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Enshi City, Hubei Province responded to the "petition villagers' suspicion of being mentally ill" by setting up an investigation team to investigate

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On May 23, Upsurge News learned from the News Office of the People's Government of Enshi City, Hubei Province, that Enshi City has set up an investigation team to investigate the information reported by Upsurge News on May 22 about "Petitioner Villagers Suspected of Being" Psychotic ", and Mother Was Sent to the Psychiatric Ward Late at Night in Recent Eighty Days. The follow-up information will be released in time.

Previously reported: Pai Investigation | Petitioning villagers suspected of being "mentally ill", and their mothers were also sent to the psychiatric ward late at night

"We must believe in the law... we can't break the law, which I have repeatedly stressed." Across the iron door of the delivery window of the psychiatric department, Li Heyong told his sister Li Heyun to apply to a qualified institution for judicial expertise to prove that he is not mentally ill.

Relevant diagnosis certificate of Li Heyong

Li Heyong said that he never knew that he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder a year ago before he was forced to be sent to a mental hospital.

On April 19, more than a month ago, Li Heyong, a villager from Yangjiashan Village, Tunbao Township, Enshi City, Hubei Province, was sent to the psychiatric ward of Enshi Hualong General Hospital, a local private hospital, together with the village committee, the township police station, and the hospital's relevant leaders, for the reason of treating sitting sores on the buttocks.

Litigation materials provided by others to Li Heyong

Before the incident, he was planning to go to Enshi with six other villagers the next day. All seven of them are involved in civil actions such as farmland. In April last year, Li Heyong began to guide six other people to help write materials. Li Heyong, 45, had not finished his primary school education. When he was working outside in his twenties, he began to study law by himself because of a labor dispute.

On May 20, when the surging news visited Li Heyong with his family, Ma Heping, the head of the psychiatry department of Enshi Hualong General Hospital, said that Li Heyong was treated based on the diagnosis certificate of bipolar disorder made by Enshi Central Hospital to Li Heyong in May last year and the local reflection that Li Heyong threatened to attack village cadres.

Li Jian, a doctor from Enshi Central Hospital who signed on the diagnosis certificate, said that the screening list was reported by the village and (doctor) went directly to home for diagnosis. The diagnosis can be made during screening, but further review is needed; The review should be carried out in the hospital, and relevant scales should be made. However, it did not respond why there was no further review.

Li Heyong insists that he has no mental illness, has not been screened, and has no knowledge of the diagnosis certificate.

Ma Heping said that he did not think Li Heyong was in danger of hurting others. He stressed that if the family members were dissatisfied with sending Li Heyong to the psychiatric ward, they should go to the village committee.

The surging news noted that according to the provisions of Article 30 of the Mental Health Law of China, hospitalization for mental disorders is voluntary. If the diagnosis conclusion and condition assessment indicate that the patient is a patient with serious mental disorder and has one of the following circumstances, he/she should be hospitalized: (1) The behavior that has harmed himself/herself has occurred or there is a risk of harming himself/herself; (2) Having committed acts endangering the safety of others or being in danger of endangering the safety of others. If a patient with mental disorder falls under the circumstance of Item 1, Paragraph 2, Article 30 of this Law, the medical institution shall, with the consent of his guardian, treat the patient in hospital; If the guardian disagrees, the medical institution may not hospitalized the patient. The guardian shall take good care of the patients living at home. If a patient with mental disorder is under the circumstance of Item 2 of Paragraph 2 of Article 30 of this Law, and the patient or his guardian disagrees with the diagnosis conclusion that requires hospitalization, and does not agree to the hospitalization of the patient, he may request another diagnosis and appraisal.

On the evening of the 22nd, a village cadre of Yangjiashan Village Committee responded that they had come to Li Heyong's house on April 18 to screen his mother for mental disorder, but the two sides had a dispute, but did not start. The village director said that according to the local screening regulations, if the mental disorder patient has excessive behavior or threatens, he will intervene and send him to the psychiatric hospital for treatment.

The day before the planned letter visit, he was sent to the mental hospital

Late at night on May 17, Li Heyun slept on a bench in a riverside corridor in Wuhan. She can't afford to stay in a hotel. In order to save money, she sometimes only eats one meal a day and even turns over garbage.

