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The Taiwan issue is not about military reunification and peaceful reunification at all, but about the following two aspects

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The Taiwan issue has always been a pain in the hearts of the Chinese people and an unavoidable problem in the great cause of national reunification. For many years, there have been endless debates about the unification of peace and martial arts, but now it seems that we can see more clearly that the key to the problem is not the choice of these two ways, but whether we have the conditions and capabilities needed to achieve unification. The arrogance and obstinacy of Lai Qingde and other "Taiwan independence" forces make us face up to the necessity of military unification and focus on two more practical issues.

First of all, we want to discuss the strategic idea of "the first battle is the final battle". This idea is not groundless, but based on the profound analysis of the current situation in the Taiwan Strait and the prediction of the future war patterns. Mr. Ma Ying jeou once mentioned such views in the activities of the "Ma Ying jeou Foundation", which did not attract wide attention at that time. However, with the increasingly tense situation in the Taiwan Strait, the strategic idea of "the first battle is the final battle" is becoming more and more important and urgent.

We must be soberly aware that once a war breaks out, its consequences will be unpredictable. Therefore, our army must have the ability to quickly achieve decisive victory in the first battle and achieve the maximum strategic benefits at the minimum cost. This requires that our army must have a high level of combat effectiveness and combat will, be able to quickly assemble, deploy and launch attacks in a short time, and destroy the enemy's will to resist in a thunderbolt.

At the same time, we also need to strengthen targeted training in military struggle projects, conduct in-depth research and analysis on the geographical environment, climate conditions, military facilities and other factors in Taiwan, and develop more accurate and effective tactical plans. In addition, we also need to strengthen the research, development and procurement of weapons and equipment to ensure that our military has sufficient equipment advantages and technical support in the war.

Secondly, we want to discuss how to quickly establish an effective administrative leadership mechanism in Taiwan. This issue is no less important than the strategic idea of "the first battle is the final battle". Because even if we can win in the war, if there is no effective administrative leadership mechanism to manage the Taiwan region, our victory will be short and unstable.

In the process of establishing the administrative leadership mechanism, we should ensure that the new administrative leadership can quickly take over and stabilize the situation in Taiwan and prevent further deterioration of the situation. It is also necessary to ensure that the new administrative leadership can win the support and trust of the Taiwan people and establish a solid public opinion foundation. Finally, we need to ensure that the new administrative leadership can maintain close contact and cooperation with the mainland and jointly promote the peaceful development of cross Strait relations.

In short, the Taiwan issue is a complex and serious issue, which needs us to face and solve with a high sense of responsibility and mission. We need to focus on the two key issues of the strategic idea of "the first battle is the final battle" and the establishment of the administrative leadership mechanism, and lay a solid foundation for national reunification and national rejuvenation by strengthening the preparations for military struggle and administrative management.

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