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Lai Qingde is still whitewashing the Taiping Bay Area to look at the Strait during the PLA's military exercises around Taiwan Island

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This is the 154 issue of The Bay Area Watching the Strait

The picture shows the situation of PLA's multi-directional approach to Taiwan Island battle patrol drill

Is the island "peaceful"?

In order to effectively punish the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces for seeking "independence" and seriously warn the outside forces for interference and provocation, the eastern theater of the PLA organized troops such as the theater army, navy, air force and rocket corps from May 23 to 24 to carry out the "United Sword 2024A" exercise around Taiwan Island.

The situation on both sides of the Taiwan Straits has escalated in vain due to Lai Qingde's political "rush", while the foreign media have tried to create a scene of "peace" in the island. According to the report of Lu Tou Agency, aided by Taiwan media, Taiwan people show no signs of anxiety. The boss of a tire store in Kaohsiung said that the PLA exercises "do not affect our daily life, we still have to work to make money", and said that such "intimidation tactics" are "already used to". Echoing the foreign media reports, the topic of the big page reports of Taiwan media these days is that the Taiwan legislature has been devastated by the reform plan, and the supporters of both sides are facing off in the rain.

Since the DPP authorities took office, the blockade of real information on the mainland has become more and more strict. Objectively speaking, it has indeed led to a certain misunderstanding of cross-strait issues among the people of the island. The so-called "threat" from the mainland will be operated as the primary issue when the DPP needs elections, while the DPP will play down the relevant influence when the mainland action is unfavorable to its own governance. In 2022, Pelosi, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress, went to Taiwan and triggered the PLA's military exercises around Taiwan. The most vivid description of the "celebrities" in the island at that time was that the PLA missiles flew over Tsai Ing wen's office, and Taiwanese talents learned from the Japanese Unification Staff and Supervision Department what happened around Taiwan Island.

This time, Lai Qingde, the initiator, has not yet come forward to make any response, but only said something related to Taiwan's legislative reform on his social media. As long as the DPP can pretend to be invisible, the cyber army they raise can "turn the big things into small ones and the small things into nothing".

Lai Qingde has not yet made any response

Taiwan's Lianhe Daily published a commentary saying that it is an indisputable fact that Taiwanese villagers have not received any alert messages from Lai Qingde's administrative team through SMS so far. The article teased him by the way and said, "Obviously, Lai Qingde's security team believes that the security threat caused by the 'United Sword 2024A' exercise has not reached the level of satellite launch on the mainland before last year's election, and Cai Yingwen's team feels that it is necessary to issue a warning notice.", "The key factor should be to consider the difference between them and whether they are facing the eve of the election.".

The article goes on to point out that so far, there is no sign that the Taiwan Army has improved its combat readiness level, controlled its activities and recalled its officers and soldiers on leave. The high-level security department in Taiwan accompanied Lai Qingde to the army according to the scheduled schedule. The aircraft and ships of the two sides confronted each other and shouted, which obviously did not change the operation track of the security team.

Finally, the article reminds that according to the memorandum of understanding signed by China and the United States in 2014 on the establishment of a confidence building mechanism for mutual notification of major military operations, whether the US military is notified before the start of the exercises is indeed an important key factor affecting how Washington responds. The article raises a question. It is true that when the exercise began, it was already after work in Washington, but the speech system of the Pentagon and the State Council could be delayed to the next day of work time in the United States and East Asia time. Then, it responded to the PLA's exercises around the Taiwan Strait with diplomatic rhetoric and bureaucratic articles. "It is up to the readers to understand the mystery".

Calm is more "terrible" than worry?

However, people of insight in the island are deeply worried about the statement of "peace" in the island.

Xie Hanbing, a senior media person in Taiwan, said on the island's internal affairs program that since Pelosi's move to Taiwan, the DPP authorities have been pressed step by step, but there has been no response, and they have been shrinking back. Lai Qingde's speech touched the bottom line, so the PLA has further compressed. He mentioned that people in the island are watching the fight of the legislature. "Do you think this is a good thing?"

Xie Hanbing retorted, "First of all, the PLA is for the United States, so we don't care whether the Taiwanese look at it or not. More importantly, we have been boiled frogs in warm water to this point, and people have surrounded you, and then you don't feel at all. This is terrible!" He assumed, "One day, Taiwanese people may wake up and find that the PLA is already at their home. Everyone continues to live as usual and watch the legislature fight.".

The picture shows the national flag and the central mountain range of the island

Guo Zhengliang, Taiwan's former civilian representative, also held a similar view. He believed that the PLA's military exercises meant more to warn the United States. He said, "Kangda, the Assistant Secretary of State for Asia Pacific Affairs of the White House of the United States, met with the Taiwan Affairs Office on April 15 and said," Stabilizing the status quo ", while Rosenberg, the chairman of the" American Association in Taiwan ", went to Taiwan three times after Lai Qingde won the election, and the same signal was sent to the outside world. However, the content of Lai Qingde's speech on the day was completely different, so the PLA military exercises started on this scale, It is also set up for the United States to see ".

The Taiwan media observed that in addition to the delayed response of the United States, on the second day of the PLA exercise, the US aircraft carrier "Reagan" headed straight to the "Second Island Chain", and the "Roosevelt" also visited Singapore according to the original plan, running all the way from the South China Sea to the Malacca Strait, 3000 kilometers from Taiwan Bay. The RC-135U reconnaissance aircraft flew to the East China Sea, but did not come. Jiewen Ji, a former foreign affairs official in Taiwan, described that the US military was far away from this mainland military exercise for fear of being interpreted as "interference". "There is something wrong with Taiwan and Japan" and "there is something wrong with Taiwan and the US is afraid of things". The bullet does not have eyes. At this time, it should use a very clear message to say, "I don't care about this matter. It has nothing to do with me. It is better to leave". Do not let others fight, Run aside to look.

Author: Li Yi, chief writer of Shenzhen Satellite TV Direct News

Editor in charge: Li Xi_NN2587

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