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US military officials said that China's military exercises around Taiwan were "worrisome", and the Foreign Ministry responded

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On May 23, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin held a regular press conference. Agence France Presse reporter asked that China is conducting military exercises around Taiwan today. US military officials said that China's exercise today was "worrisome". What is China's comment on the US response?

The picture shows Wang Wenbin, spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

"The eastern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army has issued a notice on relevant joint exercises and training, which can be consulted." Wang Wenbin said that the eastern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army has carried out joint exercises and training around the island of Taiwan, to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, to effectively punish the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces for seeking "independence", and to give serious warnings to external forces for interference and provocation, It is completely in line with international law and practice and is completely legitimate and necessary.

Wang Wenbin stressed that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, which is both a historical fact and a true reality. It will never change in the future. "Taiwan independence" is a dead end. The Chinese people are unswerving in their determination to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity. All "Taiwan independence" separatist acts will be hit head-on by more than 1.4 billion Chinese people, and all "Taiwan independence" separatist forces will be hit head to head in the face of the historical trend of China's complete reunification.

Wang Wenbin said that we urge the US side to stop conniving at forces supporting "Taiwan independence" and stop interfering in China's internal affairs. Any act that endangers China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity will be firmly and forcefully countered by China.

Extended Reading

Taiwan scholar: Lai Qingde's speech made the mainland completely lose the illusion that Taiwan will prepare for war

The picture shows the street view of Taipei (data picture)

Economic Observer Wang Yiwei/Wen After Lai Qingde took office as the leader of Taiwan on May 20, the situation in the Taiwan Strait has rapidly evolved.

The latest news is that at 7:45 on May 23, the eastern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army released the following news: "Since 7:45 on May 23, the eastern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army is located in the Taiwan Strait, and the northern, southern, and eastern parts of Taiwan Island, as well as around Jinmen Island, Mazu Island, Wuqiu Island, and Dongyin Island, a joint exercise and training has begun."

With regard to the code, duration and subjects of the exercise and training, Li Xi, spokesman of the Eastern Warfare Zone, said that the exercise and training code was "United Sword - 2024A", and the time was two days (from 23rd to 24th); 4 participating services, including the Army, Navy, Air Force and Rocket Corps; There are three key exercise subjects, including joint air and sea combat readiness patrol, joint seizure of comprehensive battlefield control, and joint precision targeting of key targets; The scope and mode of the exercise and training are as follows: ships and aircraft approaching the island and patrolling around the island, and the island chain is integrated inside and outside.

Li Xi especially pointed out that this exercise and training was also a powerful punishment for the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces seeking "independence", and a serious warning for the interference and provocation of external forces.

In terms of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China, after Chen Binhua, the spokesman, made two speeches on May 20, severely criticizing Lai Qingde's "Taiwan independence" speech and the interference of a small number of countries led by the United States in Taiwan affairs, on May 21, Chen Binhua made another speech to further analyze and refute Lai Qingde's inauguration speech on May 20.

Chen Binhua said that the speech of Taiwan leaders on May 20 was full of hostility and provocation, lies and deceit. The "Taiwan independence" position was more radical and risky. They publicized the so-called "sovereign independence", "non subordination between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits", "self-determination of Taiwan residents" and other separatist fallacies, and tried to enlist the support of external forces to boost "the internationalization of the Taiwan issue", Continuing to "rely on outside to seek independence" and "use force to seek independence" can be described as a thorough "confession of Taiwan independence". This fully proves that he is a traitor to the mainstream public opinion in the island and a destroyer of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the region.

Chen Binhua stressed that no matter what Lai Qingde said or how he said it, it would not change the status and fact that Taiwan is a part of China, the basic pattern and development direction of cross-strait relations, the common desire of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits to get closer and closer, or the historical trend of the eventual reunification of the motherland. The complete reunification of the motherland must be achieved and can be achieved.

The most direct reason why cross-strait relations suddenly became tense in just a few days is certainly Lai Qingde's inaugural speech. Experts on the mainland have pointed out that Lai Qingde's speech is "fighting". Many experts and scholars in the island were also surprised and worried about Lai Qingde's inaugural speech.

On May 22, Zhao Chunshan, an honorary professor of the Institute of Chinese Mainland Studies at Tamkang University in Taiwan, said at a seminar that he had studied mainland issues for 60 years and had never been so frightened. He believed that Lai Qingde's speech had made the mainland completely disillusioned with Taiwan. As for what measures the mainland will take in the next step, Zhao Chunshan believes that the mainland will adopt a dual strategy of peace and war against Taiwan in the future, including continuous military deterrence, economic blockade, diplomatic isolation, and possibly further differentiation of Taiwan society. Zhao Chunshan stressed that the war without gunsmoke will be the next focus, and the invisible war is the most terrible. The mainland doesn't have to attack Taiwan directly. Just making Taiwan die can have a similar effect. "Why do we need to fight?"

Zhao Chunshan said that he has always advocated avoiding war, but looking at the relationship between the Democratic Progressive Party and the mainland, it is no longer possible to avoid war. There is no mutual trust between the two sides, and Taiwan needs to start preparing for war.

So, how should we look at the situation in the Taiwan Strait at this moment?

The author's answer is to seize the three key words in the above content: betrayer, punishment and warning.

Chen Binhua said that Lai Qingde was "a traitor to the mainstream public opinion in the island". This shows that the mainland has its own judgment on the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan.

Chen Binhua made a statement on Lai Qingde's "May 20" speech

So, how does the Taiwan Affairs Office judge the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan?

The last answer was released on January 17. At that time, when talking about the results of Taiwan's general election, Chen Binhua said that stepping down from the Democratic Progressive Party, opposing "Taiwan independence", peace rather than war, development rather than recession, and communication rather than separation were the mainstream public opinions in the island.

The purpose of this PLA exercise is to effectively punish the "Taiwan independence" forces and severely warn external forces. It should be noted that there is a difference between punishment or warning and "taking non peaceful means and other necessary measures to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity" stipulated in the Anti Secession Law.

Of course, it is still unknown to what extent the "forcefulness" in the "forceful punishment" will reach in the news released by the Eastern Theater. After the relevant news is released and compared with the previous performance training, we should find out the answer. What is the "power" of this time.

Editor in charge: Xun Jianguo_NN7379

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