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563 AI teams and Jiang Ping answered the same test paper: 34 points at most, none of which was shortlisted for the final

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Qian Yujuan, reporter of Economic Observer Network On June 13, the sixth Alibaba Global Math Contest (hereinafter referred to as "Alibaba Math Contest") announced the final list. Jiang Ping, a 17-year-old student from Jiangsu Lianshui Secondary Vocational School, ranked 12th, becoming the only female player among the world's 30.

The hot search for several consecutive days has made the public know about this talented girl and more people know about Ali Shusai. Different from previous years, this year's Ali Math Contest opened the AI big model challenge for the first time. A total of 563 AI teams formed by world-famous universities, institutes and enterprises answered the same test paper with Jiang Ping.

At 8:00 a.m. on April 13, the Ali Math Contest began. Tens of thousands of math enthusiasts from all over the world need to complete the test of multiple choice questions, solution questions and proof questions. However, in the final list announced on June 13, none of the 801 qualified AI teams were shortlisted.

Picture of Jiang Ping solving problems on the blackboard

According to the official statistics of the event, the average score of AI teams participating in the competition is 18, which has caught up with the average level of human players. However, the highest score of AI is only 34 points, which is far from the highest score of 113 points of human players.

The Economic Observer Network learned that the highest score in the AI team was obtained by Tu Jinhao's AI program launched by Shanghai Jianping Middle School. Tu Jinhao used the idea of self debate for reference to let multiple large models conduct multiple rounds of "self questioning, self answering and self verification", so as to find the optimal solution of the problem, and then let AI choose the only answer from them.

The Spy Universe Team from Southwest Jiaotong University and the SuperCarryMan Team from Renmin University of China both scored 27 points, becoming the runner up and runner up of the Ali Math Contest AI Challenge. These two AI teams are all based on Multi Agent (composed of multiple agents) to carry out scheme design. The former is to let multiple large models play different roles to analyze ideas, solve problems, evaluate, and output answers by calling Python, etc; The latter dynamically adjusts the reasoning, logical verification, interpreter and other stages, selects appropriate reference cases for each sub problem, and finally gives the answer after multiple verification and integration.

Jiang Ping introduces the interview picture

Chen Tianchu, who is engaged in research related to large-scale models in the Computer System Structure Laboratory of Zhejiang University, analyzed that the existing LLM (Large Language Model) method still predicts the next word according to the context at a fixed rate and outputs the results at one time. LLM still has limitations in completing complex reasoning and rigorous thinking, such as math competitions, which require repeated trial and error and thinking.

Chen Tianchu revealed that although it is possible to let a single LLM question itself or multiple LLMs question each other through the Prompt (text input to the Wensheng Diagram model) engineering method, the gains of this method on model performance are still relatively limited and cannot replace the professionally trained human beings.

While announcing the results of the AI Challenge, the competition organizing committee pointed out AI's mathematical shortcomings, such as weak logical reasoning ability, difficulty in obtaining complete score points for proof questions, etc.

At the beginning of the establishment of the AI Challenge, a technical director of an Internet enterprise paid close attention to it. He thought it was a test of AI model capability after the "100 model war". Although AI models can outperform humans in terms of clear rules and computation intensive problems, human players still have an absolute advantage in terms of deep logical reasoning and highly innovative thinking.

From the list of finalists of the 6th Ali Math Contest, it is still difficult for AI big model to surpass human beings. However, the above technical director believes that the duel of this math contest will promote human beings to further understand the essence of AI, and is even expected to stimulate the development of new mathematical theory and AI technology.

This year, 563 AI teams tried to promote AI to build more powerful mathematical capabilities by using various methods such as model tuning, AI Agent (artificial intelligence agent), prompt word engineering, etc.

The Ali Math Contest was held in 2018 and co organized by Alibaba Public Welfare and Dharma Institute. Every year, math enthusiasts from all over the world can register on the official website of Dharma Institute. The contest is famous for its free entry and universal participation. A group of data shows that the Ali Math Contest has attracted 250000 participants so far, making it the largest online math contest in the world.

