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How many of the six behaviors of "stealing" men's life span do you account for? Do these five things well if you want to live longer

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The life span of men has always been a topic of social concern. Many people believe that men are more likely to die early than women. Why?

In fact, men's life expectancy has a lot to do with their living habits. Some bad behaviors will quietly "steal" their lives.

Men die earlier than women?

In a recent report of World Health Statistics 2019 by the World Health Organization, a remarkable phenomenon is that women's life expectancy generally exceeds that of men globally, especially in rich developed countries.

The reasons behind this are multifaceted, involving lifestyle, social pressure and other factors.

(1) Men's neglect of health is an important reason. Many men think that they are strong and are unwilling to go to the hospital even if they are ill, for fear of being seen as vulnerable.

This behavior often leads to the deterioration of the disease, which is difficult to cure. In contrast, women usually pay more attention to their health and seek medical advice in time.

(2) Bad living habits, such as smoking and drinking, have a serious impact on men's health. According to the report of Global Adult Tobacco Survey - China, the smoking rate of Chinese men is as high as 52.9%, while that of women is only 2.4%.

Smoking is one of the main factors leading to chronic diseases and respiratory diseases. Similarly, the drinking rate of men is much higher than that of women, which undoubtedly increases the risk of liver disease and other health risks.

(3) Lack of adequate physical exercise is also one of the reasons for the shorter life span of men. Data shows that about 16% of Chinese men lack sports, compared with 12.2% of women. Lack of exercise can lead to obesity and related diseases, such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, etc.

(4) Men are more likely to be involved in traffic accidents. The data shows that among the population over 15 years old, the death rate of road traffic accidents of men is twice that of women. This is related to the fact that men are more likely to violate traffic rules when driving, such as speeding, drunk driving, etc.

(5) The psychological pressure of men is also a factor that cannot be ignored. Statistics show that the suicide rate of men is 75% higher than that of women.

Many men are not good at expressing and handling their feelings when they are under the pressure of family and work, which leads to excessive pressure in their hearts and sometimes even suicidal thoughts.

According to the report of the World Health Organization, the impact of daily life style on human health and life span is up to 60%.

Zhao Danyang, Chief Physician of Internal Medicine Miscellaneous Diseases Expert of Beijing Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital, emphasized that a healthy lifestyle can effectively prevent a variety of diseases, while bad living habits can cause serious damage to our health. The following are some common bad habits:

Six behaviors of stealing "male life expectancy"

In today's fast-paced life, our health is getting more and more attention.

(1) The habit of crossing one's legs. Many people are used to crossing their legs naturally after sitting down, sometimes accompanied by leg shaking.

Although this kind of sitting posture looks casual and comfortable, it will lead to pelvic tilt, scoliosis, lumbar muscle strain, varicose veins and even numbness of legs and feet for a long time.

(2) Neglect of drinking water. Many people think of drinking water only when they feel thirsty, but in fact, when we feel thirsty, a considerable part of the water in our bodies has been lost, which has affected our physical functions.

Mild dehydration will affect appetite, while severe dehydration may lead to serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events such as thrombosis, myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, and even life-threatening.

(3) Sitting for a long time is also a common bad habit. Sitting for a long time not only affects the blood circulation of the lower limbs, increases the blood viscosity, leads to insufficient blood supply to the heart and brain, but also may lead to the risk of venous thrombosis and pulmonary infarction in the lower limbs, and even sudden death in serious cases.

In addition, sitting for a long time will also cause damage to the lumbar spine, causing low back and leg pain.

(4) The lack of exercise is another concern. Insufficient exercise will affect the body's circulatory system and metabolic capacity, reduce immunity and disease resistance, and easily lead to vascular diseases and metabolic disorders.

(5) The behavior of forced defecation cannot be ignored. Constipation makes people have to defecate forcefully, which not only increases the burden on the heart, but also may induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents, or even sudden death for patients with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia.

(6) Finally, the impact of negative emotions on health cannot be ignored. Long term depression, pessimism and excessive anxiety will lead to the decline of body immunity and increase the risk of cancer.

Research shows that the incidence of cancer in people who are in a long-term negative emotional state is more than three times that of normal people.

Understanding these bad habits and actively changing them are essential for maintaining health and prolonging life. By adjusting our lifestyle, we can not only avoid some health problems, but also improve the quality of life and enjoy a healthier and happier life.

