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The Brazil international may face a 10-year ban! The people in his hometown were too crazy, which led to his scandal

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The Football Association of England (FA) is likely to take severe punishment measures against the Brazilian midfielder Lucas Paquita, because there is detailed evidence against him.

Pacquita is likely to face a 10-year ban.

The Post Sports quoted an exclusive source from the Football Association as saying that Paquita was charged on May 24. The British Football Authority confirmed that it has sufficient and specific evidence to show that the West Ham United midfielder manipulated the results of the game in the 2022/23 and 2023/24 Premier League matches and deliberately made a foul to obtain a yellow card.

The FA pointed out that this behavior of Paquita appeared in several matches, including the match against Leicester City on November 12, 2022, Aston Villa on March 12, 2023, Leeds United on May 21, 2023, and Bournemouth on August 12, 2023.

The above investigation was triggered by the illegal profit-making activities on the island of Paquita on Guanabara Bay outside Rio de Janeiro, Paquita's hometown.

If Pacquita is found guilty, the FA is ready to impose a 10-year ban on him.

In the history of modern English football, the FA only punished one player for deliberately manipulating the results of the game for personal gain.

In 2021, the Stratford town guard Kennan Isaac was suspended for 10 years for deliberately committing a foul in the FA Cup. However, Isaac was only a player in England's sixth tier league when he was punished.

The Guardian pointed out that the ban of the Football Association will be effective within the scope of global professional football. Therefore, if Pacquita is found guilty, the 26 year old midfielder will almost leave the top football stage.

The final decision will be announced by the FA after the hearing in June. A three person trial panel appointed by the FA will play a key role in determining whether Pacquita is convicted or not. A player's legal counsel will play an important role in defending his career.

Pacquita's career is facing an unprecedented crisis. This scandal not only threatens his transfer dream, but also may completely subvert his football career. The Brazilian midfielder, who was expected to join Manchester City, was frustrated twice because of this series of accusations, and the transfer negotiations between Manchester City and Pacquita were also overshadowed.

In August last year, when he was first investigated, Paquita was immediately removed from the World Cup qualifier list by the head coach of the national team Fernando Diniz, although he could not find a replacement in the midfield position of the national team. At the same time, Manchester City coach Pep Guardiola once spoke highly of Pacquita's ability and regarded him as an ideal candidate to enhance the team's strength, but now all this may come to nothing.

Recently, just before the FA formally accused Paquita, there were still rumors in the market that he might move to Manchester City. However, these hopes were quickly dashed with the release of the accusation. The 26 year old Paquita is standing on the edge of the cliff of his career. Once the FA's suspension order is issued, he may face a long-term absence like Sandro Tonelli or Ivan Toni, or even worse, it may be years of suspension rather than months.

The Guardian, the British media, pointed out that Pacquita's situation was far more serious than that of Toni or Tony, who only violated the relevant regulations off the court, while Pacquita was accused of deliberately committing a foul on the court to make others profit illegally. Although I firmly deny it, these allegations have attracted great attention from the Football Association, so that a special three person hearing committee has been set up to deal with this case. This is a rare measure since 2013, which shows the seriousness of the incident and its potential damage to the image of the Premier League.

Every foul seems to be accompanied by carefully designed illegal profit-making behavior, especially the abnormal behavior on his hometown island of Paketa, which has aroused the vigilance of the regulatory authorities and football management agencies.

Pacquita is still working with the FA and insists on his innocence, but the situation is grim. Once convicted, waiting for him may be an unprecedented severe punishment, which will be unprecedented in the history of the Premier League.

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