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Liu Heping: Lai Qingde, the "Golden Sun of Taiwan Independence", is extremely aggressive and afraid of causing great disasters!

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Mass brawling broke out in Taiwan's legislature

Direct news Mr. Liu, the blue, white and green public opinion representatives in Taiwan's legislature staged another group fight, and even Han Guoyu, the head of the legislature, was injured. What do you think about this?

Special commentator Liu Heping There is no doubt that among the recent mass brawls among the blue, white and green public opinion representatives in Taiwan's legislature, the DPP public opinion representatives are the party that launched the initiative attack, and also the party that attempts to solve the problem through abnormal ways outside the system. The KMT and the public opinion representatives of the people's party membership are the party that passively defends and defends the institutional rule of "the minority obeys the majority".

To be honest, so far I have no idea for whom and why the Democratic Progressive Party, which claims to represent "democracy and progress", is fighting. The DPP said that its purpose was to prevent the Kuomintang and the Popular Party from expanding the power of Taiwan's legislature. However, isn't the purpose of the so-called separation of powers, supervision and balance mainly to use legislative and judicial power to prevent the abuse of administrative power? The five reform measures put forward by Lan Bai this time include making Taiwan leaders regularly report to the legislature and accept inquiries, making important personnel appointments to Taiwan leaders must be subject to the substantive consent of the legislature, making false testimony to the legislature to accept legal sanctions, and Taiwan's legislature can have certain investigative power, Why does it become the wanton expansion of power of the legislature in the mouth of the DPP?

What's more, the minority is subordinate to the majority, and the majority respects the minority. All bills must be solved through due process within the "head counting" system, not through "head beating", nor through "head chopping" outside the system. Aren't these common sense? In the past, there were quite a lot of loopholes in Taiwan's system design. Now we have to fill them one by one. Isn't that a sign of progress? If the Democratic Progressive Party wants to oppose even these things, how can you call it "Democratic Progressive Party"?

It is particularly noteworthy that the five Taiwan legislative reform plans proposed by the Kuomintang and the Democratic Progressive Party were strongly advocated by the Democratic Progressive Party when it was in opposition. However, once these reform measures have moved to the DPP's own cheese, they will stand on the opposite side of these reform measures. That is to say, it is precisely because the island now has a state of separation of administrative and legislative power that has not been seen in the past 30 years. The Democratic Progressive Party holds the executive power, while the Kuomintang and the People's Party jointly control the legislative power. At the same time, it is precisely because Lai Qingde won only 40% of the votes when he was elected that they have to defend their own administrative power desperately. This is the typical "buttocks decide the head".

Lai Qingde was on the road of "radical Taiwan independence"

Direct news In your opinion, can the Democratic Progressive Party under the leadership of Lai Qingde finally prevent Lan Bai from redistributing the power of Taiwan's administrative and legislative bodies through legislation?

Special commentator Liu Heping Indeed, we can see that in order to prevent the Kuomintang and the Taiwan legislature controlled by the Popular Party from balancing the administrative power in Lai Qingde's hands, the Democratic Progressive Party has used all kinds of wild ways. On the one hand, they tried to prevent the passage of the bill by means of "beating the head" outside the system when the number of "heads" was less than that of the Kuomintang and the People's Party through proper legislative procedures. At the same time, it is also planned to replicate the "Sunflower Movement" of young Taiwanese students who opposed the cross-strait service trade agreement, and extend the protest movement outside the system from the Taiwan legislature to the Taiwan legislature, that is, mobilize green camp people to protest in the streets.

On the other hand, in order to shift internal contradictions, make the Kuomintang and the People's Party more popular, and resolve their lame duck dilemma, Lai Qingde also provoked cross-strait opposition by taking the opportunity of "Taiwan independence confession" in the "May 20" speech, and stigmatized the reform bill promoted by the Kuomintang and the People's Party as "an attempt to defeat Taiwan by cooperating with the mainland". However, they themselves invited Situ Wen, the former director of the American Association in Taiwan, Yang Sudi and other people to issue a joint statement to oppose the reform bill of the Kuomintang and the People's Party, so as to create a public opinion atmosphere of "the United States opposes the reform bill of the Kuomintang and the People's Party".

In my opinion, these actions of Lai Qingde are not only against his political opponents, but also against the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan. Lai Qingde has been on the road of "radical Taiwan independence" since he came here, which is against 90% of the public opinion in the island that "broadly supports the two sides to maintain the status quo"; Lai Qingde wants to get rid of the supervision and checks and balances of Taiwan's legislature, which is not only against the Kuomintang, the majority party in the legislature, but also against the public opinion of about 60% of the island who did not vote for him.

The picture shows the aerial view of Taipei

In terms of the conflict caused by the blue, white and green three parties around the Taiwan legislative reform plan, I see the "future" of the corrupt Chiang Kai shek and the Democratic Progressive Party. The DPP is good at fighting and making troubles, but they have to face the attack jointly launched by the KMT and the People's Party. According to the latest poll, 65% of the people support the KMT and the People's Party and support the reform bill, while only about 25% oppose it.

Under such circumstances, why does the Democratic Progressive Party under the leadership of Lai Qingde still oppose the general trend and mainstream public opinion? I am the first one to remind the outside world to pay attention to Lai Qingde's political personality and character. In my opinion, Lai Qingde's single-minded approach to unilateralism not only shows that his political intelligence is faulty, but also reflects Lai Qingde's defects in political personality and character. Being a man and doing things with one mind is easy to be radical and extreme. This is actually a taboo for politicians. An ordinary person has defects in personality and character, whose negative consequences are controllable and mainly borne by himself. However, Lai Qingde's political personality and character defects are not the same, which can easily lead to the "Taiwan independence" out of control, and even trigger the serious consequences of military confrontation and dangerous war, which should be borne by compatriots on both sides of the Straits.

Author Liu Heping, a special commentator of Shenzhen Satellite TV's Live Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan

Editor | Liu Liping, Chief Editor of Shenzhen Satellite TV Direct News

Editor in charge: Li Chao_NB12814

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