hardworking one.

Kobe Bryant is regarded as the successor of Michael Jordan because he learned a lot of skills from Michael Jordan. He has almost learned all the offensive and defensive skills of Michael Jordan and upgraded them. Most importantly, Kobe has also learned almost all the offensive methods, including low position singles, back turning, golden rooster independence, dreamy feet and sky hook.

Kobe Bryant's body type is the kind of common type in the NBA. Like Kevin Durant, LeBron James and Cameron Anthony, they all have some advantages in height, arm span or weight when competing. In contrast, Kobe does not have too many physical advantages, but he has technical advantages.

Of course, some fans may agree with Jefftig, but some fans will question Jefftig. After all, Jefftig spent most of his career playing in the East, and he rarely met Kobe Bryant on the court.

As an NBA draft in 2009, he had been in the eastern part of the league for the first eight seasons and was almost autistic by LeBron James. The eagle he played for was killed by LeBron James many times in the playoffs.

At the end of last year, Jeff Tiger talked about Kobe Bryant. He said that Kobe Bryant once expressed his dissatisfaction with Lin Shuhao in front of himself.

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