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Wang Jiu's "Divine Strike": Mysterious Eastern Metaphysics from Jiulong Stronghold

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In "Fortress Besieged by Jiulong Stronghold", there is a very strange Meng Lan temple show, which is quite amazing. The Hong Kong wind concentration is max.

At the temple fair, there were many topless men with red cloth belts on their heads, whining and drinking to practice martial arts and worship the gods.

It is impossible to cut them with a big knife or stab them with a sharp knife;

It was Wang Jiu, who had just become the leader of the temple fair, who made such a big show. When he saw the rise, he put a piece of red charcoal into his mouth and chewed it

According to the clues provided by the Fourth Young Master of the Stronghold, Wang Jiu practiced "hard Qigong". But if he only practiced Kung Fu, why did the director bother to set up a scene for Yu Lan Ji?

In addition, another big man in the play, a tornado, is also a trainer, who can blow people away across the air, but he can't be invulnerable, unlike Wang Jiu.

This comparison points to the only possibility. What Wang Jiulian practiced was the Eastern Mysterious Metaphysics - "Shenda".

What is the Oriental Magic Skill?

It is mentioned in the film that what Wang Jiulian practiced was "hard Qigong", probably to meet the quality of martial arts films from boxing to meat. After all, the metaphysical meaning of "divine attack" was too strong, which made the film completely deviate from the realistic style.

Shenda is also called "inviting God to get up". In TVB's "Stronghold Heroes", there is also a Fu Shoujin who practices Shenda. Every time before fighting, he has to put a strange pose, which is that he is summoning a god to attach himself and ready to fight.

It is said that people who are protected by "gods" can boil oil and stab with knives and spears without any damage. Only when they find the "cover door" can they break their kung fu.

In the play, Fu Shoujin is played by Wu Yunlong as a cat cub who vomits blood on the spot after a surprise kick from the back. I wonder if it's a kick in the door?

By the way, the reborn kitten came to the Kowloon City Stronghold again and became Wang Jiu, who practiced God beating.

Wang Jiu is not as fragile as Fu Shoujin. The four young people in the city can't find his cover. Finally, Wang Jiu swallowed his sword and got lucky.

There is another reason that makes me very sure that Wang Jiu practiced God hit.

His ability to eat charcoal has appeared as early as in the first work directed by Liu Jialiang, and the name of this film is called "God Beats".

There are also many famous scenes of "God Beating" in the same style of Wang Jiu. For example, after inviting God, people who practice God Beating will become invulnerable;

It's OK to burn your body;

This kind of "God hit" has almost no weakness in the body, and it is OK to cut the neck with a knife, so Wang Jiu's neck is also OK.

The theme of the film is "God Beating", but the film is not crazy, but a positive energy core that focuses on "playing martial arts and dispelling superstition".

Because those so-called "please the gods" are just the cover used by quacks to bluff people.

Only one thing is that the film is taken from the historical background of "the Boxer Rebellion was flourishing at the end of the Qing Dynasty", which is true.

Besides looking for the cover door, how can Shenda break it?

As early as the reign of Qianlong, "magic boxing" had appeared, and some places began to incorporate elements of "inviting gods".

Later, the Boxer Rebellion rose and developed the "Yihe Quan". The organization of Yihe Quan was suppressed on one side, and then rose in other forms on the other side. For example, the broadsword in the southwest of Shandong would not work, and a new boxing field immediately emerged in the northwest of Shandong.

At the beginning, Shenda was called "Golden Bell Mask Divine Fist", which used the golden bell mask martial arts of Dadao Club and the form of "invulnerability", and took the core of "subduing the spirit and attaching to the body".

The threshold for practice is still very low. There is no need to pay an entrance fee or practice for a long time, just "please" to God. Suddenly many people become supporters, and the boxing technique has a special name "God Beat".

At that time, there were specific statements:

Use a bowl of clear water, burn the jar of incense, recite mantras in the mouth, draw three amulets with your fingers on the water bowl, eat the second one to cure the disease and sore, and eat the third one, you will have a spirit attached to you, and you will be able to dance fists. It is called Shaolin God Beat, and men and women can learn

But among those who practice Divine Fist, such as the famous Zhu Hongdeng and Monk Xincheng, Yu Xian, the Minister of Internal Affairs, executed them before leaving office. It can be seen that no matter how hard they practice kung fu, they can't achieve the "invulnerability" in the movie.

Later, in many Hong Kong movies, the Boxers were used as the image of "White Lotus Sect", often with some deification settings.

For example, in Shao's "Hong Wending Breaks the White Lotus Cult Three Times" in 1975, the leader is the villain. However, he has excellent martial arts and his own closed Qigong. He can never find a dead spot and is very difficult to fight;

Later, there was also the leader Bai Lian in "Huang Feihong II: A Man Should Be Self Reliant" starring Jet Li. The style of painting was more strange, and he was known as "magic skills to protect the body and be invulnerable". It was OK to stand on the fire pit. When fighting with Huang Feihong, it took a lot of effort to recite the name of a god every time he made a move

If you hit with a gun, the leader will be undamaged.

