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miserable! It is said that Dr. Sun Weidong, a wandering doctor in New York, was sent back to the street by the Fudan Alumni Association in America

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Recently, some netizens reported that Sun Weidong, a wandering doctor in New York, was sent back to the streets by the Fudan Alumni Association after three months!

The netizen commented that at the beginning, the female president actively operated Sun Wanderer to return to China, but after failing to take shape, she raised money and rented an apartment, which was not enough for 100 days, so her enthusiasm would be gone?

No wonder someone analyzed that there were a group of people who wanted to return to China and then asked Sun to test the water. All kinds of hype on the Internet, see if he can come back? If you find that you can't come back and have no use value, you must lose it!

What on earth is this?

Sun Weidong, the "wandering doctor" who was almost hyped as a popular Internet celebrity at the beginning of this year, suddenly disappeared from the public after he became popular with all the stars, and he has been silent for nearly a quarter!

Everyone thinks that Dr. Sun has been properly arranged by a group of "kind-hearted people" (such as the "Fudan Alumni Association" and a gentleman who first found Dr. Sun), and has returned to normal life.

Recently, someone saw Dr. Sun again on the streets of New York!

He returned to his original state: wandering in the streets and begging for a living, and was interviewed by netizens.

Compared with the slovenly appearance of a "kind-hearted person" when he found him at the beginning of the year, his condition is better than before. The hair is neatly cut, the clothes are much better, the face is much more ruddy, and it seems that it is still a little fat.

It is understood that Sun Weidong was not satisfied with the arrangement of the alumni association, because he could not return to China, so he paid him to rent a house to find him a job. But he thought that he didn't discuss it with him, because he didn't like it. He just wanted to do his own professional work, so he resumed his street life!

It can be said that the rescue of Fudan Alumni Association ended in failure. However, it cannot be blamed on other people's alumni association - after all, he is used to wandering, and it is not so easy to return to normal work and life.

Heaven helps those who help themselves, and heaven abandons those who abandon themselves! Maybe this is the reason why the so-called US government spent huge sums of money to help homeless people but failed - many of them are just lying flat people, or maybe they have mental and internal problems and can't work normally.

Let's review the "glorious years" of this great doctor.

Sun Weidong was the top student in the college entrance examination in Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province in 1987 and an alumnus of Fudan University. He was recommended by Chinese born physicist Dr. Li Zhengdao to become a public student studying in the United States. He received his master's and doctor's degrees in physics in the United States, which can be regarded as an excellent physics research talent.

But Sun Weidong did not return to his country after he completed his studies. He stayed in the United States and became an American. After that, life went through a lot of trouble and became a tramp.

Let people sigh! This is fate. The once proud son in the eyes of Chinese people has now fallen to such a field.

What do you think of it? tell us your opinion.

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