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This scene will be forever remembered by history. It's time for American hegemony to end

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At present, the overall world pattern is undergoing drastic changes, and the last May 20 is destined to be remembered by history forever.

On that day, Karim Ahmed Khan, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, officially issued a statement, saying that he had formally applied to the International Criminal Court for arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Garrant, on the grounds that they were suspected of committing unforgivable war crimes.

At the same time, in the international environment where the United States and the West are extremely arrogant and hegemonic, this man has to adopt the strategy of besieging the enemy to save the country, or make a certain degree of compromise with the United States and the West, and at the same time apply for arrest of three leaders of Hamas.

The whole world knows that the current international environment is so dangerous. Under the hegemony of a group of powerful countries, especially under the coercion of the United States, many things are difficult to be implemented as long as the United States and the West strongly oppose them. So the approach of the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court seems a bit absurd on the surface, but it is a great wisdom operation.

This article wants to take this opportunity to talk about the changes in the international pattern.

The article is divided into three parts. First, let's do a simple science popularization, get to know the tough prosecutor, and then see how shameless the double standard policy of the United States and the West is? Finally, of course, we will analyze the far-reaching impact of this event together, especially in the most critical strategic decisive stage of the world's unprecedented change in a century. What role will it play?

Let's talk less and get down to business!

First, make a simple science popularization

That's two points here.

Let's first learn about the International Criminal Court.

The International Criminal Court, headquartered in The Hague, the Netherlands, is the only permanent international organization in the world that has the capacity to prosecute individuals who have committed genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and aggression.

The Court has 18 judges, one chief prosecutor, several deputy prosecutors and a certain number of investigators. However, the International Criminal Court does not have a jury. The court directly composed of judges is responsible for conviction and sentencing, which is somewhat different from our ordinary civil or criminal courts.

Here is a special point to mention. The International Criminal Court was established in 2002. Although it has not been established for a long time, only 20 years or so, 52 people have been indicted in public so far. From this figure, we can see that today's world is still full of wars.

The most ironic thing is that the United States often talks about the criminal court, which disgusted Russian President Putin in the past two years. But it is worth noting that neither the United States nor Israel are member states, while Palestine is one of them.

Why did such a ridiculous thing happen?

As we all know, in this world, Jewish groups can control many Western countries through the United States, so before that, the outside world generally believed that the International Criminal Court was a pro Western organization under the control of the United States and the West.

However, this time they brought a lawsuit against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and others under great pressure, which was hard to imagine before.

Let's have a brief look at the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.

Karim Khan, 54 years old, is a British of Pakistani origin. He is similar to Sunak, the current British Prime Minister, and comes from the former British colony.

However, we must make it clear that although these British politicians have a special identity, they are real western politicians who tend to be more Western in many specific matters.

This is for sure!

In other words, we must not assume that the prosecutor will be more sympathetic to the Palestinians just because he is of Pakistani origin, which is irrelevant.

In his own words, the reason for bringing a lawsuit against Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders is that the prosecution has reasonable grounds to believe that since last October, five Israeli or Hamas leaders have been criminally responsible for "war crimes and crimes against humanity" in Gaza.

This is the truth.

Then look at the reaction of western countries

At present, the reaction of western countries to this matter is relatively complicated. Even within the United States, there are two factions. The European Union, the closest to the United States, also has at least two factions.

Now let's take a look at the reaction of the United States and the West to this matter through specific things.

Let's start with the United States.

As we all know about the situation in the United States, the American elite controlled by the Jewish group, the American college students and the Americans at the bottom who still have a conscience have completely different views on this matter.

Of course, the elites of the United States should carry out the shameless and double standards to the end.

According to the judges of the ICC, 12 Republican members have jointly sent a letter to the ICC some time ago. The content of the letter is very arrogant.

The United States, a non member country of the International Criminal Court, has directly threatened the judges of the Court.

These legislators claimed that if they dared to issue "arrest warrants" to Israel's top officials, the United States would launch sanctions against the International Criminal Court.

This is really shameful!

It is also the urine of the United States!

Now they have nothing but sanctions, and it is precisely because they constantly through all kinds of sanctions that they do not know how many programs of crazy bullying the world, which makes the world bitter and beautiful for a long time, and also makes the International Criminal Court and other pro Western institutions unbearable.

What's more, in the process of investigation against Netanyahu and others, American lawmakers kept putting pressure on the chief prosecutor to stop the investigation, and said that the International Criminal Court was not established for the United States and its allies, but only for Africa and Russia.

