Hou Yaohua, crosstalk performance artist: My wife has already left. It's not wrong to fall in love with Anakin, is it

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1、 Back in time: the scandal that shocked the art world

As soon as the news was exposed, it immediately caused an uproar in the art circle. Some fanatical fans burst into tears and questioned how idols could do such dirty things; Some old school artists shook their heads and sighed at what Hou Yaohua had done, lamenting the decline of morality; There are also some malicious people who take advantage of the opportunity to throw stones at him and mercilessly satirize and ridicule him.

For a while, Hou Yaohua became the focus topic after dinner. People are full of gossip, or angrily accuse him of being ridiculous, shameless, and ruining the country and the people; Or sneer and sneer, and pour cold water on his head in insults and curses; Some people are deeply disappointed with this bohemian artist, and bitterly say that he has completely fallen.

In the face of such a fierce storm of public opinion, Hou Yaohua seems to have lost all his aura overnight, and his once brilliant honor turned into ashes. What is more sad is that his wife has already left him, leaving him alone in the center of the vortex to face the spear of doubt and criticism.

Undoubtedly, this storm has brought a devastating blow to his career and life. He is struggling in this place of right and wrong, and his future is bleak.

2、 Inner monologue: the loss of a generation of crosstalk masters

At dusk, the afterglow of the setting sun passes through the window lattice, dyeing the room with a layer of warm orange. Hou Yaohua sat alone in front of the window, gazing out at the bright city night scene, with complex emotions stirring inside.

"Over the years, I have devoted myself to art and made a unique art with my life. But now... after all those years of hard work, how can I deal with myself?" He sighed with a long sigh and his eyes were dull.

Hou Yaohua pursued fame and wealth, was deeply attracted by the temptation of power and wealth, and left the pure pursuit of art far behind. Driven by the interests, he even violated the most basic moral bottom line and did such disgusting things.

Of course, he knew that what he had done violated the public order and good customs, and it was reasonable for him to cause strong dissatisfaction from the public. But deep down in his heart, he didn't think there was any big mistake in the ambiguous dispute with Anakin.

"My wife has been gone for many years, and I am still a man of flesh and blood. What's wrong?" Hou Yaohua defended himself, trying to excuse himself.

Such internal arguments made him suffer. The fame of many years disappeared in one dynasty. Hou Yaohua was immersed in deep confusion and confusion. He was helpless and could not distinguish right from wrong.

3、 Once brilliant: Hou Yaohua's career peak

I remember the past as if it were yesterday.

When he was young and determined to devote himself to the art world, Hou Yaohua showed his talent. He has a wide repertoire of plays, and never makes up for the number of performances on the spot. His lifelike performances always make the audience laugh and applaud.

Slowly, with the growth of age and the accumulation of stage experience, Hou Yaohua gradually showed his talent and became a cross talk master who attracted the attention of thousands of people on and off the stage. His superb performance skills, unique comedy talents, and profound artistic accomplishments have made countless senior artists appreciate him and call him a contemporary master who has inherited and carried forward the essence of crosstalk art.

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