However, he was finally defeated by Huang Feihong's shadowless foot in Foshan, and was thrown onto the wooden stake of the idol to die. We all know that the leader is just flesh and blood, and "God Beating" is not a 100% must kill trick.

There was also a case called "Shenda" in the fashion show "No.1 Imperial Court III". It said that a master demonstrated Shenda with a knife, but accidentally cut his apprentice's main artery, causing the other party to die. The lawyer had to focus on this strange case to explain that people would really die if they cut with a knife.

All things have their own nemesis. If we classify "Shenda" as metaphysics, in addition to struggling to find the cover door like the Four Young Men in the Stronghold, there is actually a set of ways to crack metaphysics

For details, please refer to Li Bihua's Chaozhou Lane.

The woman wanted to go to the man's practice room to clean it, but the man shouted at her because he was practicing God beating. He had to "invite Shigong to get up" for ten days and half months. He thought that the altar of "Shigong" was not allowed to see women's menstrual blood, which "poisoned black dog's blood".

In the end, he was also killed by the woman's blood.

In a word, the short story Chaozhou Lane is too classic. Xu Feng planned to adapt it into a film and asked Zhang Ziyi to play the leading role. Unexpectedly, after many years, Empress Zhang performed "Soy Sauce Lane", and finally she was going to kill her husband in the end.

Not on/off, Practice "God" "Fight" is just their blessing ceremony

In Chaozhou Lane, the men who practice God beating are Chaozhou people, and God beating is still popular in some areas of Chaoshan.

Like the "Camp Master" activity in Chaoshan, which is out of date for holidays, occasionally someone will perform various skills of sitting on a nail board, climbing a knife mountain, and hammering himself with a sledgehammer, saying that the actor has "asked God to get up" and will not feel pain;

There is also Leizhou Youshen, a ceremony of "wearing the arrow" that makes outsiders look creepy. It is to put a sharp arrow or wire through the face.

It is also divided into "order" and "protection order". The order is said to be a "child prodigy" called by God, and is worn by the grandfather on his back; The "protective order" is worn voluntarily to arouse the gods.

There must be some scientific explanation. Some people think it may be that they have been drugged, while others think it should be a psychological hint to make the client feel no pain by some means.

But for the local people, it is just a traditional ceremony that they have inherited for many years.

In these ceremonies, we hope that through various interactions with the "God", we can pray that everything will be fine in the coming days, and express a good wish, instead of being in chaos as in the film.

Chaoshan also has a special ceremony of god dragging, where everyone grabs the god until they drag the "master" to the ground. The scene is very like a fight, quite tough

In Hong Kong, there are also some talented people who are specialized in "God beating". Some masters have talked about their experience of "inviting God" on the program.

They need to test their knives, eat glass, eat bowls and other so-called "five armed forces sharp weapons" to determine that they really have a certain ability.

But what is the purpose of "inviting God"?

The master said that it is used to train a kind of sympathetic ability, which can sense whether there is evil spirit in some places. Therefore, in their eyes, Shenda is not a performance, but a kind of training.

Another master went to TVB and talked about the side effects of "inviting God". Some people cut off their wrists crazily. There were also man-made disasters and the next generation. The baby was infected with unknown viruses.

These masters speak the truth without knowing the truth.

Most of all, Bob, the host, also asked, "How should ordinary family audiences learn to fight with God?"?

Shifu said: It's better to follow the right Shifu. Don't believe what people say. Don't go to the mountain to smoke. It's easy to have an accident without the guidance of master.

In the final analysis, there are three words: Don't learn!

Also, invulnerable, it is really a dream!

Sister E's conclusion:

The most interesting thing about reading novels, movies and TV plays is that you can always find strange knowledge points in unexpected places. No matter how exaggerated the story is, it may also come from "real story adaptation".

The most special thing about "Shenda" is that it has the background of traditional Chinese Kung Fu, and it has a coat that is beyond nature and metaphysics, which will leave a lot of imagination space for people. This is also the reason why many Kung Fu movies like to add Shenda elements.

At least from the perspective of film, Wang Jiu's hit skill is absolutely "a stroke of genius", which makes his force value hard enough to control the city stronghold, and also makes the character's crazy character play more vividly.

Of course, there is no Wang Jiu in reality, and no one is really invulnerable. In ancient times, "God hit" was once a tool for demagogues, but now it has become one of the unique folk characteristics. It's OK to watch the bustle. Don't be fooled by the "respected person" casually. Learn from God hit and eat glass and swallow charcoal!

Today's late night topic is:

Have you ever heard of Shenda?

Come to the comment area and talk about it~

Look at the murderous house, touch the bones, past and present... Is this the reality show version of Mr. Zombie?

-Today's headline-

Your fairy sister E, eat Wang Jiu's pepper

Duty student: rapeseed art: sloth

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