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Is the score of college entrance examination going up or down this year? The number of people taking the national college entrance examination is 13.42 million, and the number of people in Henan Province is at a new high

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To tell you the truth, this year's college entrance examination is coming. Recently, examinees and parents have been asking: Is the college entrance examination score going up or down in 2024?

It's a bit like betting on the blind box. We can't speculate without foundation. We should always feel something. My feeling is that the national college entrance examination score may rise, and specifically in Henan Province, there will also be a small rise.

There are several reasons for the rise of the college entrance examination score:

First, in 2024, the number of applicants for the national college entrance examination set a historical record.

According to the latest news released by the official media, the number of applicants for the national college entrance examination will reach 13.42 million in 2024, an increase of 510000 over 12.91 million in 2023, with a growth rate of 3.95%, again hitting a record high.

This is the first time that the number of applicants for the college entrance examination has exceeded 13 million since the resumption of the college entrance examination system in China. According to the statistical standard, 13.42 million college entrance examination candidates include ordinary high school graduates and secondary vocational and technical school graduates. Both of them have different admission channels, but they are all classified as college entrance examinees.

As the number of applicants has increased by 510000, the score will definitely rise.

Second, the number of applicants for the college entrance examination in Henan Province may reach a record high.

As a major province in the college entrance examination, the number of applicants and admission scores in Henan Province are particularly concerned. At present, Henan Province has not officially announced the number of candidates for the college entrance examination in 2024, but recently there was a joint examination of nine provinces for junior high school students. The number of people taking the examination in Henan Province was 1.36 million. It can be expected that the number of people taking the college entrance examination in Henan Province this year was about 1.36 million, 60000 more than that in 2023.

Third, the number of applicants in all provinces and cities has increased.

At present, many provinces have announced the number of candidates for the 2024 college entrance examination:

According to the official website of Hunan Province, 730000 people applied for the college entrance examination in Hunan, 46000 more than the previous year, a record high.

According to the notice issued by the Education Department of Jiangxi Province, the number of applicants for the college entrance examination in Jiangxi Province will be 642100 in 2024, and the actual number of applicants for the unified examination in June will be 552600. This year, the number has increased by about 58000.

In 2024, there will be 74096 applicants for the college entrance examination in Hainan, 4027 more than last year.

Judging from the number of applicants for the college entrance examination announced by each province, it is expected that the number of applicants for the college entrance examination in other provinces and cities will increase to a certain extent except for the north and east. In particular, secondary vocational school graduates are more willing to take the college entrance examination. In terms of the proportion over the years, the number of high school graduates taking part in the summer college entrance examination this year accounts for about 70% of the number of college entrance examination candidates, which is expected to reach about 9.4 million.

Fourth, the overall enrollment rate of the college entrance examination has not increased much.

According to the data released by the Ministry of Education in this year's press conference, in 2023, the enrollment scale of undergraduate and junior college students in general higher vocational education will reach 10.4222 million, with an overall enrollment rate of 80%. It increased by 2.73% over the previous year. It is worth noting that 4.7816 million students were recruited for ordinary undergraduate courses, 8.99 million for higher vocational undergraduate courses and 5.5507 million for higher vocational (junior college) courses. In general, the proportion of college admissions still dominates. According to the statistical proportion, in 2023, the national college entrance examination undergraduate enrollment rate will only be 37.73%, while the specialist enrollment rate will reach 43%. In the college entrance examination, more than 60% of the examinees can already be defeated by being admitted to an undergraduate college.

It is estimated that the overall enrollment rate of undergraduate and junior college students in general higher vocational education will still not increase much in 2024.

Colleges and universities across the country have successively released enrollment brochures for 2024. On the whole, the number of applicants has not changed significantly compared with previous years. Only some newly admitted undergraduate colleges will increase the enrollment quota, but the overall impact on the enrollment rate is limited.

It is expected that in 2024, the undergraduate enrollment rate in the national college entrance examination will decline, and the competition between undergraduate colleges will become more intense.

Fifth, the new college entrance examination will make the score generally rise.

In 2024, more provinces and cities will implement the new college entrance examination. As the re selected subjects adopt the scoring system, the college entrance examination score will generally rise. Henan Province will implement the new college entrance examination in 2025, so this year is the last year of Dawen Dali. If the examinees can not repeat their studies, they will not repeat their studies. Therefore, it is expected that the score of the college entrance examination in Henan Province will also rise.

Sixth, judging from the college entrance examination score in recent years, the overall trend is rising year by year.

There are three main reasons:

1. The increasing number of applicants for the college entrance examination is one of the important reasons for the rise of the score line.

2. The promotion of educational reform policies also has an impact on the college entrance examination score. It includes adjusting exam subjects, optimizing exam content, strengthening quality education, etc.

3. The adjustment of college enrollment plan also has an impact on the score. Some popular colleges and universities and majors are more difficult to enroll due to the restrictions of enrollment plans, and the score line also increases accordingly.

What is the predicted score of the college entrance examination?

According to the prediction of national college entrance examination experts, the number of people taking the college entrance examination will reach a record 13.42 million in 2024, and it is estimated that they will not be eligible for undergraduate education if their scores are below 450!

If the difficulty of the college entrance examination questions remains unchanged, the scores of colleges and universities in provinces with more than 500000 applicants for the college entrance examination will rise. It is estimated that in 2024, students with a score of less than 450 in liberal arts (history) and 430 in science (physics) will not be able to enter undergraduate colleges, and the overall enrollment situation will be grim.

The estimated scores of the college entrance examination in many places are out:

In Guangdong, Shandong, Sichuan, Hebei, Jiangsu, Jiangxi and other provinces, if you want to attend a public undergraduate college, you must have a score of more than 460 in liberal arts (history) and 450 in science.

In the eastern developed areas, due to the rich educational resources and fierce competition, the admission score is generally high. For example, the admission score of key universities in Beijing, Shanghai and other places is usually above 600.

Henan Province is the most difficult province in the college entrance examination. There are many factors for the score to rise in 2024:

First, the number of applicants is the first in China;

Second, the new college entrance examination will be carried out next year. This year, the number of re entrants will be greatly reduced. If they can go, they will go, and the competition will be more intense;

Third, there are too few high-quality higher education resources in our province, which will lead to excellent students with more than 600 points will apply for 985 or 211 universities outside the province, and those with about 600 points will apply for Zhengzhou University and Henan University, which will rise in the first line. The second and junior college scores will maintain the level of last year, or even decline, because there are still many educational resources in the province below the second level.

Finally, the college entrance examination students should be reminded to keep calm and rational in the face of the rising trend of the college entrance examination score line, have a calm mind, and determine the target school and target major according to their own learning situation. We should also pay attention to the changes in enrollment policies and enrollment information. Timely understand the enrollment plan and requirements of colleges and universities. I wish the students a successful start and immediate success!

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