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Jiang Ping won the 12th place in the world in the math contest: very shocked

Recently, Jiang Ping, a 17-year-old girl from a technical secondary school, was shortlisted in the final of the global math contest with 93 points, ranking 12th in the world, which attracted wide attention from netizens. How difficult is Jiang Ping's math contest this time? How good is her achievement? On June 15, a contestant told Jimu News (Email: )Journalist, he graduated from the mathematics major, and his math scores have always been good. This time, he took part in the competition and got less than 40 points. He described the title of the contest as "difficult, which can only be done by people who specialize in mathematics and have mathematical talents", and Jiang Ping's achievement made him "very shocked".


Recently, the list of finalists for the 2024 Alibaba Global Math Contest final was announced. Eventually, more than 800 math experts from all over the world were successfully promoted. Jiang Ping, ranked 12th, seemed special. At the age of 17, she was a technical secondary school student who was not majoring in mathematics. She finally ranked the 12th in the world with a high score of 93 points, killing a lot of mathematical players.

How difficult is the question of the math contest Jiang Ping participated in? Some netizens said bluntly that they could not understand the question, let alone solve it. On the morning of June 15, a contestant introduced the competition to the Jimu News reporter. When talking about the difficulty of the competition topic, he described: "It's difficult, it's a math department, and it's only done by people who specialize in math and have mathematical talents." The contestant also introduced that he was a math major, and his math achievements have been good from high school to university, And after graduation, he also insisted on learning mathematics, and he got less than 40 points in this competition. "People with mathematical talent can't learn from others. Without talent, there is no talent. Jiang Ping has a passion for mathematics and can persist in learning. Her achievements now are an encouragement to all those who love mathematics. It also makes us see some differences. I think as long as she continues to learn mathematics, she will certainly shine," said the contestant.

Another teacher who did math tutoring for postgraduate entrance examination described the 2024 Alibaba Global Math Contest as "extremely difficult", and commented that Jiang Ping was "undoubtedly a genius".

Jiang Ping's major is fashion design Source: Xiaoxiang Morning News

Cao, a sophomore from the School of Mathematics and Science of Nankai University, also participated in the global mathematics competition, and achieved very good results. He successfully entered the finals. When he was interviewed by the media, he introduced that this year's preliminary contest was in the form of open book, and he did seven questions in 48 hours. Among the seven questions, he could answer four questions, including two multiple choice questions, one on differential equation and one on probability theory. Among the remaining three questions, one about advanced algebra included three questions, and he answered two of them. Another question on higher algebra also included two questions, and he answered one of them. The last question about ellipsoid, he can't do it at all.

As for Jiang Ping's performance, Cao said that he was "very shocked". "For me, the degree of shock is equivalent to that when Xu Jun'er, an American Korean mathematician, began to learn mathematics in his twenties, he could still win the Fields Prize."

The village secretary responded that "Jiang Ping went to secondary school": it was not because of partial discipline or poor family conditions

A 17-year-old technical secondary school girl studying fashion design has entered the top 12 of the global math contest! In the past two days, the story of Jiang Ping, a talented girl, and Wang Runqiu, a teacher who excavated her, has aroused heated discussion on the whole network. Many people feel that the meeting of these two people has lit up each other's lives, especially the cultivation of Wang, who may completely change Jiang Ping's fate.

Today, many colleges and universities, including Jiangsu University, which fostered Wang Runqiu, have clearly offered Jiang Ping an olive branch to further her education in colleges and universities.

Jiang Ping and Wang Runqiu also expressed their gratitude for the attention of the outside world, but declined further interviews because it was the end of the term and they were going to participate in the finals next week. Orange persimmon interaction reporter contacted the teachers of Jiang Ping's hometown and Wang Runqiu to see the impression of people around them on these two math experts.

