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Japan said it would launch the "Joint Sword 2024A" exercise around Taiwan against the eastern theater of the PLA

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Japan makes a statement! In response to the launch of the "United Sword 2024A" exercise around Taiwan in the eastern theater of the PLA, the Japanese government responded. Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Lin Fangzheng announced that Japan would "directly and clearly" express to China the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. Lin Fangzheng also reiterated that it is important to cooperate with the United States and other allies to convey the position on cross-strait relations.

When Lai Qingde came to power on May 20, more than 30 Japanese legislators, despite repeated warnings and objections from the mainland, went to Taiwan to "congratulate". These include Akie Abe, the widow of Shinzo Abe, the former Prime Minister, who proposed that "Taiwan is busy, Japan is busy". The LDP member and former head of the National Public Security Committee of Japan Guisi Gu Gu, who led the team, declared publicly that "China's threat is increasing" and "Japan Taiwan relations are more important than ever before" when meeting with Lai Qingde. On the same day, Lin Fangzheng also publicly congratulated Lai Qingde on his "inauguration" and declared that "we look forward to further deepening the friendship between Japan and Taiwan". Lin Fangzheng also "paid tribute" to outgoing Tsai Ing wen.

What Japanese politicians have done is obviously to openly support the "Taiwan independence" forces, which also shows that the United States and Japan are "one minded" and closely follow the United States policy of "controlling China with Taiwan". In response, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China met with the Japanese ambassador to China to protest and clarified China's solemn position on the Taiwan issue. However, Japan did not stop talking about the mainland's just act of punishing the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces and warning external interference forces. Such remarks are also a misjudgment of China's determination and will to safeguard the integrity of national sovereignty.

There is only one China in the world. Taiwan is China's Taiwan. The Taiwan issue is the core of China's core interests. Solving the Taiwan issue is the Chinese people's own business. No one or any force has the right to interfere. Unification is the trend of the times. "Taiwan independence" is a dead end. conniving in supporting "Taiwan independence" is doomed to failure. Any act that challenges the one China principle and endangers China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity will be firmly and forcefully countered by China

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