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Go straight to the test room | IELTS test memory on May 25!

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2024.5.25 Listening Analysis

The listening difficulty of IELTS on May 25 was relatively high: there were special question types and 29 blank filling questions, some scenes were not common, and the answer words of some blank filling questions were relatively difficult;

In terms of question types: multiple choice questions appeared in P1 (the first time in recent half a year), ten blank filling questions appeared in P3 (the last time was on November 18 last year), and single choice questions appeared in P4;

Scenarios: P1's consultation scenarios are relatively common, but the consultation "programs" are not frequent, and are also relatively few in the real questions; Part P2 is relatively conventional, and the working scenes have been reviewed again (relevant scenes have been reviewed many times since April); P3 belongs to conventional education (lecture preparation) and involves high-frequency academic scenes (biology); P4 part of the scene is very rare, which is "newspaper printing", partial to social life scene.

[The following answers and order are for reference only]

Part1: Telephone consulting entertainment company program arrangement

Question type: match+fill in the blank

1-4 matching

1. Drama 1------ D changed to a new starting time

2. Drama 2— E it is cancelled

3.Drama 3 --- G get it for free

4. Drama 4--- A sold out

5-10 Fill in the blanks

Specific details of a specific PROGRAM

five New opera

6. Ticket price: 30 pounds

4 locations:

7. place 1: theatre

8. place 2: library

9. place 3: town hall

10. place 5: studio

P1 Comment: P1 is an old question. The background phone calls to inquire about the arrangement of the entertainment company's programs; From the perspective of vocabulary, the difficulty is not so great. The subjects are all relatively basic words or phrases, and there is only one basic examination point - currency dictation. Although there are matching questions, they belong to the type that needs to focus on the options that agree to be replaced and are not easy to lose. It can be seen from memory that the options are not difficult (note that the phrases "for free" and "sold out" are very frequent). Therefore, students only need to keep practicing, and determine and correspond to the center of gravity in the examination and listening. Don't panic in case of special question matching. The difficulty is not necessarily great, and maintaining a stable attitude is also helpful for the completion of subsequent questions.

Part2: Website introduction and one person's work experience in different countries

Question type: single choice matching

Keywords: cookie, construction, editor, guide, gardening

11-15 Single choice

eleven A

twelve A

thirteen B

fourteen A

fifteen B

16-20 matching questions

sixteen F

seventeen A

eighteen D

nineteen B

twenty E

P2 comments: The second part is the new question, which examines the single choice question and matching question, and it is a conventional question matching; The topic is work, which belongs to the extremely high frequency scene. There are also many related topic topics in the real questions. Students must keep practicing before the exam, actively accumulate related topic vocabulary, and summarize relevant exam site information.

Part 3: Prepare for lectures on biology

Question type: matching choice

P3 comments: P3 is an old question, and there is a rare case that 10 questions are all filled in the blank. In fact, it is not necessarily a bad thing to meet a blank filling question in P3, because this part is a multi person dialogue, and the topic switching will be more obvious (question and answer, strong sense of rhythm), and the probability of the examinee losing will be much smaller; In addition, students can predict the possible appearance of the answer sentence or the answer word of the same column through the header to further determine the focus of listening. From the perspective of answer words, most of them are relatively conventional, and some words examine affixes (- s, - ed). Students can deal with such examination points through question judgment, listening sensitivity and post listening inspection; In the advanced examination points section, emphasis/extreme value (focus on, main), emotional attitude (problem) and logic (negation, modification, turning, etc.) are clearly observed. Students should keep practicing and summarize the examination points more during the preparation stage.

Part4: Newspaper printing

Question type: single choice+fill in the blank

31 Single choice

31 Why this student choose this print company?

A only this company responded

B conveniently situated

C the company’s technology appeals to her

Fill in the blanks in Form 32-35:

36-40 Fill in the blank

36 Factory spend more time to: prevent paper jams

37 the machinery will be installed in the: air pump

38 time of installation was: 11 months

39 the huge machinery was brought in by a railway track

40 A newspaper' s distribution is computerized, with a system of barcode

P4 comments: The fourth part is an old question. The theme is newspaper printing. It belongs to social science/introductory scenes. There are many related topics in the introductory scenes in Jianya 12-18, but newspaper introductions are rare. Such topic words occasionally appear in the stem or answer words of other topics. Students must develop the habit of accumulating vocabulary and pronunciation after finishing the questions, You may get unexpected surprises during the exam. A single choice question appeared in P4 this time, but it was not difficult. It was obvious that the cause and effect relationship was examined. Besides the attention positioning, the options should also focus on common test points (extreme value only, emotional attitude apply to, etc.); Some of the blank filling questions are difficult. The answer words involve phrases (rubber blanket, paper jam (printer, etc.), railway track), and some are also difficult (fold, image image, barcode). Students should pay attention to the accumulation of vocabulary when practicing, and pay attention to the phrases that often appear together. In addition, when encountering new words, they should calm down and try to spell them naturally. In addition, advanced examination points such as: negative, comparative, time (future, past), modification, etc. are regular examination points.

2024.5.25 Reading analysis


The reading difficulty of the last exam in May is generally small, and the combination of topics and question types involved is also unconventional. P1 investigated the character introduction category, P2 continued to investigate the last physiological category, and P3 investigated the development history category related to agriculture. From the perspective of question type, the more difficult questions such as paragraph information matching, single choice and word selection fill in the blank appeared in P2 and P3 respectively. The difficulty of the three articles went from easy to difficult, and the hierarchy was consistent with the law.

