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Li Zaiyong is accused of earning more than 432 million yuan in 25 years, and once created 150 billion yuan of new debt in Liupanshui in three years

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Interface reporter | Zhai Ruimin
Interface News Editor | Liu Haichuan

According to the Fifth Intermediate People's Court of Chongqing, on May 23, 2024, the first instance of the Court held a public hearing to hear the case of Li Zaiyong, former member of the Party Leadership Group and vice chairman of the CPPCC Guizhou Provincial Committee, taking bribes and abusing his power. Li Zaiyong was accused of taking bribes of more than 432 million yuan in 25 years. During his administration of Liupanshui City, he abused his power and borrowed money in violation of regulations, resulting in more than 914 million yuan of interest and other expenses for the project, and more than 86.45 million yuan of losses caused by ecological environment damage.

Li Zaiyong, former member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Guizhou Provincial Committee, was put on trial

According to the open resume, Li Zaiyong, male, of Gelao nationality, was born in August 1962 in Wuchuan, Guizhou Province. He started working in August 1983 and joined the Communist Party of China in April 1984. He has a graduate degree from the Central Party School.

Li Zaiyong graduated from the Department of Agronomy of Guizhou Agricultural University in 1983, started as a cadre of Yuantian Commune, Yuantian District, Tongzi County, and was promoted to the secretary of Tongzi County Party Committee in 1995. In January 1998, Li Zaiyong was appointed as the secretary of the Honghuagang District Party Committee of Zunyi City. According to the accusations of the procuratorial organ, his path to corruption began from this.

Since then, Li Zaiyong has been promoted all the way to the posts of Deputy Governor of Qiandongnan Prefecture, Deputy Secretary of Tongren Prefecture Party Committee, Mayor of Guiyang City, Secretary of Liupanshui Municipal Party Committee, etc. In December 2016, Li Zaiyong, 54 years old, became a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee, and became a deputy provincial. One month later, he will also serve as the Secretary General of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee. In January 2022, Li Zaiyong was elected as the vice chairman of the Guizhou Provincial CPPCC. After the change of the CPPCC Guizhou Provincial Committee in January 2023, Li Zaiyong did not continue to serve as the vice chairman of the CPPCC Guizhou Provincial Committee, but still appeared as a member of the party group of the CPPCC Guizhou Provincial Committee until March. On November 7 of the same year, Li Zaiyong was expelled from the Party and public office.

The "Double Opening" bulletin once pointed out that Li Zaiyong lost his ideal and belief, abandoned his original mission, distorted his view of political achievements, and misplaced his view of power, seriously deviated from the major decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, failed to implement the new development concept, engaged in a "political achievements project" that cost the people and money, and borrowed money in violation of regulations, resulting in major debt risks and serious damage to the local ecological environment.

Li Zaiyong is accused of interfering in judicial and law enforcement activities in violation of regulations; Moral corruption, pursuit of low-grade taste, long-term obsession with gambling; Lose the bottom line of discipline and law, get involved in power and money transactions, take advantage of their positions to make profits for others in engineering contracting, project planning approval and other aspects, and illegally accept huge amounts of property; Abuse of power has caused heavy losses to public property and the interests of the state and the people.

At the beginning of January 2024, CCTV will broadcast the annual anti-corruption TV feature film "Continuous and Deep Promotion" produced by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission. According to the introduction, Li Zaiyong seriously violated political discipline and rules, and the most prominent problem was that he violated the new development concept, blindly borrowed money to engage in image projects and performance projects that hurt people's money and destroyed the ecological environment, which made the local government debt he held high and had a serious impact on the high-quality economic and social development of the region he held.

Liupanshui is a minority area and underdeveloped area, and a large number of tourism projects will cost a huge amount of money. Li Zaiyong's idea is to "create something out of nothing, and borrow if there is no money". Regardless of the actual financial carrying capacity of Liupanshui, he set up six new financing platform companies and included the amount of financing in the cadre performance assessment indicators.

From 2013 to 2017, when Li Zaiyong was the secretary of Liupanshui Municipal Party Committee, he promoted the construction of 23 tourism projects, 16 of which have been listed as inefficient idle projects in Guizhou Province. In order to build these projects, Li Zaiyong blindly borrowed money regardless of the actual bearing capacity of the local finance. The interest on debt alone caused a major loss of more than 900 million yuan to the country. During his more than three years in charge of Liupanshui, the local newly increased debt reached more than 150 billion yuan, and the debt growth rate from 2013 to 2017 exceeded 300%, leaving a heavy burden on the local.

