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In the Falklands War, Britain tried its best to defeat Argentina, but China saw the essence of paper tiger

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At the southernmost tip of South America, there is an archipelago. This archipelago has two names, one is called Falkland Islands Another name is "Malvinas Islands". But generally speaking, people always call it "Falao". and Ma Island represents the last glory of the British Empire.

On this island, there was a "civil war of the western camp". In order to maintain their own glory, two declining powers fought with dignity on this island. The final result, we all know, Britain was the last winner.

(Falklands Naval Battle)

But for Britain, This war is "to win the Falklands, to lose the future".

1、 "Maniac" should not become British Prime Minister

The Falklands War was not a "plain sailing" war. Even in the Falklands War, the British and Arab sides fought back and forth. and The inside story of the war was covered by the glory of British victory and Maradona's "counterattack on the court". In fact, the inside story of the Falklands War may surprise you.

Ali Magudi, the psychologist of then French President Mitterrand, was undoubtedly an "insider". In his memoir "Dating: Francois Mitterrand's Psychoanalysis", Ali recorded a lot of information about the Falklands War, because this period was the period of greatest psychological fluctuation for French President Mitterrand.


Mitterrand once said to the psychologist: "Iron Lady, she is an unbearable manic patient! She even sent a nuclear threat to me, and she even sent a nuclear threat to me!"

Many people believe that the equipment level of Argentina's military is far lower than that of Britain, but in fact it is not. In fact, most of the equipment of the Argentine army at that time was exported from France. These equipment are not only no worse than British equipment, but even stronger to some extent.

(French Flying Fish Anti ship Missile)

In particular, the French "flying fish" missile posed a great threat to the British Royal Navy, and even hit the British "Sheffield" in return. However, in the face of such a situation, Mrs. Thatcher went so far as to play "off court cards" directly. She threatened French President Mitterrand that if she did not tell herself the missile code, she would directly carry out a nuclear attack on Argentina

If Mrs. Thatcher had other cards in her hand at this time, she would not threaten Mitterrand so much. Obviously, The more forceful Mrs. Thatcher was, the more it meant that she had no idea.

Just like in the 1950s, before our country won the Korean War, the Americans would not threaten us with nuclear weapons. Instead, we won the Korean War, and the United States would cry "surgery" instead.

(Mrs. Thatcher)

In Britain at that time, the election of such a "manic patient" to the stage, to a large extent, also showed that the situation in Britain at that time was getting worse and worse.

2、 Bet all

and The Falklands War, for Britain, can almost be said to have gambled on all their wealth At that time, Britain itself was already in deep economic trouble. The trade with Latin American countries is also very important for Britain. However, after the outbreak of the Falklands War, Britain's direct economic losses reached 2.7 billion US dollars.

Venezuela and other South American countries also began to withdraw their deposits from British banks. For the UK, which is based on finance, It can be said that the Falklands War directly deprived London of its position as the financial center It was also after the Falklands War that the international financial center was officially transferred from London to New York.

(Thatcher and Reagan)

This is also one of the main reasons why Washington strongly supports the British military use against Argentina. Unfortunately, Mrs. Thatcher did not see the real purpose of the United States, and even regarded Reagan as a "close friend" all her life. Due to the "sanctions" imposed by Latin American countries on Europe, the European Community decided to raise the overall food price in Europe by 10%, which also indirectly led to the further deterioration of the British economy.

Britain, which has lost the market of Latin America Group, has to further increase its dependence on the United States. This has further deepened the binding between Britain and the United States. After the Falklands War, Britain began to gradually transform from an "independent power" into a "vassal of the United States".


3、 Iron Lady "Never Falls"?

Although Britain won the Falklands War, and brought the victory to China to negotiate the Hong Kong issue with Deng Gong. however The Chinese leadership is very clear about one problem, that is, the UK at this time is just "strong outside but weak inside" In the Falklands War, although Britain won, it was very difficult to win.

If we played another game in Hong Kong, Britain would have no chance of winning Moreover, China also has nuclear weapons and is not afraid of the British nuclear threat.

Mrs. Thatcher did try to threaten China with war on the Hong Kong issue. however Deng Gong, however, said that the sovereignty issue cannot be negotiated The recovery of Hong Kong in 1997 is a major prerequisite. If this cannot be satisfied, there is no need for China and the UK to negotiate.

(Thatcher's visit to China)

Mrs. Thatcher asked Mr. Deng directly: "What are you going to do if the negotiation fails?"

To some extent, Duke Deng actually appreciated Thatcher's "frankness". Therefore, Duke Deng also answered directly: "After the Chinese side made the decision to take back Hong Kong, it has made any possible preparations, including war preparations."

Mrs. Thatcher continued, "Haven't you heard that we have just won a big country?"

Deng Gong replied: "I heard that peace can usually be bought after a war."

(Deng Gong)

Mrs. Thatcher may have won a war, but Mr. Deng, sitting opposite her, has fought for a lifetime.

China ushered in a new life in the war, and China also exchanged the peaceful era of reform and opening up through war after war. The Chinese people are very clear that peace cannot be obtained by avoiding war. Peace can only be obtained by winning and fearing the enemy.

(Mrs. Thatcher's fall)

Therefore, Mrs. Thatcher's war threat, in the eyes of Duke Deng, is just a joke What's more, "subdue the enemy without fighting" is the most advanced art of war. Britain still needs to rely on war means to deal with an Argentina, let alone fight against China.

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