Jiang Ping is also one of the best in other subjects

Everyone in the village is proud of her

Jiang Ping is a native of Lianshui County, Jiangsu Province. In the history of Lianshui, it is called "Anton", and has the saying that "Anton has produced talents since ancient times". Therefore, Lianshui has the reputation of "hometown of education". Chen Deng, a politician and strategist in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Bao Zhao, a litterateur in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Wu Qiang, a contemporary military writer, Rongzi, a famous poet in Taiwan, are all the pride of Lianshui. Wu Chengen, the author of Journey to the West, is also from Lianshui.

However, because of the underdeveloped economy, Lianshui was a famous poverty-stricken county in Jiangsu.

Jiang Ping's home is in a village below Lianshui County. Mr. Sun, the village branch secretary, told reporters of Orange persimmon Interaction that after seeing Jiang Ping's news yesterday, The whole village was very happy and proud. "After all, it's not easy to produce such a talent in the countryside." Many villagers, including him, went to Jiang Ping's house to congratulate her at the first time.

"We know from our children that Xiao Jiang is good at maths, I didn't expect it to be so good. ”Secretary Sun also revealed that "Jiang Ping and her sister both achieved good results. Her sister has already gone to college, and Jiang Ping will come back several times a month."

Why do children with such good mathematical talents go to technical secondary schools instead of key high schools? Is Jiang Ping a special student? This is a question in the minds of many netizens.

In this regard, Secretary Sun also asked Jiang Ping's father and got the reply: "It is not because of partial subjects or poor family conditions. Although the family is not very rich, there is still money for school."

As for Jiang Ping's performance, Wang Runqiu also said that Jiang Ping didn't apply for the technical secondary school exam because of her low total score. On the contrary, her scores in all subjects were top two, but compared with the cliff leading in mathematics, others were average, and there was not a big gap with others.

Today, a netizen "Archaeology" got Jiang Ping's score of 621 in the middle school entrance exam, which was not low in a pile of lists. Wang Runqiu also confirmed this statement, At that time, Jiang Ping could apply for the local four-star middle school, It is also a key high school.

A netizen "Archaeology" got a score of 621 in Jiang Ping's high school entrance exam that year

The teacher of Lianshui Secondary Vocational School also spoke highly of Jiang Ping. The language teacher thought she was a very good student and her English was one of the best in the class.

Tutor Wang Runqiu:

Jiang Ping can see Wang Runqiu's shadow

Today, Jiangsu University is in hot search. They took advantage of the heat to advertise for themselves:“ Jiang Da and Wei Shen "helped 17 year old technical secondary school girls to enter the top 12 of the global math contest. It's good for genius to meet Bole! Welcome to Jiangsu University, and meet your Bole here.

Jiangsu University Calls Jiang Ping "Welcome"

This "Jiang Da Wei Shen" refers to Wang Runqiu, Jiang Ping's teacher.

In fact, before Jiang Ping was recommended to participate in the Ali Global Mathematics Competition, Wang Runqiu himself was a regular participant in the competition. Last year and the year before last, he respectively achieved good results in 166 and 432 preliminaries, This year, it reached 125, Successful finalists. It can be said that he is also a top math expert.

Wang Runqiu ranked 125 in this competition

In the 2022 Alibaba Global Math Contest, Wang Runqiu thought about a consistent topic for a whole day. After writing the proof at the last minute, he really felt the symmetry of the proof was too beautiful: "For me, Mathematics is a more essential thing, just like the glasses I wear, which can provide a new perspective to look at daily life again.

After three years of postgraduate study in Jiangsu University, Wang Runqiu was under the guidance of Professor Lu Dianchen from the School of Mathematics and Science. He can be counted as Jiang Ping's "master". Professor Lu, who had just retired, also saw the news yesterday. He immediately forwarded it to the circle of friends and sent the link to the student group.