Why so much debt? "I think that there is only the last step to leave the middle management cadres, and I hope to make some big moves and make some big moves, so that I can attract the attention of my superiors, so it is my own selfish intention." Li Zaiyong reflected in front of the camera.

According to the introduction of the above feature film, Li Zaiyong also vigorously promoted agricultural projects in Liupanshui City, proposed to build a rosa roxburghii industry of 1 million mu, and required to focus on continuous planting. "It is required to plant on a large scale, mainly to look good. I hope leaders can see everything on their cars and there are industries everywhere," said Li Zaiyong.

The picture shows the court hearing scene

Li Zaiyong's "leadership" actually refers to Sun Zhigang, who successively served as the governor and secretary of the provincial party committee of Guizhou Province. During his reign in Guizhou, Sun Zhigang, regardless of the reality, vigorously promoted the "profound industrial revolution to revitalize the rural economy." This was actually mainly to reduce the corn planting area and force farmers to change to economic crops with high added value, such as vegetables, fruits and traditional Chinese medicine. At that time, many cities in Guizhou Province, in order to cater to Sun Zhigang, pressed down the task layer by layer, and many cases occurred that damaged agricultural production and farmers' interests.

According to the allegation made by the Fifth Branch of Chongqing Municipal People's Procuratorate, from 1998 to 2023, the defendant Li Zaiyong served as the secretary of the Honghuagang District Party Committee of Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, the standing member and deputy governor of Qiandongnan Prefecture Party Committee, the deputy secretary of Tongren Prefecture Party Committee and the executive commissioner, the deputy secretary and mayor of Guiyang Municipal Party Committee, the secretary of Liupanshui Municipal Party Committee, the standing member and secretary-general of Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, the standing member of Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and the secretary of Guiyang Municipal Party Committee, The conveniences of the standing member of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee, the deputy governor and other positions, as well as the conveniences of the formation of the authority or status, provide assistance to relevant individuals in matters such as project contracting, land acquisition, project planning approval, etc., and illegally receive property from others, amounting to more than 432 million yuan.

The prosecution also accused Li Zaiyong of violating relevant laws and regulations and forcing construction to start, knowing that blindly implementing relevant tourism development projects would inevitably break through the ecological red line and occupy farmland, forest land and water sources, when he was the secretary of Liupanshui Municipal Party Committee and director of Liupanshui Municipal Urban Rural Planning and Construction Commission from 2014 to 2017, And instructed us to continue to promote the project through debt financing. By the time of the crime, the project has paid project financing interest and other expenses totaling more than 914 million yuan, illegally occupied more than 105 hectares of forest land, cultivated land, permanent basic farmland, grassland and other land, and damaged the ecological environment, causing economic losses of more than 86.45 million yuan.

During the trial, the procuratorial organ showed relevant evidence, the defendant Li Zaiyong and his defender conducted cross examination, the prosecution and the defense fully expressed their opinions under the auspices of the court, Li Zaiyong made a final statement, and said he was guilty and repentant in court. At the end of the trial, the court announced an adjournment and decided to pronounce a sentence.

Extended Reading

The "Guizhou Tiger" was taken down from his post, and his predecessor had a long-term illicit relationship with others

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection once again attacked the "tiger", and Chen Yan, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Guizhou Provincial Committee, was demoted.

Chen Yan, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Guizhou Provincial Committee, was investigated

On March 25, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission announced that Chen Yan, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Guizhou Provincial Committee, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and was currently under disciplinary review and supervision by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission.

Chen Yan, 61 years old, from Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, has long served in Guizhou Province. He has successively trained in the Provincial Planning Commission, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Tongren City, Guiyang City, and served as mayor of Tongren City, mayor of Guiyang City, etc.

In January 2021, Chen Yan, 58 years old, was elected as the vice chairman of the 12th Guizhou Provincial Committee of the CPPCC. In October of the same year, he no longer served as the mayor of Guiyang, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the management committee of Gui'an New Area, Guizhou.

In January 2023, the first meeting of the 13th Guizhou Provincial Committee of the CPPCC elected Chen Yan as the vice chairman of the provincial CPPCC. According to the official website of the CPPCC Guizhou Provincial Committee, there are eight vice chairmen of the CPPCC Guizhou Provincial Committee, and Chen Yan ranks fifth. Now, Chen Yan has taken office.

Absence from important meetings recently

More than ten days ago, Chen Yan still attended public activities. According to the official website of the CPPCC Guizhou Provincial Committee, on March 13, the CPPCC Guizhou Provincial Committee held a meeting of chairpersons, and Chen Yan attended the meeting as vice chairman of the CPPCC Guizhou Provincial Committee.

