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Zhu Zhu graduated from graduate school, her husband and daughter went to Paris to witness, and the rich dad rarely appeared on the screen with high face

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In recent years, we can often see Zhu Zhu's figure in various popular dramas. Zhu Zhu's appearance and acting skills always amaze the audience. When many actresses enter middle age, they complain that there is no drama to shoot, but Zhu Zhu, 39, is still hot. As an actor, Zhu Zhu has been very successful, and studying is also for the sake of future career success. But unexpectedly, Zhu Zhu went to study for a graduate degree in the past year under the condition of fame and wealth, which is really a worthy academic bully in the entertainment industry.

At the opening ceremony a year ago, she showed a poster. She studied the cultural creativity and media management project of HEC Business School in Paris. So naturally, Zhu Zhu's graduation ceremony was also held in Paris. Zhu Zhu's father, a wealthy businessman, is as handsome as ever in his blue suit. Zhu Zhu's mother wore a Chinese dress, held a famous brand bag and dyed her hair. Although her skin no longer tightened with age, her temperament and aura as a magnate still stood out.

Suspected friends of Zhu Zhu also came to the scene and took a group photo with Zhu Zhu's family. Zhu Zhu has a cheerful personality and high EQ. She is confident and beautiful. Naturally, she has attracted many excellent friends. However, the small jewels in the photos seem to be in low mood, and may still be jet lagged. Zhu Zhu, who was reunited with her daughter in Paris, never let go of her small jewels. It is easy to see from the picture that she is a good mother who loves her children and has a sense of responsibility.

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