To live a long life, do five things well

In order to effectively promote health and prolong life, we need to start from all aspects of daily life, including diet, mentality, exercise, sleep and living habits.

(1) The rationalization of diet is the basis for maintaining health.

In daily life, many people often neglect the importance of diet due to their busy work or high life pressure, resulting in irregular diet and overeating. These unhealthy eating habits often cause a series of health problems.

Overeating will not only increase the gastrointestinal burden, but also may lead to obesity, hypertension, diabetes and other chronic diseases. Irregular eating habits may cause indigestion, unbalanced nutrition and other problems.

Therefore, cultivating healthy eating habits is of great significance for maintaining health and preventing diseases.

Light diet and reasonable collocation are the key to healthy diet. A light diet means that the food is low in fat and salt, which not only helps maintain the saline balance in the body, but also can effectively prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Reasonable collocation needs to pay attention to the balanced intake of protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals to ensure that the body can obtain comprehensive nutrition and improve immunity and body resistance.

It is also important to choose nutritious and healthy food. Fresh fruits and vegetables can provide rich vitamins and minerals. Whole grains and beans are rich in dietary fiber and vegetable protein. Fish and lean meat are good sources of high-quality protein.

By properly matching these foods, we can effectively regulate the body, enhance immunity and prevent diseases.

(2) Optimism is also important for longevity. Optimistic attitude can not only make people happy, but also maintain the stability of endocrine function, thus contributing to health. On the contrary, frequent anger and mood fluctuation will lead to endocrine dysfunction, which is harmful to health in the long run.

(3) Adhering to proper exercise is an indispensable part of longevity.

The lifestyle and working environment of modern people tend to be sedentary. Although this lifestyle brings convenience and efficiency, it also brings hidden dangers to our health.

Staying still for a long time not only reduces the body's resistance, but also increases the risk of being attacked by various chronic diseases.

Sitting for a long time and reducing physical activity will slow down blood circulation, thus increasing the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other diseases.

In addition, sitting for a long time will also lead to muscle atrophy and joint stiffness, which may cause back pain and other problems in the long past. The body's immunity and metabolic capacity will also be reduced due to lack of exercise.

In order to deal with these problems, it is very important to maintain proper daily exercise. Exercise can not only promote blood circulation, improve heart and lung functions, but also enhance the body's immunity and metabolic capacity, effectively preventing the occurrence of various chronic diseases.

Relaxed walking, gentle jogging or relaxation yoga are all good choices. These sports do not require high intensity physical input, but can effectively promote physical health.

Walking is a simple and easy exercise, suitable for people of all ages. Walking for half an hour every day can not only relax the mood, but also enhance the health of lower limb muscles and bones.

As an aerobic exercise, jogging has a significant effect on improving cardiopulmonary function. Yoga is a comprehensive physical and mental exercise, which can not only enhance muscle strength and flexibility, but also relax the mind through breathing and meditation exercises.

(4) Regular sleep is also the key to longevity. In the fast-paced life of modern society, regular sleep has become a luxury.

However, good sleep quality is essential for health and longevity. Not only has scientific research confirmed the close relationship between sleep and health, but people's daily experience also reflects the impact of sleep on physical and mental state.

Long term insufficient sleep will lead to decreased immunity and make people more vulnerable to infection.

At the same time, insufficient sleep is also associated with the increased risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases.

Sleep also affects the secretion of hormones, such as growth hormone and leptin, which play an important role in maintaining normal weight and body repair.

Good sleep habits, especially keeping the rule of going to bed early and getting up early, are crucial to maintaining a normal biological clock and improving sleep quality.

Regular biological clock helps maintain normal metabolic function and endocrine balance. In addition, adequate sleep is also important for brain health.

During sleep, the brain clears away metabolic wastes, including beta amyloid, which is associated with Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, good sleep is also of great significance for the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases.

Insufficient sleep will lead to mood fluctuations and cognitive decline, which may cause psychological problems such as anxiety and depression in the long past. Adequate sleep can help people deal with stress and emotions better and maintain a good mental state.

(5) It is also an important condition to keep away from alcohol and tobacco. The harmful substances contained in tobacco and alcohol can damage human organs and cause many diseases.

Quitting smoking and drinking and developing healthy living habits are of great significance for maintaining health and prolonging life span.

These seemingly simple habits can have a profound impact on our long-term life, laying a solid foundation for our health and longevity.

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