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Julie's mother: fell in love with the older 12 year old movie star and was abandoned, passing her beauty on to her daughter and granddaughter

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Mention those second generation stars who inherited their parents' high looks, Shiloh Absolutely on the list.

In people's words, if she stands there, others can immediately guess who her parents are.

After all, Shiloh is both Zhu and Pi.

In fact, she not only looks like her parents, but also looks like her grandmother Margeline Bertrand

Especially that pair of eyes, like copying and pasting.

Some people even lamented that Margeline Bertrand inherited her beauty to her daughter and granddaughter.

After all, she is more beautiful than Julie and Shiloh of the same period!

Unfortunately, her love road is very rough

Born in 1950, Margeline Bertrand is of mixed race.

When she was in middle school, like her classmates, she liked music and had the idea of becoming an actress.

A chance of accident, let Mageline Bertrand accidentally discovered by the star scout.

Although she didn't have a professional performance class, she was signed by a brokerage firm.

For no other reason, Margeline Bertrand is really very beautiful.

When she was still in primary school, Jon Vincent Voight Has already made its mark on Broadway.

When Margeline Bertrand just started her career, Vincent has already won the Oscar.

So, even if they were 12 years apart, Margeline Bertrand was still attracted to Vincent.

After they announced their relationship, someone satirized Mageline Bertrand and said that she had become a movie star;

There are people who mean that she is not worthy of each other.

Vincent always stands by his girlfriend at this time.

Moved by his lover's infatuation, Margeline Bertrand happily agreed to his proposal.

In 1973, they had their first child, James;

Two years later Julie

A family of four has lived a happy life since then? The fact is just the opposite.

Shortly after marriage, Vincent asked his wife to return to the family, citing his busy work.

At that time, they were affectionate;

Mageline Bertrand would certainly not refuse her husband's advice.

She devoted all her energy to her family and became Vincent's wife.

Accompanied her husband to attend the event, Margeline Bertrand always wore a happy and sweet smile on her face.

The good times are not long. Two children were born one after another, and there was a contradiction between them.

Vincent was busy with his work and had very little time for his wife and children.

It's just that!

The problem is that Vincent often complains that his wife doesn't understand him.

Unable to share their own work pressure, and do not have a common language with themselves

Perhaps Vincent had already forgotten this time;

It was he who let his wife return to the family!

I don't know since when, Maggie Lin Bertrand often can't see her husband's face.

If you have anything to do, you have to rely on the broker to contact you.

In this regard, she never said anything more and took care of the two children as always.

The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind is blowing!

Once in a while, Vincent would lose his temper when he was drunk.

Worried that the two children would be hurt, what Margeline Bertrand could do was to be patient.

However, she has retreated to this point, and Vincent is still full of complaints against her.

In 1978, their marriage came to an end.

Many years later, Julie said:

The reason why parents divorce is that father cheated.

The custody of a pair of children belongs to Mageline, and Vincent has to pay them regular alimony.

However, the relationship between husband and wife broke down, and Vincent did not care about the children very much.

Most of the time, he was busy with his work and love, totally neglecting his two children.

As a result, Mageline Bertrand, who was living in poverty, had to move frequently.

After her divorce, she also wanted to return to the acting circle.

For one thing, Mageline is not as good as her husband and daughter.

Second, no one helped her take care of her children.

How can such a Margeline Bertrand make a foothold in Hollywood?

Unable to grasp both career and family, she had to give up her dream.

Margeline Bertrand took two children with her alone, which made their life extremely difficult.

This, to some extent, affects Julie;

Especially after she went to middle school.

When students mentioned Julie, they would tease "she is the daughter of the movie star".

Then he would make a malicious joke and ask Julie why she doesn't live in a luxury house like other star generation II

At this time, she hated her father even more.

Hate his ruthlessness and abandon his mother, brother and himself;

I don't want him to make a mess of his life.

How could Margeline Bertrand, as a mother, not know all the changes of Julie!

However, she had no choice but to comfort her daughter.

It was not until Julie stepped into the show business that their living conditions improved.

Admittedly, Julie had not completely forgiven her father at that time.

It cannot be denied that she really benefited a lot from her father's fame.

His son was admitted to the Film and Television School of the University of Southern California, and his daughter has a bright future.

Margaret Bertrand finally has time to do what she likes.

She was an actress and later a producer.

It seems that everything is improving.

To my surprise, Margeline Bertrand fell ill

She persevered for several years and died in 2007 at the age of 57.

When she told her father about her mother's death, Julie couldn't even remember to say anything more.

After all, their father and daughter have not contacted each other for six years.

Maybe it's because of my rough childhood?

Anyway, Julie likes children very much.

He has adopted three children successively, and after three marriages to Peter, he has three more children.

She and Pete have been in love for nearly 10 years, but they divorced after two years of marriage.

Until now, they are still making contradictions because of the children.

The difference is that Julie, who once hated her father, now has a much better relationship with her father.

However, she still said that her mother was let down by her father.

She fell in love with a 12-year-old movie star and was abandoned, but Margeline Bertrand never regretted it.

She likes her two children and pays a lot for them.

Watching her children get married and start a business, Maggie Bertrand still has a kind smile on her face.

As she finally told Julie:

My greatest success in this life is to become a mother.

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