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30 million "bachelors" are squeezed out by "marriage"! How to break the single society?

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In this era, marriage is undoubtedly an important node in many people's lives.

When we examine the topic of marriage, we have to mention a set of data presented in the seventh national census: In China, the male population is 723.34 million and the female population is 688.44 million, with a gap of 34.9 million.

The population gap of more than 30 million has undoubtedly brought about a profound impact on our society. First, from the perspective of the marriage market, this means that men may face greater competitive pressure when looking for partners.

In the traditional concept, men are often regarded as the main economic pillar of the family. Now, facing the situation of too many monks and too few porridge, men have to work harder to improve themselves, whether it is to achieve higher achievements in their careers or to cultivate more excellent qualities to increase their competitiveness in the marriage market.

However, this does not mean that women can rest easy. Although the female population is relatively small, their demands and expectations for marriage are also increasing.

Modern women pay more attention to self realization and independence. They are no longer satisfied with finding a financially reliable partner, but are eager to have a deeper spiritual fit and resonance with their partner. This requires that both men and women should pay more attention to communication and understanding with each other in marriage, and jointly manage and maintain this precious relationship.

From the social perspective, the population gap may also bring about some potential problems. For example, marriage squeeze may occur in some areas, that is, some men are difficult to find suitable partners. This will not only affect personal happiness, but also may have a certain impact on social stability and harmony. This also reminds us to pay more attention to gender equality, strive to eliminate the stereotype of the roles of men and women in traditional concepts, and provide everyone with more equitable development opportunities.

How should we cope with such a demographic situation? On the one hand, we need to strengthen education and publicity to guide people to establish a correct concept of marriage and love. Marriage should not only be based on the matching of material conditions, but more importantly, the matching of the values, personalities and life goals of both parties. We should also encourage people to broaden their social circle, get to know more people through various ways, and increase the opportunities to find suitable partners.

On the other hand, society should also provide more support and security for people's marriage and family. For example, improve marriage leave, maternity leave and other related systems to reduce the economic burden of families; Provide more family services and educational resources to help couples better balance work and family life.

Back to the personal level, whether you are male or female, you should maintain a positive and optimistic attitude. Don't feel anxious or panic because of the population gap, but believe that there is always a suitable person waiting in the world. At the same time, we should constantly improve our comprehensive quality to make ourselves more excellent and attractive.

In short, the population gap revealed by the seventh national census has brought new thinking and challenges to our marriage. However, we believe that as long as we face it with a positive attitude, continue to work hard and explore, we will be able to find our own happy marriage.

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