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Progress in the murder of a female teacher in Linyi, Shanxi 21 years ago: her husband was taken away by the police again for investigation. The court found her innocent before

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On June 28, 2003, Wang Mou of Linyi County, Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province was detained by the local public security organ on suspicion of killing his wife Lu Mouli. During the interrogation, Wang once confessed to the public security organ that he killed his wife Lu Mouli in the early morning of January 3 of the same year, and then transported the body to another place to discard it. However, when the case was heard in the court in 2004, Mr. Wang retracted his confession in court and denied his murder.

At that time, Yuncheng Intermediate People's Court (hereinafter referred to as Yuncheng Intermediate People's Court), which tried the case, believed that the case "lacked sufficient and necessary evidence and could not form a complete chain of evidence", and Wang was not convicted of intentional homicide. According to the Southwest Business Daily, the Yuncheng People's Procuratorate once protested against the verdict of the first instance, but the Shanxi Provincial People's Procuratorate withdrew the protest after reviewing it, believing that the Yuncheng People's Procuratorate's protest was improper. Later, the Higher People's Court of Shanxi Province (hereinafter referred to as the Higher People's Court of Shanxi) made a final ruling and allowed the withdrawal of the protest.

Recently, the case ushered in new progress. Lu Mouli's younger brother told the Red Star News reporter that Wang was once again taken away by the police for investigation. Local village cadres also confirmed the news to reporters. On May 22, the reporter contacted the relevant person in charge of the criminal investigation team of Linyi County Public Security Bureau by telephone. The other party said that it was not convenient to answer the phone and change the time to contact, but the person in charge could not be connected by the time of press release.

The progress chart of the murder of a female teacher 21 years ago in Linyi, Shanxi Province

After three times of transfer and prosecution by the procuratorate

Wang was finally found innocent

In the verdict of the first instance, the local procuratorate accused that on January 3, 2003, the defendant Wang had a dispute with his wife Lu Mouli when he returned to his school home because he was out playing mahjong too late. Then he covered Lu Mouli's head with a quilt, choked her neck with his right hand so that she could not move, and wrapped Lu Mouli in a broken room outside the school door with a quilt, Then he returned to the room and launched a motorcycle and carried a fruit knife. In the broken room, Wang, fearing that Lu would not die, hit him twice on the head with a brick, and then punched his abdomen and thigh with a fruit knife for several times.

Later, Wang wrapped the body in a quilt and tied it on the back seat of the motorcycle, rode to the well in the field of Beinan Village, Yaomeng Township, Yanhu District, Yuncheng City, lifted the well cover, stripped Lu of her clothes and threw her body into the well. After that, Wang wrapped up his quilt and clothes, rode a motorcycle to a vacant space at Dongjia intersection, poured gasoline on the quilt and clothes, burned them, threw away the fruit knife, returned to the school residence, cut the lamp rope with the kitchen knife in the room, forged the scene, and threw the motorcycle key outside the west wall of the school. But by the time Wang was arrested, the motorcycle key had not been found.

According to the witness's testimony, on the night of January 2, 2003, Wang, Li, Zhang and Zhang played mahjong together until 3:00 a.m. the next day. Feng Mouping, a teacher at the same school, proved that Wang and Lu had a bad relationship.

On the second day of the incident, Li Mougao, the headmaster of the school, reported to the police that Lu Mouli was missing. Li Mougao confirmed that although he locked the door of the school that night, people could still pass through the crack of the door. In the investigation experiment conducted by the public security organ on June 28 of that year, Li Mougao locked the school gate as the situation on the night of the crime. Wang Mougao's motorcycle was used for the experiment and found that it was possible to push a cart in and out.

On June 19 of that year, Li Mougang, a villager in Beinan Village, found that he could not get water from the well on the cultivated land. He thought that it was a branch that fell into the well and used an iron hook to get it. When he found that it was a person who pulled it up, he immediately called the police. The next day, Lu's father looked at the body's height, hair and teeth in his mouth, and confirmed the body system. However, the back plate, elastic rope and mud mask of the motorcycle retrieved from the well were not on Wang's motorcycle.

On June 28, 2003, Wang was detained by Linyi County Public Security Bureau on suspicion of intentional homicide, and arrested on July 11. After being arrested, Wang Mou confessed to the public security organ the murder process, which was consistent with the content of the prosecution's accusation.

Yuncheng People's Procuratorate filed a public prosecution with Yuncheng Intermediate People's Court on October 9, 2003, but returned it to Yuncheng People's Procuratorate for supplementary investigation after public hearing on November 6 of the same year. The People's Procuratorate of Yuncheng City transferred the case for prosecution again on February 24, 2004, and the case was open again on March 9 of the same year. After discussion by the Judicial Committee of the Court, the People's Procuratorate of Yuncheng City withdrew the case for supplementary investigation on April 26, 2004, and on September 27 of the same year, the case was again transferred for prosecution, but there was no change in substantive evidence.

When Red Star News reporter checked the verdict of the first trial, he found that the lack of several key evidence in the case was an important reason for Wang's acquittal.

