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Don't laugh at the Russian army. The Soviet Red Army is more crouching: 5.76 million surrendered to the German army, and Stalin wanted to secede and seek peace

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The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been fought for more than two years, and we have to admit that although Russia has a strong national defense force, ranking second in the world, this competition with Ukraine for more than a year has been very passive and even failed. The goal of demilitarization of Ukraine is far from being achieved, but Russia itself is trapped in it and is hard to get out of it. It is worn out, exhausted, anxious and depressed. Medvedev, Russia's second in command, even predicted: It may take decades!


Russia itself is also constantly analyzing and summarizing the reasons for the failure of crotch pulling, repairing in time, and sharing some of its practical experience with us. It is reported that more than 20 Chinese officers went to Russia for military exchanges and study. This is a positive reflection of the friendly exchanges between the two militaries.

At the social level, from ordinary people to military experts, many people are discussing and speculating about the success or failure of the parties to the conflict. The online analysis of General Luo Yuan's view on the Russian army's passive crotch pulling has become a hot topic.

I didn't find the original video of General Luo Yuan's statement, but found the article with the same content on the Internet and published it on a website called "Red Song Club" on December 29, 2022. Luo Yuan is a "columnist".


The full text of Luo Yuan's paragraph "The Russian army is no longer the Soviet army of the year" is copied as follows:


At present, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is in full swing, and fierce battles are still raging. But on the whole, the Russian army did not fight as well as expected, which did not match the status of the so-called "second military power". Russian President Putin was also very dissatisfied.

The reason is that many military experts have done a lot of research on strategy and tactics, weapons and equipment, and military system, which is very reasonable. But there is another point that has not reached the critical point, that is, the current Russian army is not the original Soviet army.

First of all, the Russian army has lost the leadership of the Party, so the army has lost its soul. The Russian army now basically implements the contract system. The soldiers fight to support their families and fight for money. Without faith, there is no motivation. Who will die for you?

Secondly, the Russian army has no ideological and political work. Without political commissioners, political instructors and grass-roots party organizations, the Orthodox priests were used for psychological counseling. A priest can preach, but how can he take the lead and carry a gun to the battlefield?

More importantly, the Russian army has lost the exemplary vanguard role of Communists. After nearly a year of fighting, I have never heard of such iron and steel soldiers as Matlosov and Ostrovsky in the Russian army. Communists can charge first and retreat later. Without Communists, the army will have no power to set an example and lose cohesion.

I always have great respect for General Luo Yuan, an old revolutionist after Luo Qingchang, but I really disagree with his above analysis, and think that this view should not appear in the primary and secondary school classroom, which is harmful, harmful and useless!

This reminds me of why the peasants' uprisings and peasant wars in history in the 1970s, from primary school to middle school, from Chen Sheng's and Wu Guang's uprisings in the late Qin Dynasty to Hong Xiuquan's Taiping Heavenly Kingdom uprisings in the late Qing Dynasty, failed one by one. The teacher's absurd unified standard answer is: "Because there is no leadership of the proletarian party." Can you understand it clearly? The teacher's faintness failed to make the students clear.

General Luo Yuan's view is also so absurd and untenable.

   First, the Soviet army was not heroic and flawless. Stalin also wanted to cede land and endure humiliation to seek peace.

The Soviet army in World War II was once defeated by the "Blitzkrieg" of the Fascist German army.


At the beginning of the war, 250 divisions of the Soviet Red Army were encircled and annihilated by the German army, According to German statistics, 5.76 million Soviet troops were captured and more than 1.8 million Soviet troops were annihilated. The 1995 edition of Zhukov's Memories and Reflections recorded the losses of the Soviet army: "At the beginning of the war, one front army, 19 group armies and 250 divisions were encircled and annihilated by the German army. The army was extremely unstable at that time, not only retreating, but also fleeing. It was a panic.

At the beginning of the war, Stalin rushed to accept the war and sent a request for peace talks to Germany through diplomatic channels, saying that "the Soviet side is willing to accept any conditions for the purpose of reaching an armistice". Stalin followed the example of Russia's withdrawal from the First World War in 1917 to exchange land for peace with Germany, but Hitler flatly refused.

From the capture of the Soviet army's 5.76 million grand army to Stalin's attempt to secede and seek peace, it shows that the Soviet army's combat effectiveness is extremely weak. From the highest level to the general level in the war zone, the leadership level is extremely poor, and there is no defense. It is a major strategic and tactical error. What does this have to do with Luo Yuan's claim that the Soviet army has the leadership of the Party?
They win too, and they lose too. The army is still the army, the government is still the government, and the party is still the party. There is no such thing as whether there is a leadership of the party or not.

