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We Taiwanese are not afraid of military exercises! Taiwan media big V's showing off on the mainland and being ridiculed by others: Don't cry when the time comes

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"We in Taiwan are not frightened by the mainland military exercises!"

This is a tough statement made by Taiwan media giant V on the mainland social networking website.

Not only that, the Taiwan big V also boasted on the mainland website that our Taiwan stock market did not fall but rose, and was not affected by the mainland exercises at all.

Mainland netizens replied: Do you continue to show off Taiwanese courage? When the shells hit the roof one day, you Taiwanese must not cry!

1、 Taiwan media big V went to the mainland social networking website to show off that we were not frightened by the four hour drill

At 11:35 p.m. on May 23, four hours after the drill, a Taiwan media major V suddenly proudly posted on the mainland social networking website.

From the IP address, it can be seen that this big V logged on to the mainland website in Taiwan and sent this show off post.

In this show off post, this big TV from Taiwan expressed three meanings.

The first is to make a direct statement: we Taiwanese were not frightened by the exercise at all.

"In the past four hours, there has been no panic."

On the other hand, he claimed that Taiwan's stock market was not affected by the exercise at all and continued to rise.

Finally, the big V in Taiwan compared 2022 with this year, and finally came to the conclusion that this time is not as influential as that in 2022.

2、 Taiwan's big V has more than 100000 fans on the mainland, and issued a map of civil aviation flights to prove that Taiwan is not affected by the exercise

As can be seen from the screenshots of the mainland social account, this media giant from Taiwan has 170000 mainland fans and was once a senior media person.

Now this big V lives in Taipei City.

The big V also sent a map of Taiwan's civil aviation route on the day of the exercise on his social account.

He tried to use this picture to prove that Taiwan's economy was not affected by the exercise at all and was completely normal.

He even threatened on the mainland social platform that even in Dongsha and Taiping Island, there would be no waves in Taiwan.

3、 Mainland netizens mocked: Since you are not afraid of bullets, don't cry

Under this ostentatious post issued by Taiwan's big V, it quickly triggered heated discussion among mainland netizens.

Many netizens mocked: Since you Taiwanese are not afraid, don't cry when the bullets really fly over.

A comment from a Zhejiang netizen: The battle training conversion is a matter of a moment, and the opponent will break the defense if he is not careful.

This message from Shanghai netizens got more than 40 compliments: Now we are boiling frogs in warm water, until one day, suddenly

"You know!"

Also holding the same view is this Beijing netizen: a certain wave of current is pushed directly past.

Fujian Netizen: What we need is this effect. It will be true one time.

Another netizen in Shanghai also mocked: I hope you Taiwanese will treat it with equanimity until you wake up one day and suddenly find that the second generation ID card can be changed downstairs.

What is your opinion on the statement of Taiwan's big V that he is "not afraid of exercises"?

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