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Is there a thorough showdown in Taiwan? Many countries launch the plan of evacuation of overseas Chinese, and the US side is ready to "lift the table"

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In recent years, during the administration of the Biden administration, the United States has made the "US Taiwan linkage" more and more bold. The Taiwan independence forces led by Tsai Ing wen have also become more and more arrogant. Cross Strait relations have been in a tense state under the intervention of the United States.

Some leaders in Taiwan, China, rely on the US "wanton power" to act recklessly, and also try to reach some agreements with foreign countries. These issues have pushed the situation in the Taiwan Strait into the international public opinion. Some people just want to see how China will end up. It's not too big to see the excitement.

According to the latest news, the Taiwan Strait may have had a showdown in advance, but it has not yet been made public. Many countries have begun to withdraw from the local people, and the situation in the Taiwan Strait has once again fallen into the storm of public opinion, This makes people start to concern and worry

"Taiwan showdown, multinational evacuation, the United States is also equipped to" lift the table "?"

Since the second half of 2022, many tense situations have occurred on the Taiwan issue of China. With the occurrence of such continuous tense events, many countries have started to withdraw overseas Chinese from Taiwan.

Although the official did not explicitly point out publicly, according to the degree of development, Taiwan is likely to have a showdown in advance, relying on a country's "wish" for it, Only when someone supports them can they dare to "jump" like this.

We can understand that the United States is now in the midst of a major domestic economic crisis, and these "anti China elements" are simply looking at domestic problems that cannot be solved, So he desperately began to hype the situation in the Taiwan Strait

American politicians want to divert the attention of their own people through the issue of "attitude towards China". They do not care about the life or death of the people in Taiwan, and they are a self serving and interest oriented national government.

Other countries have their own unique idea about this kind of thing, that is, to "evacuate" quickly. In recent days, the United States, Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines and other countries have begun to withdraw overseas Chinese at different levels.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia said that this time Withdrawal of overseas Chinese In order to prevent the consequences of the deterioration of the situation in the Taiwan Strait, we have prepared a plan to evacuate more than 300000 people.

The Philippine government said that the evacuation of 150000 Filipinos was completely within the plan. Japan also organized a refuge drill in Okinawa County on the pretext of the Taiwan issue. What are the concerns of these countries?

Naturally, they are afraid that America's provocation will irritate China. These "small countries" cannot afford serious consequences. The United States also has a strong sense of provocation, He also said that Meitai was ready to "lift the table"

Ask the US government, now the most basic face is gone? What else to talk about "Dominate the world" Ah.

To give a simple example "Bad dog" He rushed into the yard of a family, said evil things to each other and destroyed the things in the yard. Seeing this, the owner took a stick to drive out the "evil dog".

After that, the "vicious dog" was quite dissatisfied, so he simply tore his skin, Start to bite crazily He thought that he had been vaccinated against rabies, and began to make aggressive provocations, but what he waited for was nothing more than a slap in the face!

The so-called "lifting the table", in a common sense, means that it is no longer shameful to show the cards directly, which is nothing more than shameless behavior. At the beginning, some politicians in the United States have been restrained, but now they have no face. What can be stopped.

In addition, the Taiwan independence force was used unknowingly and was used as a shield to achieve the goal. The American politicians left behind, leaving only darkness to the Chinese people in Taiwan. Such behavior is no different from traitorous behavior.

"American politicians speak ill of each other and even threaten China with force"

As one of the most powerful countries in the world, the relationship between the United States and China has attracted much attention Slang against each other The frequent use of force to threaten China has aroused great concern and concern.

The attacks of American politicians on China are becoming more and more fierce, and the American politicians' comments on China show an obvious trend: more and more extreme, more and more targeted, and more and more irresponsible.

They constantly accuse China, "stigmatize" China, discredit its image, fabricate facts, distort the truth, and shift domestic contradictions. The US attacks on China include political, human rights, economic, military and other aspects.

Even the epidemic has been used by American politicians to exert pressure on China. Such attacks against China are not only detrimental to China US relations, but also to global cooperation and development.

Moreover, American politicians frequently use force to threaten China, and military threats against China continue to emerge. American politicians continue to provide military support to neighboring countries in regional military construction, joint military exercises, arms exports and other aspects, play the "provocative card" of security, and constantly try to make China lag behind in weapons technology, arms construction and other aspects.

The United States has also repeatedly made military threats to China's territory, maritime rights and interests, civilian drones, military aircraft flights and other areas to try to contain China through the so-called "self-defense action".

The use of force by American politicians to threaten China will greatly undermine international peace and stability. The United States is one of the most powerful military powers in the world. If it threatens China with force, it will cause immeasurable harm to both China and the United States and even the world.

There is no doubt that this kind of behavior will cause China to fight back and lead to tension between the two countries. Ultimately, this irresponsible behavior will bring disastrous consequences to the two countries and the world, and undermine global peace and stability.

"Doesn't the United States feel that it is often shamelessly pointing fingers at China?"