However, Chen Yan has been absent from important meetings at least three times in the past week. On March 18, the theoretical learning center group of the Party Leadership Group of the CPPCC Guizhou Provincial Committee held a special seminar. Several members of the Party Leadership Group and the leading group of the CPPCC Guizhou Provincial Committee attended the seminar. Chen Yan was absent from the meeting.

From March 19 to 20, the party building symposium of Guizhou Provincial CPPCC system was held in Guiyang; On March 21, the 9th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th Guizhou Provincial Committee of the CPPCC was held in Guiyang, and Chen Yan did not attend.

Chen Yan was born in 1963. At the age of 19, he was admitted to the National Economic Planning Department of Renmin University of China. After graduation in 1986, he became a staff member of the Science and Education Office of Guizhou Planning Commission, starting his career.

According to the official website of Guizhou Provincial Government, the predecessor of Guizhou Provincial Development and Reform Commission is Guizhou Provincial Planning Commission. The Planning Commission of Guizhou Province was renamed as the Development Planning Commission of Guizhou Province in 2000 and the Development and Reform Commission of Guizhou Province in 2004.

During his work in the Guizhou Provincial Planning Commission and the Guizhou Provincial Development Planning Commission, Chen Yan has served as a staff member, deputy chief staff member, chief staff member and other non leadership positions for more than 15 years. He began to take leadership positions when he was 39 years old. He has successively served as the deputy director of the Basic Industry Division of the Guizhou Provincial Development Planning Commission, deputy director and director of the Fixed Assets Investment Division of the Guizhou Provincial Development and Reform Commission.

Since 2011, Chen Yan has moved to other places and served as the deputy mayor of Tongren; In 2012, he moved to Guizhou Gui'an New Area, served as the chairman of Guizhou Gui'an New Area Development and Investment Co., Ltd. and the deputy director of Gui'an New Area Management Committee.

According to the official website of Guizhou Provincial Government, Gui'an New Area is a national new area, located in the junction of Guiyang City and Anshun City, the core area of Central Guizhou Economic Zone, and the most flat and open place with the best land use conditions in Guizhou Province.

In 2015, Chen Yan returned to Tongren City and served successively as acting mayor and mayor. In September 2017, he moved to Guiyang City and served successively as acting mayor and mayor. At the same time, he also served as deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the management committee of Guizhou Gui'an New Area. In January 2021, he was elected as the vice chairman of the CPPCC Guizhou Provincial Committee.

In October 2021, Chen Yan will no longer serve as the mayor of Guiyang City, the deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and the director of the management committee of Gui'an New Area, Guizhou Province. In January 2023, Chen Yan will be re elected as the vice chairman of the CPPCC in Guizhou Province until now.

Several former subordinates were checked

His resume shows that Guiyang City and Gui'an New Area in Guizhou Province are important places where Chen Yan works. It is worth noting that in the past year, many of his former subordinates who served in the above areas have been investigated.

Just ten days ago, on March 15, the website of the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection announced that Sun Shaoxue, member of the Standing Committee of the Guiyang Municipal Party Committee and head of the Publicity Department of the Guiyang Municipal Party Committee, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and was currently subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Sun Shaoxue Suspected of Serious Violation of Discipline and Law

Sun Shaoxue, a female cadre of the "post-75s", has long served in Guiyang. When Chen Yan was the mayor of Guiyang City and the director of the Administrative Committee of Gui'an New Area, Sun Shaoxue successively served as the secretary of the committee of Qingzhen City (Guiyang in charge of county-level cities), member of the Party Working Committee of Gui'an New Area (concurrently), member of the Standing Committee of Guiyang Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the Qingzhen Municipal Party Committee, member of the Standing Committee of Guiyang Municipal Party Committee, director of the Publicity Department of Guiyang Municipal Party Committee, etc.

Last August, Zhu Lixia, the former deputy director of the Standing Committee of Guiyang Municipal People's Congress, was investigated. When Chen Yan was the mayor of Guiyang, Zhu Lixia was the deputy director of the standing committee of Guiyang Municipal People's Congress, and the secretary of Nanming District (the district of Guiyang City).

The notice showed that Zhu Lixia intervened in the contracting of construction projects without the bottom line of discipline and law, and her selfish desires expanded. She illegally sought benefits for others in project undertaking and enjoying government subsidies, and illegally received huge amounts of property.

Last May, Tang Xinglun, the former member of the Standing Committee of Guiyang Municipal Party Committee, the former deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and the former deputy director of the Management Committee of Gui'an New Area, and the former secretary of the Party Working Committee of Guiyang Economic Development Zone, were investigated for serious violations of discipline and laws.

