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Visit Beijing Science Education Experimental Zone and School to unlock the new map of science education in the capital

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As the national science and technology innovation center, Beijing has created a strong atmosphere for science education in the capital's primary and secondary schools. Over the years, Beijing has taken the lead in leading students to explore the world of science in real situations. From the city level, district level to the school level, it has done a good job in science education addition, and has created a unique road.

On May 24, our newspaper published a special issue of "Reply to Revitalizing the Capital through Science and Education", which fully explored a number of typical experiences in science education in Beijing's districts and primary and secondary schools, and formed a number of typical experiences and institutional innovations that can be replicated and promoted. We will continue to report on the modern education newspaper and financial media platform, effectively play a leading role in radiation, and improve the quality and level of science education in primary and secondary schools.

This year, the General Office of the Ministry of Education released the list of national primary and secondary science education experimental zones and experimental schools, A total of 6 districts and 37 primary and secondary schools in Beijing were selected. Among them, six districts including Dongcheng District, Xicheng District, Haidian District, Chaoyang District, Mentougou District and Shijingshan District were included in the list of national primary and secondary science education experimental districts, and 37 schools including Beijing No. 12 Middle School, Huairou Branch of Beijing No. 101 Middle School and Beijing Miyun No. 2 Middle School were included in the list of national primary and secondary science education experimental schools.

First issue Entering the National Science Education Experimental Zone

Mentougou District

Mentougou District Releases 100 Research Routes

Located at "Chang'an Street, Yongding River"

Mentougou District

Based on

"Ecological zone, cultural zone, science and technology zone"

Regional development strategy

Advocate the urban construction concept of "children first"

Symbolize science teachers as producers

Student symbol as production object

Science curriculum resources symbolize means of production

Scientific education method symbolizes production tool

Innovative production mode through different "real scenes"

Optimize and combine production factors

Pry the New Quality Productivity Development of Science Education

Students present the results of "Chaifei Plan"

"Learn to be a half professional"

Cultivate new producers

Mentougou District Education Committee learns research from researchers and practice from practitioners. Through the integration of science and education, it opens the "two wings" of teacher development.

On the one hand, teachers should be organized to learn research methods from researchers to improve their professional quality. Wang Jingxiu, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was appointed as the principal of science education of Dayu Middle School; Work with Guan Ping, the chief scientist of petroleum and natural gas at Peking University, to study the phenomenon of "rejuvenation" of Chenjiazhuang River; Connect with the School of Computer Science of Tsinghua University to promote the digital transformation of mountain education. Scientific researchers have become the leaders and guides of science teachers in Mentougou District in scientific research.

On the other hand, teachers should be organized to learn action methods from practitioners to improve the practical application level of classroom teaching. Study the falling of poplar catkins with the relevant personnel of the Bureau of Landscape Architecture; Learn practical knowledge in relevant fields from new industries developed in Beijing West Smart Valley, CCTV, cardiovascular medical devices and other regions. The participation of practitioners makes the action research of science education in Mentougou District more realistic.

At the same time, Mentougou District has built a comprehensive training system with horizontal diversification and vertical connection, and promoted the formation of a new scientific teaching and research model of "policy innovation of administrative departments, technological innovation of research institutes, and practical innovation of grass-roots schools". We should take multiple measures to enhance the subjective initiative of teachers' professional development, and strive to cultivate a scientific teacher team with high practical level and strong research ability.

Linking "Mountain and River Science Park" and "Academic Literature"

Enrich new means of production

Relying on the unique geographical geology, life science, industrial science and technology resources of Yongding River Valley, the District Education Committee has made the characteristic resources of the ecological conservation area of the capital and the vivid practice of transformation and development become the problem library, resource library and case library of education and teaching. Through the introduction of professional forces such as the North China Forestry Experimental Center of the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences and the research team of Capital Normal University, cooperation and joint design of courses, giving full play to the resource advantages of water affairs, meteorology, earthquake and other departments, the "pyramid" model of science curriculum development has been established, which is "scientific research institutes, primary and secondary schools, and practice institutions", and is supported by the cycle, It has ensured the professionalism and feasibility of the curriculum, and formed a new trend of diversified education featuring resource sharing and harmonious relations.