Passage 1 Radiocarbon Dating – The Profile of Nancy Athfield

Category: introduction description class

Difficulty: ★

Item matching: judgment 7+fill in the blank 6

Reference answer:

1-7 Judgment

1. FALSE (not found by Nancy, but by local people)


3. NOT GIVEN (does not mention whether Nancy needs to take some time off to investigate)


5. FALSE (the purpose is not to find out how Angkor was rebuilt, but to find out the evidence that Cambodia is the resting place of the famous Angkor royal family)


7. TRUE (the investigation result of Nancy team proves that the site does not belong to Angkor royal family)

8-13 Fill in the blanks

8. university

9. rat

10. diet

11. archaeologist

12. funding

13. database

Analysis: Generally speaking, the first article is not too difficult to read. This time, it belongs to the character introduction chapter, which is generally not difficult, and the question type combination is also a conventional "judgment+filling in the blank". When you get the question, you can read it in advance before considering whether you need to cross write the question. There may be some time prompt words for positioning in combination with the characters' lives, which can help us solve problems quickly during the exam. To get an ideal score, the ducks must win the basic questions. For the same type of chapters, you can refer to Sword 14 Test 1 P2 (Alexander Henderson) and Sword 15 Test 3 P1 (Henry Moore), both of which are related to character introduction.

Passage 2 sleep and memories

Category: Physiological

Difficulty: ★★★

Item matching: paragraph information matching+fill in the blank+person name matching

Reference answer:

To be recalled

Analysis: I see that the topic discovery is physiological, and it is also a sleep topic that was investigated last time (May 18). Have the examiners been dominated by BC's anti routine test mode this year? The topics that have been tested do not mean that they will not take the test again in the short term. The topics of the regular test are those that need to focus on training when preparing for the test. From the perspective of question type combination, the combination of two matching questions+blank filling questions has certain difficulty. Candidates need to allocate time reasonably, starting with the blank filling questions that are easy to score, completing the person name matching questions that are easy to locate, and finally completing the matching questions that are out of order. It should be noted that some details related to information matching questions can be properly paid attention to in the process of locating sequence questions, and can be completed at the same time if encountered.

Passage 3 Evolution of agricultural transportation

Category: agriculture, transportation, development history

Difficulty: ★★★★

Question type matching: single choice 4+word choice 5+judgment 5

Reference answer:

27-30 single choice

27. A

28. C

29. B

30. A

31-35 Select words to fill in the blanks

31. H

32. J

33. B

34. E

35. C

36-40 Judgment

36. NO

37. YES


39. NO

40. YES

Analysis: In fact, the topic of agriculture was examined as early as the first event of this year (January 6) (the experience of Tull, a popular science person, who invented the agricultural seeder), including the topic of the history of farming in March. You must pay attention to the topics related to agriculture or agriculture when preparing for the exam. Accumulate the vocabulary of related topics! This article is a combination of agriculture and transportation. The question combination is very conventional. There are many chapters of this question combination on Jian 15 and Jian 16 for everyone to practice. Multiple choice questions are easy to locate, but you must analyze the options clearly and pay attention to the details. The word selection blank filling finally appears in P3, which is more difficult than the general summary type blank filling. At ordinary times, the accumulation of synonymous replacement should be in place. If you have enough time for the third article, this article can be won.

2024.5.25 Writing analysis


The table shows information about the number of Australian people who visited the seven most popular destinations in 1999 and 2009.

This essay examines the double time dynamic chart, which includes the number of tourists to different places and the growth rate. The article can be easily written by adopting the conventional dynamic diagram analysis method. For example, countries with obvious growth rates (i.e., those with growth rates greater than 100%) can be divided into one group for description, while the remaining countries with minor changes can also be divided into one group. Extreme value information can also be highlighted in writing. Overall, it is not difficult.

Big composition

It is impossible to help all people around the world in need so governments should focus on people from their own country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The topic of this composition is whether the government agrees or not. The question asked the examinees to discuss the statement that "it is impossible to provide help to all people in need in the world, so the government should pay attention to its citizens". It is true that there is no dispute about the cause of the causal relationship, but can our government really not provide help to people in other countries? The answer given here "can provide help to people in other countries" is a highly feasible way of writing.

After expressing your personal views in the opening paragraph, you can choose to demonstrate the "focus on people from their own country" in the first topic paragraph. For example, it is mentioned that the main responsibility of government departments is to serve the people and meet their needs, and the money paid by taxpayers has also laid the foundation for achieving this goal. In addition, some governments will face many challenges when providing international assistance. For example, when supporting African countries, there will be more expenses due to underdeveloped traffic conditions and climate, which is also a challenge for the government. Then, in the second main section, the "help people around the world" is demonstrated. It can be mentioned that the global nature of many current problems means that international assistance is indispensable. It can also be mentioned that helping other countries will enhance their international status and other benefits. On the whole, the difficulty of this composition is average.

Official honor

On February 5, 2024, the British Council of Culture and Education announced the official partner rating of IELTS in 2023. New Channel was awarded 15 awards in total, and its branches won 3 platinum partner honorary titles.

Because of the outstanding contribution of New Channel in the 2023 IELTS candidate training, the IELTS official awarded the "Group Contribution Award" to New Channel this year.

Periodic recommendation

Special thanks

Contributors: Cheng Zilin, Tang Shan, Yao Yuxin

First instance teacher Ma Jiarui

Second instance teacher | Gu Hui

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Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

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