When Chen Yan was the mayor of Guiyang City and the director of the management committee of Gui'an New Area, Tang Xinglun served successively as the deputy mayor of Guiyang City, the deputy director of the management committee of Gui'an New Area, the member of the standing committee of Guiyang Municipal Party Committee, the deputy director of the management committee of Gui'an New Area, etc. He was Chen Yan's deputy.

The notice showed that Tang Xinglun did not perform his duties correctly, decided to return the land transfer fee in violation of the law, lost the bottom line of discipline and law, took advantage of his position to seek benefits for others, and illegally received huge amounts of property from others.

In December last year, Tang Xinglun was prosecuted. The procuratorate accused Tang Xinglun of taking advantage of his position as the head of Wudang District, Guiyang City and the deputy mayor of Guiyang City to seek profits for others, illegally accepting other people's property, which is extremely large, and should be investigated for criminal responsibility as a crime of bribery.

In addition, Chen Yan's former subordinates in Tongren City have also been investigated recently. In October last year, Chen Daiwen, a former deputy director of the Standing Committee of Tongren Municipal People's Congress in Guizhou Province, was investigated. When Chen Yan was the vice mayor of Tongren City, Chen Daiwen was the mayor of Bijiang District of Tongren City.

On March 18 this year, Chen Daiwen was expelled from the Party. The bulletin showed that Chen Daiwen engaged in the "image project" and "political achievement project", obsessed with geomancy and superstition activities, used his power to make profits for relatives, engaged in power sex trade, and intervened in judicial activities.

Three former mayors of Guiyang have been investigated

The fall of Chen Yan means that three former mayors of Guiyang have been investigated. Before Chen Yan became mayor of Guiyang, Liu Wenxin (January 2014 to August 2017) and Li Zaiyong (March 2011 to November 2013) served as the "top leaders" of Guiyang Municipal Government.

Liu Wenxin was once the Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee (at the head level)

After August 2017, Liu Wenxin served as the secretary of Qianxinan Prefecture Party Committee of Guizhou Province, the deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Guizhou Provincial Party Committee (at the head level), and was investigated in October 2022. Last September, he was expelled from the Party and public office, and last October, he was arrested on suspicion of bribery, bribery, and money laundering.

According to the report, Liu Wenxin acted recklessly and without authority, engaged in "seven things", became a destroyer of political ecology and economic order, engaged in double dealing, double dealing, feudal superstition activities, moral corruption, extremely corrupt life, engaged in power sex, money sex trade, and had long been involved in improper sexual relations with others, whoring, gambling, playing with animals, and obsessed with knives, They apportion fees to enterprises in violation of regulations, intervene and interfere in judicial activities in violation of regulations, and take advantage of their positions to make profits for others in engineering contracting, financing loans, etc.

After leaving office as Mayor of Guiyang City, Li Zaiyong served as Secretary of the CPC Liupanshui Municipal Committee, Member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee, Secretary of the CPC Guiyang Municipal Committee, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee, Vice Governor of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Guizhou Provincial Committee, etc.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Yan and Li Zaiyong were partners in Guiyang for a short time. In August 2017, Li Zaiyong was transferred from the Standing Committee Member and Secretary General of Guizhou Provincial Party Committee to the Standing Committee Member of Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of Guiyang Municipal Party Committee. Soon thereafter, Chen Yan was appointed Acting Mayor and Mayor of Guiyang.

In January 2021, Chen Yan became the vice chairman of the CPPCC Guizhou Provincial Committee. One year later, Li Zaiyong was elected as the vice chairman of the CPPCC Guizhou Provincial Committee. The two also worked together with the CPPCC Guizhou Provincial Committee. Li Zaiyong was investigated in March 2023.

The report showed that Li Zaiyong's view of political achievements was distorted, his view of power was misplaced, he seriously deviated from the major decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, engaged in "performance projects" that cost the people and money, and raised money in violation of regulations, resulting in major debt risks and serious damage to the local ecological environment.

Li Zaiyong made profits for others in the selection and appointment of cadres, engaged in power sex and money sex trade, illegally interfered in judicial and discipline enforcement activities, was morally corrupt, pursued low-grade interests, and was obsessed with gambling for a long time, making profits for others in engineering contracting, project planning and approval, etc.

At the beginning of February this year, Li Zaiyong was prosecuted for bribery and abuse of power. The procuratorial organ accused Li Zaiyong of taking advantage of his position as Mayor of Guiyang City, Secretary of Liupanshui Municipal Party Committee, Member and Secretary General of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Guiyang Municipal Party Committee, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Deputy Governor of Guizhou Province, etc. to seek profits for others and illegally accept other people's property, which is particularly huge.

Editor in charge: Xun Jianguo_NN7379

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