The crime tool of Wang's confession could not be found

No blood was found at the murder site

Wang overturned the case in court. His defender said that the charges could not be established, mainly because the autopsy report was different from Wang himself and other witnesses. The witness Li Mougang found Lu Mouli's body. He said that something like rotten meat was hooked with an iron hook during the salvage, but the autopsy report failed to show it. And the autopsy showed that the wounds of the victims' bodies were shallower from top to bottom, and also from bottom to top, which was inconsistent with Wang's statement of stabbing from top to bottom.

The autopsy report also failed to reflect the important information that Lu Mouli was strangled by hand before her death. The hyoid bone, laryngeal bone and lung of the corpse were not recorded. When the police pointed out the scene of the body dumping, Mr. Wang had taken the wrong route twice, and it could not be verified that the location was found by Mr. Wang. More importantly, the tools of the murder in the case could not be found, the blood of the victim could not be found in the room when the murder was committed, and the burning of the victim's clothes and quilts could not be verified.

The lack of various key physical evidence, coupled with Wang's statement that the previous statement was coerced by the public security organ, finally, Yuncheng Intermediate People's Court sentenced the case in the first instance on December 10, 2004, and believed that although Wang's statement about the circumstances of killing and moving the body was partially confirmed, the case was the defendant's statement when the body was found first, Previously, the defendant also had several inquiries that did not admit the crime.

Under the circumstances that the autopsy did not coincide with the victim's statement, the murder tool could not be found, the cause of death of the victim could not be determined, and there was no blood in the murder room, the court found that the case lacked sufficient and necessary evidence, which could not form a complete chain of evidence, so Wang could not be convicted of murder.

The picture shows the court verdict of first instance

According to the Southwest Business Daily, although the Yuncheng People's Procuratorate once protested against the verdict of the first instance, the Shanxi Provincial People's Procuratorate, after examination, believed that the Yuncheng People's Procuratorate's protest was improper and withdrew the protest. Later, the Shanxi High Court made a final ruling allowing the withdrawal of the protest.

However, since 2004, Lu's parents have been running around, believing that the verdict is unfair. According to Shandong Business Daily, on September 8, 2020, the local police also opened the coffin to extract DNA from Lu Mouli's body.

Only recently did Lu Mouli's younger brother learn that Wang was once again taken away by the public security organ for investigation. On May 22, the Red Star News reporter learned from the local village cadres that Wang was indeed taken away by the public security organ for investigation: "The police station did not tell us in advance. One morning, they went directly to Wang's house to take the people away, and in the afternoon, they said hello to our village."

After 21 years, this news once again made passers-by excited. Lu Mouli's younger brother told the Red Star News reporter that although he had not yet received the news of Wang's exact confession from the public security organ, after learning that, his friend called 20 gun salutes to celebrate openly in the village and put up the slogan "The French Open is long and loose without missing".

On May 22, the Red Star reporter called the relevant person in charge of Linyi County Criminal Investigation Brigade. The other party said that it was not convenient to answer the phone and change the time to contact. As of the time of publication, the person in charge could not be connected again. Later, the reporter consulted the Linyi County Public Security Bureau on this matter, and the other party said that the propaganda and education office should be consulted on this matter. On the 23rd, the reporter called the person in charge of this department many times, but as of the press release, no reply has been received.

Extended Reading

Man Kills His Wife Cruelly and Gets Death Penalty: Wife Worked to Buy a Car and a House for Him, Still Often Beaten

The tragedy has also sounded an alarm bell for people again. Domestic violence is a serious social problem that needs the joint efforts of the whole society to solve.

Wen | Pu Lin

As the saying goes, "One day a couple is 100 days gracious." Even if the marriage is unlucky, they hope to get together and get apart. But recently, a case of wife killing during the calm period of divorce was hotly discussed by netizens.

Today (April 25), the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court publicly sentenced the defendant Zhao Liuchao to death for intentional homicide and deprived him of his political rights for life in accordance with the law.

Zhao Liuchao was sentenced to death in the first instance

"What is my daughter's deep hatred for him and how can she fight so hard?" The mother of the victim asked this sentence when she saw the surveillance video at the scene of the trial. And this is exactly the question in most people's minds.

zero one

The court found out after hearing that the defendant Zhao Liuchao and the victim Zhou Mouxia registered for marriage in 2011, and applied for divorce by agreement to the Marriage Registration Office of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Pingyu County, Henan Province on July 7, 2023 due to emotional discord. On the evening of July 20, 2023, accompanied by six friends and relatives, Zhou Mouxia and Zhao Liuchao agreed to meet at the gate of an industrial park in Guangzhou. After arriving, Zhao Liuchao went straight to Zhou Mouxia and was stopped by Zhou Mouxia and others. Zhao Liuchao stabbed Zhou Mouxia and others with his sharp knife, causing Zhou Mouxia to die and Zhou Mouxia and other four people to be injured.