But in fact, we all know that this organization issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Putin under the threat of the United States and the West in the last two years. How can it be said that it was set up for Russia?

What's more, the United States has never joined and has not even paid its membership dues. Why should the International Criminal Court become a puppet institution of its own?

In fact, the truth is that the United States is now totally abnormal. As long as anything is good for Russia and bad for the United States, they will demonize this matter and even use any despicable means, including sanctions, threats and assassinations, to solve the problem.

In this sense, the swordsman really sweated for the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. The United States and Israel under the control of the Jewish group are not ordinary black, they are simply too black.

The common people at the bottom of the US should have a more humane attitude towards this matter, and more like what a normal person with a conscience should do.

Swordsman estimates that many netizens have learned that on May 21, local time, U.S. Secretary of State Brinken met with trouble at the budget hearing held by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee of the United States Congress.

According to the video of the on-site meeting and the Axios news network of the American media, when Blinken just entered the meeting room, several participants stood up immediately, holding up their hands covered with red paint, and opposing the Biden government's position of supporting Israel's genocide in the Palestinian Israeli conflict.

Just when Blinken was about to start his platitudes with China, the protesters stood up one by one and shouted slogans, interrupting his speech many times. The specific slogans include but are not limited to the following:

"Blinken, everyone will remember that you are the butcher of Gaza. People will remember that you killed innocent Palestinians!"

"Stop genocide! Stop the Holocaust!"

Wait, wait, wait

One of the female protesters contributed a famous scene. She stood behind Blinken and shouted:

"Blinken is a war criminal. He is a war criminal. His hands are covered with the blood of 40000 Palestinians..."

According to the live video spread on the Internet later, the protester was very close to Blinken, which once frightened him.

But I don't know whether Blinken was frightened by the protestor's words or whether his only remaining conscience was suddenly condemned at this moment, if his conscience was not completely eaten by the dog.

We have to admit that it is because of the very fierce protests in the United States that it is no longer so easy for the Jewish group to rely on the double standard hegemony to continue to cheat and coerce the world.

The situation in Europe is even more complicated!

Although a few of the most loyal horsemen in the United States, including Britain and Germany, still make some sinister remarks.

There are also some diehard, brainless pro American groups such as German Foreign Minister Burke and European Commission President Von Delain who will wipe the bottom of the barbaric policy of the United States.

However, the vast majority of European countries have awakened one after another and dare to say no to the barbaric policy of the United States openly. They are also more sympathetic to the establishment of the Palestinian state, and have long been dissatisfied with the barbaric genocide policy of Israel.

Because of this, Europe is currently showing two extreme situations.

After the International Criminal Court issued the above statement, the German Foreign Ministry soon played the role of a follower of the United States. They said that the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, on the one hand, applied for an arrest warrant for Hamas leaders, and on the other hand, applied for an arrest warrant for two Israeli officials, giving people a false impression of reciprocity.

The German Foreign Ministry even brazenly said that the International Criminal Court should assess different facts.

Under the leadership of Bell Blog, a mindless politician, the German Foreign Ministry shamelessly believes that the leaders of Hamas should take full responsibility for the attack on October 7 last year, because Hamas continues to detain Israelis under conditions that are too bad to describe, attacks Israel with rockets, and uses civilians in Gaza as human shields, But they turned a blind eye to the genocide carried out by Israel and said nothing about it.

It may also be understandable for Germany to make such a statement, because Turkish President Erdogan publicly slapped German Prime Minister Schultz before, saying that the reason why Germans want to wipe the bottom for Jews is that Germany owes too much historical debt, and they can't stand up and say no to the Jewish United States and Israel.

But the swordsmen think that what Erdogan said is only one reason. More reason is that there are too many popular politicians in Germany who have no real talent but like to be in the limelight. They are too superficial.

However, in addition to Germany's ambiguity, three European countries, including Spain, Ireland and Norway, have publicly supported Palestine and recognized the Palestinian State.

In addition, other countries, including the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France, are also brewing this matter, and they will publicly say no to the United States and Israel.

In this view, Israel is becoming a huge public opinion and moral burden for the United States. With the official application of the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court for the arrest warrant of Netanyahu, the US style dual standard hegemony is facing the greatest embarrassment since the end of the cold war.

The United States is bound to pay a high price for this. Let's wait and see.

I am a swordsman. I think deeply, analyze rationally, and accompany my friends to witness the evolution of the world's unprecedented changes in a century. If you like it, please pay attention to it. If you want to say something, please leave a message for me. Welcome!

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