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Obstetricians and Gynecologists pointed out that "the best childbearing age for women" has been announced, and they should not give birth beyond that age

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The neighbor upstairs is pregnant again, and she has three children After knowing this, several of our neighbors went to congratulate us. The pregnant mother is 37 years old The eldest is a son, who is in the sixth grade of primary school, and the second is a girl, who is in the third grade of primary school.

When we sit together and chat, Several mothers are praising her bravery. She dares to have three children at this age The pregnant mother said helplessly, There is no way, accidentally conceived, decided to. On the one hand, considering my own age, I may not be able to conceive in the future; On the other hand, we also like children very much

Her mother, who was a few years old and close to her, was also a little moved, so Ask the pregnant mother how she feels about this pregnancy The pregnant mother said wearily ,“ Oh, don't mention it. I used to have almost recovered my body and maintained it well. Now I am old and pregnant. I really suffer too much. My energy and physical strength are not as good as before. I don't have time to maintain it. My pregnancy and vomiting are more serious 。”

After listening to the pregnant mother's experience, a 32 year old Baoma and a 36 year old Baoma both gave up the idea of having a second child because They don't know exactly how old is the best childbearing age. They are afraid that they and their baby will be hurt

How old is the best childbearing age for women?

With more and more families with two or three children, many families have begun to consider having more children. However, However, age has become an unavoidable problem. I am worried that the baby I conceive when I get older will not be very smart and healthy after birth

Some mothers are very anxious about this. At the moment when they pay attention to "eugenics", On the one hand, I am worried that if I miss the best childbearing age, my children will be "low quality" and fall behind others; On the other hand, I am worried that the pregnancy will affect my career

In fact, we don't need to be so anxious. Last time I saw a suggestion from a director of gynecology and obstetrics, he said that the best childbearing age for women is generally Between 25 and 35

Women in this age group have mature body, complete ovarian function, and high quality eggs, It is conducive to eugenics At the same time, Women in this age group have relatively stable work and life, and have better living conditions and fertility

Therefore, Choosing this age group to give birth is beneficial to the health of both women and fetuses

Obstetricians and gynaecologists suggest that children should not be born after this age

In the long river of human social development, fertility has always been regarded as an important link of family continuity and cultural inheritance. However, with the deepening of medical research and the improvement of people's health awareness, A view has gradually received widespread attention: Is it still suitable for women to have children when they are over 35 years old?

Gynecologists and obstetricians gave their suggestions based on years of clinical experience and scientific research—— For women over 35 years old, it is better not to have children

Behind this proposal, there are multiple reasons and considerations.

1. From a physiological point of view

After a woman is over 35 years old, the risk during childbirth will increase significantly This is mainly reflected in two aspects: First, the risk of pregnancy complications increases , such as hypertension and diabetes; Second, the risk of fetal abnormalities increases , such as chromosome abnormalities, malformations, etc.

These risks not only threaten the life safety of pregnant women, but also may have an irreversible impact on the health of the fetus. Obstetricians and gynaecologists are well aware of these risks, so they recommend that women complete childbirth within the optimal childbearing age to reduce potential health risks.

2. After 35, pregnancy becomes more difficult

After a woman is over 35 years old, her fertility will gradually decline, and it will become more difficult to conceive As you grow older, The ovarian function of women will gradually decline, and the quality of eggs will also decline, which will reduce the chance of natural pregnancy For many families eager to have their own children, this is undoubtedly a heavy blow.

According to the survey results of gynecology and obstetrics, In fact, the fertility of women after 35 years old is only half of that of women around 25 years old, and after 40 years old, the fertility is declining precipitously.

Plus, Many families didn't plan to have children early, even if they had children accidentally This is very harmful to women. When they want to have children in the future, they find they can't conceive any more.

3. After 35, the physical strength and energy cannot keep up

When women are over 35, their physical strength and energy cannot keep up with each other

With the growth of age, women's physical functions will gradually decline Physical strength and energy will also be affected. During pregnancy and postpartum recovery, Women need to bear more physical and psychological pressure

If the energy of women can't keep up at this time, it may lead to complications during pregnancy, poor recovery after childbirth and other problems This not only affects women's health, but also may have a negative impact on family harmony, parent-child relationship and other aspects.

If you want to have children when you are old, what should you consider?

Everyone's situation is different, Although some women are older, they are in good health and have strong fertility, and can still successfully conceive and give birth But this It doesn't mean that we can ignore the impact of age on fertility On the contrary, we should pay more attention to the role of age in the reproductive process and take corresponding measures to reduce potential risks.

When deciding to give birth to a child, elderly mothers need to consider various factors to ensure the health of mother and baby.

1. Physical condition and health condition

The physical conditions of the elderly women are different from those of the young women, so before deciding to have a child, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive assessment of their physical conditions. First, check for chronic diseases , such as hypertension and diabetes, which may worsen during pregnancy; Second, the health of the reproductive system should be assessed , including ovarian function, uterine condition, etc., to understand whether there is a physiological basis for fertility.

In addition, elderly mothers also need to pay special attention to the health of the cardiovascular system and immune system to ensure that they can meet various challenges during pregnancy and childbirth.

2. Fertility risk

There are certain risks for older mothers to give birth, including but not limited to: abortion, dystocia, fetal malformation, postpartum hemorrhage, pregnancy hypertension, etc.

Therefore, before deciding to have a child, the elderly mothers need to fully understand these risks and formulate response plans under the guidance of doctors. For example, Reduce risks by increasing the number of prenatal examinations, genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis

3. Economic capacity

Giving birth needs some financial support Before deciding to have a child, elderly mothers need to consider their own and family's economic conditions to ensure that they have sufficient economic capacity to bear all kinds of costs during pregnancy and childbirth.

In addition, We also need to consider child rearing and education To ensure good living conditions and educational resources for children.

4. Family support and care

Older mothers need family support and care during pregnancy and childbirth At the same time, taking care of children also requires a lot of physical strength and energy, which can not be completed by the pregnant mother alone.

Therefore, before giving birth to a child, it is necessary to consider whether the child has family help.


For the health of pregnant mothers and fetuses, we hope everyone can make plans in advance to have babies at the best childbearing age. If you are old, you must consider the influence of many aspects.

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With family instructor, senior picture book reading instructor and national three-level psychological consultant certificate, he focuses on family education and children's mental health, and shares modern scientific childcare knowledge and experience every day.

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