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Taiwan media: Physical conflicts broke out again in Taiwan's legislature, and the DPP and the Popular Party's public opinion representatives faced off and fought each other

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[Global Network Report] According to the report of Taiwan media such as Dongsen News Cloud on May 24, Taiwan's legislature held a meeting today (24) to continue to review the "bill" of legislative reform. Blue and green public opinion representatives did not have conflicts when they entered the arena as they had done several times before. The Kuomintang took out a large number of banners with the words "what is the fear of the Democratic Progressive Party for reform and fraud investigation" to counter the "sea of banners" of green camp. When placing banners in the venue, sporadic conflicts occurred between the blue and green sides in order to get a good position. Chen Yuzhen, the public opinion representative of Lanying, pushed out all the female public opinion representatives of the Democratic Progressive Party like a "bulldozer", while Lin Shufen, the public opinion representative of the Democratic Progressive Party, and Mai Yuzhen, the public opinion representative of the Democratic Progressive Party, confronted and fought each other, "fighting in a group".

The body conflict broke out again in Taiwan's legislature on May 24

According to the report, at 7:00 on the 24th, the door of Taiwan's legislative chamber was opened, and the blue and green sides did not conflict as they had done several times before. Only the KMT public opinion representatives were afraid that the DPP public opinion representatives who were watching outside would rush in, and their own people would crowd at the door. The blue and green sides had quarreled successively when signing in.

In the forum, because the last time Green Camp filled the forum with the words "anti black box", this time Blue Camp also launched a counter campaign, using a large number of slogans and billboards, such as "what is the Democratic Progressive Party afraid of reform and fraud detection", "check photoelectricity, check eggs, check vaccines, and quickly screen". After entering the site, the two parties quickly posted their own slogans and banners. During this period, Wu Zongxian, the KMT public opinion representative, stumbled and fell from the rostrum to the inquiry platform. Due to the great movement, the blue and green public opinion representatives almost thought there was another "war", and tightened their nerves one after another. They knew that only after slipping their feet, they quietly scattered.

According to the report, before long, the blue and green public opinion representatives clashed again because of the unsatisfactory position of the slogans. The DPP public opinion representatives wanted to go to the rostrum to post them. Chen Yuzhen, like a "bulldozer", pushed out all the close DPP female public opinion representatives, including Chen Tingfei, Wu Peiyi, Lin Shufen and others.

According to Zhongtian News, when Lin Shufen was about to leave, she was just blocked by Mai Yuzhen. Lin Shufen pushed Mai Yuzhen. Mai Yuzhen choked back and hit Lin Shufen with her left hand. Lin Shufen hit Mai Yuzhen with a right hook and hit her hard in the face. Mai Yuzhen was so angry that she kicked her. The public opinion representatives at the side quickly separated the two people. Dongsen News said that the conflict has not expanded.

Taiwan media such as Taiwan Zhongshi News reported earlier that after the serious conflict broke out in Taiwan's legislature on the 17th, a "Taiwan son-in-law" and an American online celebrity "Xiaobei Misiang" sent a video saying that Taiwan's legislature was "playing American professional wrestling". He said that violence will never solve any problem, and there should be a better way to deal with it. At the same time, he stressed that he has no political position, but only to let everyone know how the Taiwan authorities look outside the island. As a result, the relevant videos caused dissatisfaction on the flanks of the Green Camp. "Xiaobei Mijiang", suspected of worrying about the expansion of the disturbance, has taken the videos off the shelves.

Extended Reading

Ke Wenzhe revealed that since the election in the island, no one in the Lai camp has contacted the Popular Party

After the election in 2024, the opposition between the government and the opposition in the island was serious, and Taiwan's legislature staged a full military campaign. In response to the criticism of the Green Camp on blue white cooperation, Ko Wenzhe, chairman of the People's Party, revealed that although he had met with Tsai Ing wen in the "Presidential Palace" after the election, no one in Lai Qingde's camp has communicated with the People's Party so far, and "the Democratic Progressive Party has listed us as non correspondents".

Taiwan's legislature has frequently staged nationwide martial arts in recent days

According to the report of Taiwan Zhongshi Electronic Daily on May 23, Ke Wenzhe released a video on the video website YouTube on the evening of May 22 to express his views on the recent island's internal affairs bureau. He said that some people said that he had met with Tsai Ing wen, the then leader of Taiwan, after the election, so he should also pass with Lai Qingde Gou, who was then a quasi leader. However, Ke Wenzhe said that he only had a private conversation with Tsai Ing wen at that time, and since the election, there has never been any person from the Lai camp in contact with the Popular Party, "I am quite surprised that there was no communication at all". To those who doubt that the People's Party always cooperates with the Kuomintang, Ke Wenzhe said that the DPP did not take any bill to coordinate with the People's Party. He also criticized that Ke Jianming, the leader of the DPP Party League, called on the DPP to call the DPP "8 useless votes" every day, and wanted the DPP to vote for him after cursing, "without sincerity".

The picture shows Ke Wenzhe's information. He said that no one in Lai Qingde's camp communicated with the People's Party

When talking about the conflict caused by the recent amendment of the powers and functions of the legislature in the island, Ke Wenzhe expressed doubts, saying that these were the past ideas of the Democratic Progressive Party, and some even Lai Qingde's own previous ideas, "What is the Democratic Progressive Party opposing, The party group of the Populist Party will decide which side to support, and now it is necessary to change its strategy. The Populist Party itself will first propose bills and policy proposals, and then see which side supports the blue and green.

Lai Qingde was elected in January this year. Although he claimed to promote the harmony between the government and the countryside, the opposition between blue and green is still quite serious. In recent days, the conflict broke out in the island's legislature, which resulted in many injuries, and the relevant bills still have no results after a violent fight. Taiwan media commented that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has been in power for eight years, crushing the opposition parties in the seats of the legislature, and passing any bill has reached a very overbearing degree. After being bitten by public opinion, it still thinks that it is the largest party, regardless of the harmony between the government and the opposition, and has repeatedly escalated the conflict. If the Democratic Progressive Party continues with a high attitude, it is expected that Lai Qingde will run into difficulties in governing.

Editor in charge: Dai Lili_NN4994

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