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How dare you! On the first day of the new maritime police regulations coming into force, the Philippine maritime police ship again broke Xianbin Reef and Huangyan Island!

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Just when the people of the whole country are looking forward to taking measures against Philippine coast guard ships and landing ships sitting on the beach at Xianbin Reef and Ren'ai Reef in accordance with the new regulations of the Chinese coast guard today, the Philippines is not afraid of the new regulations of the Chinese coast guard, but has taken active action in Xianbin Reef and Huangyan Island, dispatching coast guard ships to invade the waters of Xianbin Reef and Huangyan Island respectively, It is obviously a challenge to the new regulations of China's maritime police. I want to test whether the new regulations of China's maritime police really work; Maybe they didn't take the new regulations of China's maritime police seriously at all, or they wouldn't have done so brazenly on China's islands and reefs.

On June 15, the first day when the new regulations of the Chinese Marine Police came into effect, it may be that the Chinese Marine Police did not take the initiative to immediately take measures against the 9701 Marine Police Ship stranded in the Philippines' Xianbin Reef according to the new regulations. The Philippines, feeling confident again, immediately sent another Parola about 44 meters long


The Class A maritime police ship broke into the inside of Xianbin Reef today.

When entering the lagoon of Xianbin Reef, this maritime police ship with unknown number of side did not seem to be intercepted by the Chinese maritime police ship, and soon approached the maritime police ship 9701, which had stayed there for 57 days.

After adjusting the direction and standing side by side with the 9701 Marine Police Ship, the Filipinos tied the two ships together with ropes.

The action of the Philippine coast guard ship inside the Xianbin Reef shows that they are prepared to take advantage of the binding of two coast guard ships to settle down in the long-term existence of the Xianbin Reef, and at the same time increase the difficulty of the Chinese coast guard to expel them from the Xianbin Reef, if the Chinese coast guard decides to take action against them.

It has to be said that the Philippines is really good at this move. Two maritime police ships are tied together, and to a certain extent, they have been built into a semi floating platform on the sea. Filipinos can use this platform to declare their presence in Xianbin Reef, and then declare their "sovereignty" requirements for Xianbin Reef.

In addition, this new maritime police ship that broke into Xianbin Reef will also use this opportunity to replenish the 9701 maritime police ship to enhance its ability to fight against the Chinese maritime police.

As for why the Chinese coast guard did not take action against the Philippine coast guard ship in this process, could it be that they had already planned to watch the Filipinos perform quietly next to them while waiting for the opportunity.

Once the decision is made to act, the Chinese maritime police can control all Philippine ships entering the Xianbin Reef in the way of dumplings? At that time, whether it is detaining the boat or arresting people, they will all be solved at once, so as not to cause trouble one by one?

No matter what will happen in the future, it is an indisputable fact that the Philippine Coast Guard has once again entered a maritime police ship on the first day of the entry into force of the new regulations of the Chinese Coast Guard, and has strengthened the defense inside the Xianbin Reef.

If the Chinese Coast Guard takes action later, the difficulty will definitely increase.

In any case, in addition to its own strength, the Chinese coast guard is also the support of the Chinese navy near Xianbin Reef. The 071 amphibious landing ship Wuzhishan is still on standby near Xianbin Reef, while the 40000 ton Chinese navy 075 amphibious landing ship Hainan has entered the southwest waters of Zhubi Island not far away on June 14. As soon as the situation requires, the support of the Chinese navy will come.

At the same time, the Philippines did not forget to make trouble in the direction of Huangyan Island. Also on June 15, the Philippine coast guard deployed new coast guard ships in Xianbin Reef. At the same time, two other Philippine coast guard ships, 4403 and 4407, also entered the place about 40 kilometers southeast of Huangyan Island this morning.

The purpose of the Philippine coast guard ship is obvious. It is likely to use the actions of the two coast guard ships on Huangyan Island to cover their actions on Xianbin Reef, or to contain and disperse the forces of the Chinese coast guard.

At present, there are two China Coast Guard ships 3502 and 3302 deployed in the waters of Huangyan Island. In addition, five Chinese fishing boats have jointly purchased three lines of defense to prevent Philippine coast guard ships from making trouble on Huangyan Island.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the Philippine coast guard ship will also find the right opportunity to stay in Huangyan Island for a long time, as it did in Xianbin Reef.

At present, no new information has been released in the direction of Ren'ai Reef.

If the Philippine plot succeeds, there will be three islands and reefs in the South China Sea, namely, Ren'ai Reef, Xianbin Reef and Huangyan Island, which are "beached" by Philippine ships in the area where the South China Sea and the Philippines compete.

This is an adventure for the Philippines, but if the adventure succeeds, the benefits will be huge.

For China, what the Philippines has done is very disgusting. Let's fight. It's obvious that now is not the time for us to do it. Don't fight. The Philippines is kicking its nose, and it is also coming to the challenge on the first day when the new regulations of China's maritime police come into effect.

But if we passively let the Philippines lead us by the nose, it seems that it is not what a great power like us should be like?

If there is no good way, a fight is the only good way.

If the dust doesn't sweep away, it won't run away by itself, and it will get more and more, right?

Is it true that when the Philippines is ready, we won't start cleaning?

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