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It's too realistic. Jiang Ping, a technical secondary school student, has a better performance than MIT students in the math contest, and can only go to Changshu Institute of Technology

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Mathematics is an important basic discipline, and its importance is self-evident. The progress of science and technology and every bit of life can not be separated from mathematics, and a country's mathematical strength also affects the progress of science and technology to a certain extent. Fortunately, China's mathematical research and talent training have made great progress in these years.

On the one hand, it benefits from the continuous investment of universities and colleges with superior mathematical disciplines such as Peking University, Fudan University, Shanxi University and Zhejiang University; On the other hand, it also benefits from the improvement of the society's recognition of the importance of mathematics, especially some public interest competitions in mathematical promotion and popularization, which are conducive to the discovery of mathematical talents.

Recently, Jiang Ping, a technical secondary school student, became famous almost overnight. She successfully entered the final list of the 2024 Alibaba Global Math Competition and was promoted to the top 12 with a high score of 93 points. In front of her were all students from Qingbei, MIT, Cambridge and other famous universities who came from all disciplines.

From the list of finalists, there are 801 finalists who come from all over the world, with an average age of 22, while Jiang Ping is only 17. The most important thing is that she is only a student in a secondary technical school in Jiangsu, and she is currently studying fashion design.

This is the first time in the history of Ali Math Contest. A technical secondary school student has reached the top 12 of the final, and many of her followers are world famous students from Qingbei, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, National University of Singapore, etc.

Is it talent or hard work?

Many people think Jiang Ping's success is unthinkable, and attribute it to talent. They think that a student who is studying in a technical secondary school has not a solid foundation. How can he get the final qualification of the World Mathematics Competition?

In fact, although Jiang Ping studied fashion design, her interest in mathematics began in junior high school, which was discovered by her math teacher Wang Runqiu after she entered the technical secondary school, so she suggested and guided her to teach herself advanced mathematics, mathematical analysis, partial differential equations, etc.

Teacher Wang Runqiu himself is also a math expert who has been shortlisted in the final of the Ali Math Contest. In teacher Wang's opinion, Jiang Ping's talent is embodied in persistence. When encountering problems, she will continue to study and forget to eat and sleep. That is to say, talent is important, but hard work can show her talent.

Why did you miss high school?

Many people are very curious about this math expert. Since his math scores are so good and his talent and efforts are not lacking, why did he choose to study in technical secondary school instead of ordinary high school?

Some people think that Jiang Ping is a partial subject and has been eliminated by the "general job diversion". Studying in the technical secondary school is just a helpless choice. In fact, Jiang Ping said in an interview that when she was admitted to the general high school, she gave up for various reasons and chose to study fashion design in the technical secondary school, but never gave up her love of mathematics.

Mr. Wang said that with Jiang Ping's current level of mathematics, if she took the college entrance examination, she could get more than 130 points in mathematics.

Can college dream come true?

For Jiang Ping, she enjoys the current state. Mathematics makes her more confident. Every deduction process makes her happy. She also finds that clothing design and partial differential equations have the beauty of symmetry.

However, for her future choice, she still has a dream of college. This time, she participated in the Ali Math Contest, which is also her original intention to realize her dream. Unfortunately, according to the current regulations of Jiangsu Province for technical secondary school students to participate in the college entrance examination, there are professional restrictions. Jiang Ping can only apply to three universities in the province, and the best one is Changshu Institute of Technology.

Jiang Ping's dream is Zhejiang University, and Hangzhou's clothing industry is very developed. Studying clothing design is plan a, and exploring the mathematical world is plan b. She hopes her plan b can also be seen.

Personal opinion

The reality is very embarrassing. A technical secondary school student with super mathematical ability, whose performance exceeded that of many MIT students in the World Mathematics Competition, can only go to Changshu University of Technology in the end. This huge contrast is unacceptable.

For these young mathematical talents, should we come up with a special talent selection mechanism? As the netizens said, if such talents are not valued and can not get further education opportunities, foreign universities will probably offer again, and talents should not be lost in vain.

Many people are calling Peking University and Tsinghua University, and I think it is unrealistic, but Zhejiang University can organize a special assessment to evaluate Jiang Ping's math and comprehensive ability. If she meets the requirements, she can be given a chance, and maybe she will really develop a math talent.

What do you think?

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