Professor Lu once participated in the compilation of Advanced Mathematics and Its Application

After a careful look at Jiang Ping's experience, Professor Lu believes that she can break into the top 30 in the world and is the only female student. In addition to talent, It is inseparable from Jiang Ping's hard work. "On the one hand, you need to be interested in mathematics and want to learn it, which is the basis for learning mathematics well. On the other hand, you need to work hard."

This also let him see Wang Runqiu's shadow from Jiang Ping. In the three years of postgraduate study, this proud student spent almost all his entertainment time in the world of mathematics. Even after graduation, he continued to study mathematics courses. After the final results of last year's global math contest were announced, Wang Runqiu specially reported his own results to the teacher: half a question was missing (from winning the prize).

In the stereotype, those who are good at mathematics are all men, but Professor Lu doesn't think so. In his teaching career, especially in the university and graduate stage, The proportion of boys and girls is half and half, "There are many girls who are good at math."

He has repeatedly stressed that Jiang Ping is a rare positive example, "because there are not many students who can maintain the spirit of hardship when they go to vocational high school or university." He also thinks that from a positive perspective, Jiang Ping's failure to go to high school gives her more space to release her mathematical talent“ Because the high school exam oriented education model and playing hobbies are two different things. The college entrance examination does not have so much time to study higher level mathematics. "

In retrospect, Wang Runqiu said that when he was in high school, he had never heard of "mathematical analysis", "but if he could get in touch with it, he might not be able to understand it." Because there was no guide, he didn't find that until he went to college, someone around him had already learned advanced mathematical modeling.

Many colleges and universities throw out olive branches

Professor of Zhejiang University: Welcome to Zhejiang University!

Wang Runqiu once revealed that Zhejiang University is Jiang Ping's dream university, but due to professional restrictions, she can only study in three universities in Jiangsu Province, and it is best to apply to Changshu University of Technology.

Just this afternoon, @ Changshu University of Technology sent a microblog to respond: "I am very looking forward to Xiao Jiang's future application for Changshu Institute of Technology's clothing design and engineering major. We suggest that you can first come to Changshu Science and Technology to lay a solid foundation for undergraduate studies, and continue to study in Zhejiang University at the master's level. Hangzhou is close to Suzhou, and our school will go all out to help you realize your dream. "

Just now, Professor Su De Kuang of Zhejiang University forwarded Jiang Ping's relevant report and said, "Welcome to Zhejiang University!"

Zhejiang University professor welcomes Jiang Ping to Zhejiang University

According to the information on the teachers' personal homepage of Zhejiang University, Su De Kuang is the deputy director of the Teaching and Research Center for Basic Mathematics Courses of the School of Mathematical Sciences, the course director of Zhejiang's excellent course Calculus, and the course director of the national (online) excellent course Calculus. His research direction is mathematics education and higher mathematics.

Jiang Ping's excellence has also attracted more college students. @Tongji University Send a blog to congratulate Jiang Ping: "Every effort will pay off. You are welcome to apply for Tongji University and learn advanced mathematics together!" Among the self-study mathematics textbooks recommended to Jiang Ping by teacher Wang, the first one is Advanced Mathematics published by Tongji University.

Tongji University congratulates Jiang Ping on her blog

On the microblog, click the topic word # Learn Maths We are professional # # It's the turn of the math major to show #, and you can also see the fancy recommendation of their own math majors by major universities.

Fudan University An elaborate video said: "Mathematical strength affects the national strength. As a mathematical talent, you are indispensable."

"Go to this digital journey with you and feel the rhythm of numbers with heart", Xiamen University The golden signboard "where Academician Chen Jingrun studied and worked" was moved out.

Xiamen University has moved out the golden signboard of "where Academician Chen Jingrun studied and worked"

Renmin University of China More directly with strength: "The results of the 2024 American Undergraduate Mathematical Modeling Contest have been announced recently, and five teams of Renmin University of China have won the Grand Prizes, which is the largest number of universities in the world."

Editor in charge: Li Chao_NB12814

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