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Can medical students feel cold? The doctor saved the patient before class, and the money was deducted after the class was delayed: the black overseas students reported

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In the hot search of Southern Medical University, I remember that a school does not even have the basic spirit of saving lives and helping the wounded. A teacher was 29 minutes late for class in order to save the children, and he was glad to withdraw 2000 yuan and circulate a notice of criticism. Crucially, the informant was a black overseas student.

As soon as the disciplinary notice was issued, the teachers and students of Southern Medical University broke the defense instantly. No matter the food safety problem in the canteen, no matter the corruption problem, no matter the aging equipment problem, half of the failed classes in modern history are not teaching accidents, and teachers are fined for being late to save people! Isn't that forgetting the original intention? Obviously, as a medical university, teachers are also doctors. Isn't it their bounden duty to cure the disease and save the people? It's really chilling.

Netizens started a big discussion: is it the life and health of patients or the courses of foreign students that are important for teaching doctors?

Anyone who has some common sense will answer "the life and health of patients are important"! But what's wonderful is that one black overseas student thought that the teacher's late for class was a report of disrespect for himself, and the leaders thought that the health of the patient's life was more important than giving lessons to the overseas students on time!

Netizens reported that Professor Yu, the chief paediatrician of Nanfang Hospital of Guangzhou Southern Medical University, was 29 minutes late for class because of rescuing children with cerebral hemorrhage, which caused dissatisfaction among foreign students and complained to the relevant department of the school. The school finally determined that the doctor's tardiness for class was a "teaching error", and the result was that Dr. Yu's bonus for the month was withheld, the whole hospital circulated a notice of criticism, and the annual award qualification was cancelled.

In the Notice on the Investigation and Treatment of Pediatric Teachers Being Late for Class in the Spring Semester of 2023 Academic Year, the teacher involved is Yu Li, the attending doctor of pediatrics:

On the morning of May 10, the 2019 clinical medicine class "Pediatrics" was taught by Yu Li, a pediatric teacher. Students reported that the bell rang but the teacher did not arrive in the classroom on time. The patient in Ms. Yu's charge was in a critical condition and was at risk of death. She went to the department to check before teaching, found signs of cerebral hemorrhage, and immediately took emergency measures. Miss Yu failed to report to the teaching and research office in time, resulting in being late. Return to the classroom at 8:29 to complete the teaching task.

The notice made it clear that Miss Yu is a doctor who is conscientious. In an emergency, her first reaction is to give emergency treatment to patients. Isn't it a professional ethics that should be vigorously promoted?

Life is of vital importance. Saving a person is like fighting a fire. Once the best opportunity for treatment is missed, the life of the child will be endangered.

Students should wait in class for teachers who have urgent matters to deal with. Not only should they not complain, they should also praise teachers for their good professionalism. Southern Medical University severely punished Miss Yu regardless of right or wrong, didn't it cold the doctor's heart? How to convince the society?

Netizens found out the Measures for Examination, Approval and Handling of Teaching Accidents (Errors) in the First Clinical Medical College of Southern Medical University, which clearly stipulated that in special cases, lateness can be handled according to the specific situation.

"If the teaching time is delayed between 15 minutes and 30 minutes due to non punctuality in class (late, early leave and midway departure), it shall be deemed as a serious teaching accident. If a teaching accident (error) occurs due to special circumstances, it shall be handled according to the specific circumstances."

According to the document, Ms. Yu was faced with the following situation: "The child had a slightly dull bilateral pupillary reflex, blood seepage at the neck tube insertion, and was suspected of cerebral hemorrhage, so he carried out emergency treatment". This is not a special case, and cannot be "handled according to the specific situation"?

The notice also said that Miss Yu Li "successfully completed the teaching task without causing adverse effects". In this case, why did she give the doctor a severe punishment after some research and decision? Did they have to be punished at the strong request of black students?

The report was contradictory, the result was unacceptable, and the reason was even more unreasonable! If the students in the class are not foreign students, will the school have different conclusions and punishment results on this matter?

It is hard to imagine how bad such punishment will have. When the doctor knows that the death of the child may result if he does not give first aid, will he rescue the child quickly by virtue of his medical conscience, or will he let the child struggle to protect his future interests?

It is worth mentioning that many netizens put their complaints on black overseas students.

According to the population report released by Guangzhou, about 300000 black people have settled in Guangzhou, which is the largest black city in China. A considerable number of these blacks came to China through illegal ways, with low cultural level and low quality. They not only relied on their foreign identity to bully and cheat in the local area, but even moved the minds of Chinese girls. They stayed in China in the name of marriage by having relations with Chinese girls.

When such foreigners came to Guangzhou, they were protected everywhere, given convenience and tolerated their vulgar behavior. Well, I can even put pressure on the university. Some people, why can't they stand up straight?

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