Since the Second World War, the United States has continued to expand its influence. In this process, the United States has also been constantly involved in other countries' affairs and forced to instruct other countries and regions. This behavior is called the shameless behavior of the United States.

The United States shamelessly interferes in China's internal affairs, always criticizing China's political system, ethnic relations, and religious issues in an imperialist "patriarchal" tone. The democracy and human rights mentioned in the mouth are just the reason for targeting other countries.

It has closely linked its own political interests with the problems of other countries, constantly interfering in China's implementation of political strategies and provoking political turbulence and civil war. This interference has greatly damaged the national stability and development of the country.

Now, the "broken stories" of the US Biden government in Taiwan, China, are no longer wanted to mention. The Chinese people are disgusted with the "frequency". They are not tired of such shameless behavior, which is really an eye opener.

"Do Taiwan's top executives need to wake up? Is the current development derailing?"

Don't the Taiwan authorities feel a bit panicked when the news of the multi country evacuation of overseas Chinese comes out? Over the years, the lives and development of Taiwan's people have depended not only on the preferential policies of the Chinese mainland, but also on the labor force provided by other countries.

Those Taiwan independence elements must first split the country and undermine the great cause of national reunification. Maybe it has been a long time, and they have lost their position. Now Taiwan is relying on the people of Taiwan and other help to maintain its economy.

In addition to causing some trouble, Taiwan's senior managers do not care about development at all. Under the control of the United States, they are willing to be their shield. Now the plan of multinational evacuation has been announced, which has a significant impact on Taiwan.

The evacuation of overseas Chinese has a great impact on the economy and finance of Taiwan. Foreigners usually have a high income in a region. Their departure means that the local government will lose a lot of tax and economic support.

In addition, the consumption of foreigners in Taiwan will also be greatly reduced, which will have a huge impact on the development of local business economy.

Secondly, many foreigners in Taiwan usually have high education levels and high-tech skills, and they have made important contributions to the development and progress of society in Taiwan. After leaving, the loss of these talents will greatly weaken the innovation and competitiveness of a place.

At the same time, the evacuation of overseas Chinese will also have an impact on local social security. With the departure of foreigners, social unrest and violence may occur in some regions, which may threaten Taiwan's stability and security, and even lead to greater social conflict.

What's more, how can we make up for the lost labor force brought by these countries?

The lack of labor force is bound to have a great impact on the economy of Taiwan. Many manufacturing industries are restricted. Factories that rely on labor force to operate have reached the point of irretrievability.

This may lead to enterprises being unable to meet market demand, leading to a decline in production capacity, and thus reducing tax revenue and investment opportunities, which, to a certain extent, will affect the overall economic development of Taiwan.

Due to the lack of sufficient human resources, some enterprises will close or scale down one after another because they do not have enough employees, which will bring a lot of instability and uncertainty, resulting in loss of employment opportunities and affecting the growth of unemployment.

"China will complete national reunification and will never give in to this matter."

China has also suffered from foreign aggression and division in history, which has made national reunification the top priority of the country. China has never given up its national reunification efforts, and China will never give in before national reunification.

In today's world, China has always firmly put the maintenance of national unity in the first place. National unity is the foundation of national development and progress, and the key to China's future development and innovation. China has not only allowed the people to enjoy a sustainable and stable life, but also achieved a leap in market economy and made remarkable development achievements.

The Taiwan issue is still an important topic for China. We will take important strategies and measures at all costs to complete national reunification.

Whether through economic, legal or military means, China will continue to work hard to safeguard its territorial integrity and national security.

In addition, the Chinese government has strengthened the maintenance of national unity in the legal system. A series of laws and regulations have been formulated, and measures have been implemented, especially the Anti Secession Law, which has the most extensive impact.

It is sincerely hoped that "Governor Cai" will lead his subordinates to study hard and learn more about the advantages of this, so as not to be unaware of his "positioning" in the future. A few days ago, he said to high school students that the problems in the Taiwan Strait must be solved by peaceful means, and war is not an option.

Such words come out of the mouth of "Governor Cai" as "nonsense". What he does is really different from what he does. He has heard too many lies to deceive young people.

He talks about peace, but he is doing things that undermine peace. He is willing to be the agent of "external forces". It is time for Huang Liang to wake up, do something practical, and pay attention to sincerity. This is the bright future!


The current situation in Taiwan is still very complicated. The Chinese mainland has been looking for a solution to cross-strait peace, but the result is to rely on the joint efforts of both sides. Don't narrow the road.

Also, the US government should understand the reason why everyone sweeps the snow in front of their own door. Today, they know more about the internal problems of the US than anyone else. This diversion method can neither save the crisis of the US nor stop the progress of the Chinese people.

It is hoped that those who try to challenge China's bottom line will give up this illusion as soon as possible, be calm, and come up with a problem that can not be solved with sincerity. Peace is the common will of the whole world. Violation will only backfire. Let's wake up at an early date!

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