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Proud and meritorious, powerful general Popov of the Russian 58 Army challenges the judge with a smile

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On May 24, Russian media reported that under the arrogant encouragement of Vladimir Putin, Russia's iron faced president who was responsible for supervising the counter case, the Second Military Court of Moscow Western Region temporarily refused to release Ivan Popov (ИванПопов), former major general of the Russian 58 army, from the pre-trial detention center. However, at the court hearing, the atmosphere was harmonious. Commander Popov and his lawyer talked happily and even said provocatively that "this is a performance", which aroused endless suspicion from the outside world. Popov is a rebellious man who often contradicts his superiors. He has the reputation of "acting like a father and loving soldiers as children" in the Russian army. It is rumored that President Putin cherishes talents and intends to use them again. However, to tame tigers, he also needs to use thunderbolt means. He orders the court to continue to detain the military commander with iron blood, and will discuss the issue of changing to house arrest again on May 27.

Ivan Popov, former commander of the 58th Army, was sent to the pre-trial detention center on May 21. He was charged with extraordinary fraud.
According to the investigation, this major general "participated in the theft of more than 1700 tons of rolled metal products purchased by the Russian Maintenance Association of Zaporozhe in 2023, which were originally used to equip the engineering defense structure of the contact line". The losses are estimated to exceed 130 million rubles.
The "two major" of Channel Z said that Popov's case also involved "a businessman from Krasnodar Border Region", "he sold the purchased materials and assets outside the region", and "a senior official of [the Southern Military Region]". However, the report of the Commission of Inquiry did not mention these people.
On May 23, the investigator suddenly applied to the court to release Popov from the pre-trial detention center and change it to house arrest.
On May 24, the Military Court of the 235 Garrison District will hear the motion.
As the commander of the 58th Army, he participated in the war against Ukraine. In 2023, the major general guarding the front line of the Zaporoge Maintenance Conference recorded an audio, saying that he was dismissed after reporting the front line problems to the Chief of General Staff Gerasimov. At that time, he made a sharp criticism to the headquarters. Then General Popov was sent to Syria.

Under the escort of the gendarme with automatic rifles, General Popov walked up the stairs of the court. "A performance, isn't it?" - He said to the reporter with a smile.

In the court hall, Ivan Popov sat on the table next to the lawyer Sergei Buynowski (СергейБуйновский), instead of sitting on the bench in the "glass compartment". His handcuffs were taken off - the usual way the court treats the defendant who is not in custody.

Before the trial began, General Popov did not talk to reporters, but he was clearly in a good mood - he was smiling and talking to his lawyer about something.

Judge Andrey Pruzhnikov presided over the hearing.
Colonel Mikhail Sapolnov, the investigator of the Special Major Cases of the General Military Investigation Bureau of the Investigation Commission, and Andre Chugaev, the prosecutor of the main military prosecutor's office, appeared in court on behalf of the investigating party.
Popov was represented by lawyer Sergei Buynowski.

At the beginning of the hearing, the general stood up and shouted out his personal information: "Born in the heroic city of Volgograd". As for his career, he said that he was "under the command of the commander of the Southern Military Region".
Judge: Do you believe in the court?
General Popov: Of course!
Judge: "Ivan Ivanovic, today you must always stand up more frequently than others."
General Popov: This is very useful, Your Honor!
General Popov's detention is ironic. In response to questions about his professional activities, he added: "I am on a business trip to the Russian Commission of Inquiry".

Judge Pluzhnikov said that if someone asked for a closed trial, the reporter could be taken out of the court.
Prosecutor Chugaev asked the reporter to leave and close the court, because Popov "is an active serviceman, a senior officer participating in special operations".
The prosecutor also mentioned that Popov has been asked to change to house arrest, which means that his address will be disclosed in court, which belongs to personal data.
Investigator Sapolnov agreed:
"The security interests of the participants in the court session require this. At present, the accused Popov Ivanovic is included, because he is an active serviceman of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and a senior officer who has participated in special military operations. In particular, the court session will investigate his identity information and possibly his relatives' information. In addition, in consideration of the motion proposed in the appeal to change the restrictive measures to house arrest, the data on residence and address will also be reviewed. I think these are information that should not be disclosed. "
The defence referred the matter to the discretion of the Tribunal.
"Yes, Your Honor!" - General Popov agreed.
Judge Pluzhnikov announced that the reporter would be taken out of the court.

After the closed trial, Judge Pruzhnikov did not release General Ivan Popov from the pre-trial detention center. He continues to be held in pre-trial detention centres.
The judge said that he saw no good reason to annul the decision.
-Is there a problem- The judge asked Popov
-"No, Your Honor, I have encountered worse situations. "General Popov responded generously.
-"Good luck to everyone" - The judge said goodbye.

After the hearing, lawyer Sergei Bujinovsky told reporters that the defense intended to "fight for the just reputation of Russian generals and Russian patriots".

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