In the green water and green mountains, teachers and students jointly draw a vivid "map of mountains and rivers". We have developed 79 "Gezhi Youth" West Beijing research courses such as "Xiamaling Hydropower Station Exploring the Source of Electricity", "Environmental Protection Survey along 109 Expressway", and 10 "Spark Youth" scientific and healthy sports routes such as "Yongding River Green Bank", "Tanzhesi Millennium Temple". In this mode, Tianjin, Hebei and Inner Mongolia counterpart schools have jointly developed 11 Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and Inner Mongolia research and learning courses of "Gezhi Youth". 100 research and learning routes were released at the China International Trade in Services Fair, and won the most popular award for educational services. In 2023, the first "geography research base for primary and secondary schools" in China was successfully settled in Mentougou District. At present, 37 schools in 19 provinces and cities have joined hands with teachers and students in Mentougou District to participate in research and practice activities.

Guided by improving the core scientific literacy, with the educational concept of "moving towards philological thinking, moving towards life to find the prototype", students are guided to in-depth learning by co reading scientific academic literature. Through the implementation path of "teacher self-study - teaching discussion - research follow-up guidance - literature class presentation", the academic literature class action was carried out, which played a role in large unit teaching, proposition research and student cognitive training, promoted the improvement of scientific academic literacy of teachers and students, improved the quality of normal science classes, and formed 100 academic literature classes.

Overlay "real scene" and "artificial intelligence"

Innovative production mode

"Mini semester" shares double practice resources. Mentougou District Education Committee innovates the "mini semester" project learning research in primary and secondary schools throughout the district, builds a cross school practice carrier in the way of two-way rotation, learning together and living together among students in the education alliance, and through two-way learning exchanges, children in mountain areas and urban areas can share double educational resources. Improve the interdisciplinary inquiry practice curriculum system, carry out interdisciplinary education and teaching exploration in geography, biology, physics, chemistry, history, etc., and build a dynamic practice mode. Carry out scientific education activities around the natural and unique natural ecological resources of Mentougou District, and broaden the field of scientific practice. In 2023, Mentougou District, together with Tianjin Binhai New Area, Hebei Xiong'an New Area and some schools in Zhuolu County, Hebei Province, jointly held an off campus research and practice activity with the theme of "drinking the same river", which has made positive contributions to the sharing and coordinated development of basic education resources in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. This year, 10 groups of 24 alliance schools have carried out "mini semester" project learning research in the district, and "mini semester" has become an important activity of normalized scientific practice.

"Chaifei Plan" and "Safe Island Plan" regard flood as the most vivid education and teaching resources. After the "23 · 7" basin wide catastrophic flood in the Haihe River of Mentougou, the district education committee transformed the flood disaster into a laboratory, exercise field and incubator for scientific inquiry by teachers and students, creating a true situation, touching real problems, and boosting true inquiry. Implement the "Chaifei Plan" and take the post disaster reconstruction project of campus enclosure as the "green blackboard" of ecological education; Scientific disaster prevention and reduction education is carried out with the "safety island" of the campus for both emergency and peaceful purposes as the research content. During the flood, three walls of Lingxi Ecological Education Base for Primary and Secondary Schools collapsed. The students of Xinqiao Road Middle School have designed various enclosure schemes for Lingxi Primary and Secondary School Ecological Education Base from multiple dimensions, such as the cause of flood, the serious factors of the base disaster, the wall safety, the wall functionality, through literature review, field survey, investigation visits, experimental analysis and other ways.

Experimental teaching helps to form scientific literacy. Research, develop and innovate the scientific experiment manual, set up a research and development team consisting of experts from Capital Normal University, administrative personnel from the District Education Commission, research personnel from the District Education Research Institute, and key science teachers, sort out the experimental design of each class of primary school science, standardize the steps of experimental classes, and form suggestions for school and family experiments. Comprehensively promote the action of "science experiment into family", develop the task list of "family science experiment" course, and guide each student to carry out "family science experiment" at least once a school year by using common household supplies. The "scientific problem solving" scientific literacy contest for primary and secondary schools was organized. Students experienced the whole process of scientific inquiry by identifying whether salt was iodized, exploring seeds in fruits, exploring factors affecting the pendulum cycle and making second pendulum, making circuit detector detection circuit, etc. Scientific training camp activities were carried out, and more than 160 students from five schools participated in four theme experimental activities, including Sound, Circuit, Soil, Movement and Power, to further improve students' scientific concepts, scientific thinking methods and experimental skills.

