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The People's Liberation Army has just surrounded the Taiwan Strait. Within 24 hours, 30 countries are not allowed to stop Taiwan. China opposes the army on the spot

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The People's Liberation Army has just surrounded the Taiwan Strait. Within 24 hours, as many as 30 countries have publicly stood up to support the DPP authorities, and the mainland is not allowed to stop Taiwan by force. The signal released can be said to be quite strong. At the same time, at this critical moment, the Chinese side also directly opposed the army on the spot. What did the 30 countries say? How on earth did China oppose the first army?

Recently, Lieutenant Colonel Li Xi, the spokesman of the PLA Eastern Theater, said publicly that "from May 23 to 24, the PLA Eastern Theater organized forces such as the army, navy, air force and rocket corps in the theater, and carried out the" Joint Sword 2024A "exercise around Weitai Island, focusing on joint air and sea combat readiness patrols, and jointly seizing the comprehensive control of the battlefield Joint precision targeting of key targets and other subjects, warships and aircraft approaching the island and patrolling around the island, and integrated linkage inside and outside the island chain to test the joint combat capability of the theater forces. "

As we all know, on May 20, Lai Qingde officially took office as the new leader of the Taiwan region, and in his "520 Inaugural Address", he once uttered a lot of words and publicly announced the extremely negative cross-strait policy. Therefore, in the face of Lai Qingde's stubborn behavior, the mainland will certainly take measures to resolutely combat it. In the "United Sword - 2024A" exercise, Lieutenant Colonel Li Xi also made it clear that this exercise was also "a powerful punishment for the" Taiwan independence "separatist forces seeking" independence ", and a serious warning for the interference and provocation of external forces."

However, just 24 hours after the PLA's multiple arms were deployed to encircle the Taiwan Strait, as many as 30 countries publicly stood up for the Democratic Progressive Party authorities to support the platform and forbid the mainland of China to withdraw Taiwan by force. The signal released can be said to be quite strong.

First of all, the first to emerge is the United States, which has been encouraging the DPP authorities to "seek independence by force" for many years. Scarenka, deputy commander of the US Indo Pacific Command, publicly claimed that the PLA's "Joint Sword 2024A" exercise was "worrisome". Not only that, he further said that the international community should jointly "condemn" the Chinese mainland's move, which made it clear that it was encouraging other countries to publicly falsify and hollow out the one China principle, and the intention could be said to be extremely sinister.

Secondly, Japan, which has always followed the United States and also wants to intervene in the situation in the Taiwan Strait, is the second to emerge. Lin Fangzheng, Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan, declared publicly that the position of the Shoda government is to hope that the Taiwan issue can be resolved peacefully through dialogue between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. Japan will pay close attention to the development of cross Strait relations and continue to convey the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait to the Chinese mainland through diplomatic efforts. Earlier, Shinzo Abe, the former Prime Minister of Japan, had publicly threatened that "if something happens to Taiwan, it means something happens to Japan"; Now it seems that although the Prime Minister of Japan has changed, the desire of the Kishida government for the Taiwan issue has not changed.

Then, the third one is Australia, which has just thawed and recovered its relations with China. A spokesman for Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian said publicly that Australia is deeply worried about the possible accidents or warming up of the situation caused by this large-scale military action on the Chinese mainland. Moreover, the Australian side further stated that peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait are in the interests of all people and they oppose any unilateral change of the status quo.

Finally, the fourth is the 27 EU countries that have very close relations with the United States. In response to the PLA's military exercises surrounding Taiwan, the EU spokesman said publicly recently that China's military activities around Taiwan have increased cross-strait tensions. Peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait are of strategic importance to regional and global security and prosperity. The EU is committed to maintaining the status quo of peace in the Taiwan Strait, because it is in the vital interests of the EU.

The United States, Japan and Australia, plus the 27 countries of the European Union, a total of 30 countries, have publicly jumped out to support the Democratic Progressive Party authorities. From their series of statements, it is clear that China is not allowed to stop Taiwan by force. And the signal released is also quite strong. That is, the external forces that forcefully interfere in the Taiwan Strait issue are still large at present, and we must remain vigilant at all times.

At the same time, at this critical moment, the Chinese side also directly opposed the army on the spot. What the hell is going on? Wang Wenbin, spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, made a public response immediately after the US military publicly said that it was "worried" about the PLA military exercises. Wang Wenbin first stressed that the PLA's military exercise "fully conforms to international law and practice, and is completely legitimate and necessary." Not only that, Wang Wenbin also further warned the US side, "We urge the US side to stop conniving at and supporting" Taiwan independence "forces and stop interfering in China's internal affairs. Any act that endangers China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity will be firmly and forcefully countered by China. "

It can be said that China has made it quite clear. It is also hoped that those external forces that attempt to interfere in the situation in the Taiwan Strait and China's internal affairs can recognize the reality as soon as possible, act on their own merits, and stop being stubborn and making mistakes again and again.

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