The court held that the defendant Zhao Liuchao intentionally and illegally deprived others of their lives, resulting in one death, one minor injury and three minor injuries, and his act constituted the crime of intentional homicide. Zhao Liuchao is a vicious man with cruel criminal means and serious consequences, so he should be severely punished. The court made the above judgment according to law.

More than ten people, including some victims and their relatives and the relatives of the accused, attended the sentencing.

In the solemn silence of the court, Zhao Liuchao's voice broke the silence. He asked the judge: "Is the death penalty executed immediately?" This short words, full of his fear and despair, also recalled the painful memories of the tragedy.

On the evening of July 20, 2023, it seems that the tragic scene is still in front of us. Zhao Liuchao, like an irrational beast, rushed to Zhou Mouxia, who had been married to him for more than ten years, with a sharp knife in his hand, and stabbed her in the street crazily. His eyes were filled with madness and hatred, which made people shudder. His evil deeds shocked and angered people.

The picture shows the crime scene

The court hearing revealed the darkness behind the marriage. Zhou Mouxia has paid too much in this marriage. She worked hard, lived frugally, bought a car for Zhao Liuchao, bought a house for his family, took care of her husband with all her heart, and gave birth to a son and a daughter for him, but what she got was the combination of Zhao Liuchao's fists and feet and endless torture.

Group photo of Zhao Liuchao and his family

"Zhao Liuchao was a little unhappy, just a beating, and his sister was bruised." Zhou's sister, Ms. Zhou, told the media that Zhao Liuchao's domestic violence against her sister had lasted for a long time, and Zhou had put forward the idea of divorce many times, but failed. Until July 2023, Zhao Liuchao finally agreed to sign the divorce agreement.

"After Zhao Liuchao agreed to divorce, my sister agreed to leave the house property to the child and give him 400000 yuan." Ms. Zhou said, but during the calm period of divorce, Zhao Liuchao still refused to give up and threatened repeatedly to force Zhou to meet with her family. Although she had already brought five men and one woman to the appointment, Zhou was still doomed.

That night, people's screams and cries for help mingled in the air, forming a horrible picture. Zhao Liuchao has only hatred and destruction left in his heart. He has completely lost his reason and has become a devil.

Picture of ambulance arriving at the scene

After the hearing, the lawyer told Ms. Zhou whether Zhao Liuchao would appeal or not, which is still uncertain. However, Ms. Zhou said that in any case, Zhao Liuchao's death sentence was the "desired result" of the family. "My sister is such a kind and gentle person, and she should not suffer such misfortune. I really regret that I didn't care more about her, and why I didn't find her brother-in-law's evil deeds earlier.".

zero two

Ms. Zhou once said that she had thought that Zhou would start a new life after divorce, but her sister ended up on the 13th day of the calm period of divorce.

The picture shows the victim Zhou Mouxia

Therefore, this case has also triggered a wide range of heated discussions among netizens, and various views are intertwined and collided on the Internet.

Some netizens believe that in some cases, the calm period of divorce may bring greater danger to the victims. They pointed out that for those couples who suffered from domestic violence or had serious conflicts, the calm period of divorce was no different from a kind of suffering, and might even make the perpetrators more fearless.

Other netizens believe that we should not give up eating because of choking, and the calm period of divorce also has its positive side. It can give couples more time to think calmly and avoid making wrong decisions on impulse.

Netizen comment area asked "why there is a period of calm for divorce"

From January 1, 2021, the divorce cooling off period will be formally embedded in the divorce procedure. According to Article 1077 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the divorce cooling off period means that "within 30 days from the date of receiving the divorce registration application from the marriage registration authority, if either party is unwilling to divorce, it may withdraw the divorce registration application from the marriage registration authority. Within 30 days after the expiration of the period specified in the preceding paragraph, both parties shall personally apply to the marriage registration authority to issue a divorce certificate; If no application is made, the application for divorce registration shall be deemed withdrawn ".

In fact, the calm period of divorce is a period of calm thinking during which either of the couples set up in the divorce procedure can withdraw the application within a certain time after the marriage registration authority receives the divorce application to end the registration of divorce procedures, in order to avoid the hasty divorce and impulsive divorce of the husband and wife parties under the principle of adhering to the freedom of divorce.

With the development of the times, because the previous divorce registration procedures were relatively simple, the law did not impose any restrictions on the divorce of the parties, nor did it stipulate that the civil affairs department should conduct substantive review and actual investigation on the divorce application, which led to the practice of "flash divorce", "fake divorce" and other bad divorce practices, and the phenomenon of hasty divorce and impulsive divorce is also increasing. The above divorce phenomenon is not only detrimental to the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of minor children, women and the elderly, but also detrimental to family harmony and social stability. Therefore, the freedom of divorce should adhere to the principle of moderation on the premise of not damaging the freedom of divorce of the parties.

In any case, marriage and divorce are not trifles, and they should be both practiced and cherished. The tragedy also sounded an alarm bell for people again. Domestic violence is a serious social problem that needs the joint efforts of the whole society to solve.

Editor in charge: Xun Jianguo_NN7379

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