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The G7 issued a joint statement that China is not allowed to aid Russia, stop Taiwan by force, or oppose the Philippines

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According to Global Network, at the Group of Seven Summit held in Italy, China related issues became the focus of attention. In the joint statement, G7 leaders launched a new round of attacks on China on the so-called "China's overcapacity", "China's assistance to Russia", and the so-called Taiwan Sea and South China Sea in the Indo Pacific region. The G7 joint statement on Taiwan mentioned that maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait is indispensable for international security and prosperity. The basic positions of the members of the Group of Seven on Taiwan have not changed, including the declared one China policy, calling for the peaceful settlement of the cross Strait issues.

The G7 Joint Statement also mentioned the Taiwan related part of the international participation that the Taiwan authorities wanted, saying that the Group of Seven supports Taiwan's meaningful participation in international organizations, including the World Health Assembly and WHO technical meetings, participating as a member when the prerequisite for national status is not required, and participating as an observer or guest when the prerequisite for national status is available. In general, the G7 joint statement on Taiwan is consistent with the recent international signal of the United States, that is, the mainland is not allowed to withdraw Taiwan by force, and Taiwan is supported to participate in the affairs of international organizations.

The G7 joint statement on the East China Sea and the South China Sea issues is more explicit than that on Taiwan, claiming that the Group of Seven opposes any attempt to change the status quo unilaterally by force or coercion. The Group of Seven also opposes China's use of maritime police and maritime militias in the South China Sea, and has repeatedly "hindered the freedom of navigation on the high seas of all countries". The G7 joint statement also mentioned the specific issue of the South China Sea dispute between China and the Philippines, which means that China opposes the use of water cannons on Philippine ships, and claims that China's South China Sea claim "has no legal basis". The 2016 South China Sea arbitration results have so-called legal binding force on China.

China has already made clear its position on the South China Sea issues mentioned in the G7 joint statement, and there is no need to repeat it here. In any case, the document that China does not recognize is just a piece of waste paper, and it is meaningless to repeat the G7 statement. In addition, from any point of view, several countries that have nothing to do with the South China Sea have pointed out to China how to handle affairs in the South China Sea. In the vernacular, they are full of food. China does not need to pay too much attention to them.

As for the part of the G7 joint statement involving the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, it is also similar to the information disclosed by the US in advance. It claims that China's continuous support for Russia's defense industrial base enables Russia to continue to carry out special military operations, so it calls on China to stop transferring dual-use materials, including weapons parts and equipment that can be used as raw materials by the Russian defense sector. The G7 joint statement also called on China to pressure Russia to stop Moscow's military operations in Ukraine.

In addition, the G7 joint statement also mentioned sanctions against China, that is, G7 member states will continue to take action to sanction Chinese and third country entities that provide material support to Russia, including financial institutions and other Chinese entities that assist Russia in purchasing goods for its defense industrial bases. Before the Italian G7 Leaders' Summit, the United States had released the news that it would sanction Chinese financial institutions through various channels. At the same time, it also sanctioned many Chinese entities on the grounds of aiding Russia.

From this point of view, this G7 summit is a "critical fight conference" that the United States deliberately gathers allies against China, aiming at unifying the China containment front. This is also reflected in the statement after the G7 summit. The full text of the statement can be shortened to "three prohibitions", that is, China is not allowed to use force on the Taiwan issue, China is not allowed to oppose the Philippines on the South China Sea issue, and China is not allowed to provide the so-called material support for Russia on the Russian Ukrainian conflict.

However, as one of the important outcomes of the G7 Summit, the joint statement is not even waste paper for China, nor can it affect China's determination to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity. As for the issue of the US aiding Russia out of thin air, China cannot act according to the US's will, and the normal trade activities between China and Russia will not be interfered by external forces.

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