   Later In 1945, the Soviet army entered Northeast China on a large scale and eliminated the Japanese Kwantung Army. At the same time, some Soviet soldiers were undisciplined, rogue and bandit. They raped and insulted Chinese women in the street at will, looted property of Chinese people on a large scale, and even robbed the ghost coins sold by street stalls as real coins. So do you have the leadership of the Party in this Soviet army? What party is leading? What kind of military soul?

   Later, In the 1970s, the Soviet army invaded and occupied Afghanistan, forcibly overthrew and destroyed the Amin government, and fought with the Taliban guerrillas, an Afghan civil resistance organization, for 10 years. Instead of eliminating the Taliban, the Taliban grew stronger and stronger. The Soviet army could not finally completely withdraw from Afghanistan, leaving behind a disaster stricken Afghanistan. So what is the Soviet army at this time, and what is its combat effectiveness under the leadership of the party?

   Including the Katyn Massacre, the Hungarian Incident, the Czechoslovak Incident, and the Treasure Island Incident, which was not committed by the Soviet Communist Party and the Soviet Army! They are bullying and unscrupulous. They will overthrow whoever they want to overthrow and hit whoever they want!

What I want to say to General Luo Yuan is that, Don't mention what party led the Soviet army in the past, how to fight bravely, and what kind of military spirit. While the Soviet army fought bravely under the leadership of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, it also had an indelible dirty history!

   Second, who does not believe in Russia and Ukraine? Who has no motivation? Who is just fighting for family support and money? Who didn't die?

According to General Luo Yuan, the fatal point of the failure of the Russian army is that "the Russian army now basically implements the contract system, where soldiers fight to support their families and fight for money. Without faith, there is no motivation. Who will die for you? " Does the army fighting for money to support its family have no faith and motivation? If the Russian army did not sacrifice its life, how could it still stick to the four states of Wudong included in its territory? If the Uzbek army doesn't sacrifice its life, can it beat the Russian army so badly?

General Luo Yuan's analysis of the fatal point of the Russian army is really confusing. It seems that the Ukrainian army is fighting for the purpose of resisting aggression and defending the country, so it has faith and motivation to defeat the Russian army. However, General Luo Yuan seems to have completely abandoned the six eastward expansions of NATO in the US and the West, pushed directly to Russia's doorstep, armed Ukraine into a bridgehead against Russia, overturned the Minsk Agreement, provided a large amount of military aid to Ukraine, threatened Russia's national security, and forced Russia to take military action against Ukraine.

A national army includes the strength and weakness of a certain army. Whether it is brave and tenacious in battle is composed of a variety of hardware and software factors and conditions. There is no internal inevitable relationship between the leadership of the party and the belief, including the Russian and Malaysian armies.

In the most tragic battle in the Bakmut battlefield, the average survival time of the soldiers of the forefront forces of the Russian and Ukrainian armies was only 4 hours when the battle was most intense.

No matter which side the soldier is, in this extremely dangerous environment, he often has no chance to be a hero or a deserter in his heart, so he becomes cannon fodder.

In this regard, Luo Yuan, who was not physically present, also thought that "I have never heard of such steel soldiers as Matrosov and Ostrovsky in the Russian army." Don't you think it's naive and ridiculous?

I don't know the truth, but just imagine it. It's quite like a scene in the old movie "The Cleaning Artillery". The artillery of the Qing army had never seen the foreign devils, believed the rumors and mistakenly thought that“ Foreigners are inferior monsters. They can't bend their legs. They can't stand up just by flipping them over with poles ”。 So they sent several people with long poles to attack the foreign devils' barracks at night, but none of them came back alive.

General Luo Yuan's analysis of the fatal point of the Russian army's powerless crotch pulling has ended here, and it is not suitable to expand the dissemination. If such a low level of opinion is taken to exchange with Russia, it will certainly be kicked out of the door by the Russian side.

Zerensky's Final Decision: Escape abroad and be abandoned by the United States like a dead mouse

   Windmill in snow

I admire the sages for their peace and contentment, and hope that the world is clean and upright.

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Next goal: attack Zapolo hot nuclear power plant and cause nuclear leakage accident!

The article was revised on June 5, 2023

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