Teachers and students share learning achievements in labor fair activities

"Scientific activities" promote the integration of five educations and comprehensive education. In October 2023, the Education Commission of Mentougou District held the activity of "Talking about the Good Year in Daohuaxiangli - the First Agricultural Labor and Learning Achievements Fair for Primary and Middle School Children in Mentougou District". 23 booths from 32 primary and secondary schools and kindergartens appeared in the agricultural fair, which focused on the characteristic projects and learning achievements of "science+labor" education in schools in Mentougou District. At the same time, through the regional mountain science and technology exposition, science and technology festival and other practical activities, students will be promoted to apply knowledge to practice and cultivate discipline literacy and innovation spirit in the competition.

The introduction of AI enables the future development of scientific education. At present, the primary and secondary schools in Mentougou District not only regard AI courses and activities as an important lesson in students' scientific learning and community practice activities, encourage students to innovate thinking, improve AI and scientific literacy, but also guide students to solve problems around them and help their hometown build green waters and mountains by guiding them to use the concept of "technology+life". AI technology has not only entered the curriculum and activities of primary and secondary school students in Mentougou District, but also been introduced into the science classroom. Through innovative simulation experiments, classroom teacher diagnosis and other measures, it helps teachers to educate and teach, and promotes the quality of science classroom. Through AI intelligent training, help virtual and real teachers master more knowledge and skills, enable students to enjoy more high-quality educational resources, and achieve personalized learning and growth.

Initiate the reform of examination and evaluation

Inspect new production objects

Try to construct a multiple evaluation system of "open book examination". Mentougou District Education Committee takes the national compulsory education quality monitoring as a macro evaluation, carefully analyzes the test results, finds opportunities for positions, and seeks solutions and measures to restrict the development of regional science education. Taking the academic level examination of junior and senior high schools+quality investigation+open book examination as the meso evaluation, we took the lead in carrying out the reform of final examination in the city. With the theme of "open book field garden writing to explore green mountains", we moved the examination room into green water and green mountains, fields and fields, and street farmers to explore a new way of evaluation of the final exploratory open book examination. The system covers more than 100 "question menus" dominated by science disciplines The demonstration of learning achievements of "Mini semester", "Chaifei Plan" and "Safe Island Plan" is used as a micro personalized evaluation to guide students to start from their interests and strengthen the cultivation of students' self-confidence and innovative thinking in science learning.

Optimized combination of all factors

Promote a substantial increase in productivity

Through the construction of "Valley", "Jingxi", "Jingshi" series schools, "Yongding River" urban and rural school alliance, "primary school · good education" school alliance, the district education committee draws a high-quality and balanced development map of science education. The Alliance School shares and cooperates with other resources in administrative management, science teacher training, science curriculum development, student science activities and other aspects. Promote the high-quality development of regional science education by optimizing the combination of various new quality production factors in different schools.

We will build a "green water and green mountains research practice experience circle" in primary and secondary schools to supplement the development of school science education. Give full play to the practical education function of the four major education bases, improve the new model of "One Four Five Year Practical Education", and carry out scientific characteristic courses. Every year, more than 20000 experience students are admitted free of charge. The innovative measure of "experience circle" is promoted nationwide as a typical experience in the balanced development of compulsory education supervised by the National Education Supervision Group.

In the future, the Education Committee of Mentougou District will continue to strive for effectiveness and long-term success, help the students of the whole district rush to the sea of stars for scientific exploration, form a new quality productivity of science and education in the ecological conservation area that can be promoted, used for reference and copied, and build an education boutique area that "everyone is brilliant and school is brilliant" based on the rich educational resources of "Chang'an Street · Yongding River", To build a new highland of education in western Beijing and make contributions to the high-quality development of education in the capital.

Text: Cao Yanyan, Zhao Xiaochen (Beijing Mentougou District Education Commission)

Editor: Zhang Qiuying

Editor: Zhang Qiuying

Final judgment: Ranyang Hao Bin

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