A month ago, Li Heyong called Li Heyun and said that he would send a letter to her to take care of her mother in Enshi from Badong County for a few days.

The picture shows Li Heyong's home

The video shows that at 1:30 p.m. on April 19, many police officers, village cadres and Ma Heping, the head of the psychiatric department of Enshi Hualong General Hospital, drove a police car and a business car to Li Heyong's house and proposed to take him to the city to treat the sore on his buttocks. Li Heyun refused to let Li Heyong go, "I bought you some medicine, what are you going to do?". However, Li Heyong agreed to go for treatment. He calmly said that he would send himself back in three hours because he went to Shandong the next day.

In the same video, the police said that the sores on Li Heyong's buttocks were being rubbed when he entered the house. Yesterday, the sores were still being rubbed. The government contacted the hospital in the city. Just now, Li Heyong's blood pressure was still a little high.

However, until late at night, Li Heyong was not sent home. When calling Li Heyong, he was prompted with "empty number".

Li Heyun called the police. Li Heyun said that at 12 o'clock that night, when she was in the house, she heard her mother Fu Bixiang arguing with the police and village cadres in the yard. After that, Fu Bixiang was taken away.

Li Heyun ran out of the back door in a hurry and spent the night on a nearby mountain.

In the recording of the call with Li Heyun on April 21, Xiao Yujun, director of the village committee of Yangjiashan Village, said that it was not clear which hospital Li Heyong had been sent to. "If you have nothing to check, you can put it back. If you have something to check, you can get sick.".

According to Li Heyun, Li Heyong and six other villagers in Enshi Prefecture planned to make a letter and visit on April 20. Seven of them, all involved in civil disputes such as farmland, have been appealing since they lost the lawsuit.

According to the judicial documents, Huang's construction team cut and purchased 8 trees nearby in August 2020 for rush repair of the highway bridge, and paid Tan 850 yuan, and then cut another tree and paid for it. Li Heyong claimed that the trees cut down were his property and the land planted with trees was his contracted management. He sued Huang Moulan and Tan Mouyun in the same village, demanded compensation of 4556 yuan, stopped the infringement and returned the land. Li Heyong lost both the first and second trials. In October 2022, his application for retrial was rejected by the Higher People's Court of Hubei Province.

On the day of the incident, seven people were discussing buying train tickets. Li Heyong believes that their level by level letters and visits are legal and compliant.

According to the call recording, on the evening of April 20, Li Heyong talked with a friend on the phone and said that the village had originally said that it would take him to the hospital to check for sitting sore, but he had locked himself in a mental hospital and asked her to help inform his family.

Li Heyun said that on April 22, she went to the Enshi Public Security Bureau to ask, only to learn that her mother Fu Bixiang was also sent to the psychiatry department of Hualong General Hospital. Later, she went to the hospital many times to ask for visiting Li Heyong, and was told that she could not visit him until 15 days after admission.

On the night Li Heyong was sent to the mental hospital, his 77 year old mother Fu Bixiang was also sent to the psychiatric department by the village committee "as a temporary guardian", and was admitted to the female ward after being diagnosed as "schizophrenic".

According to the provisions of the Mental Health Law of China, the principle of voluntariness is applied to the hospitalization of mental disorders. If the behavior that has harmed the safety of oneself or others has occurred, or there is a danger of harming the safety of oneself or others, the medical institution shall, with the consent of its guardian, implement hospitalization for patients. Only those vagrants and beggars with suspected mental disorder who cannot find their close relatives can be sent to medical institutions for diagnosis of mental disorder by local civil affairs departments and other relevant departments according to their responsibilities.

The client denied having been screened for mental disorder

On May 6, Li Heyun was finally allowed to visit Li Heyong.

The 15 minute video shows that Li Heyong is calm. He said that he was desperate to gain the right to talk to the outside world by letting relatives and friends know that he was sent to a mental hospital.

"In fact, I didn't get (mental illness). They just used a photo (Editor's Note: the photo of the diagnosis certificate of Enshi Central Hospital that diagnosed Li Heyong as bipolar disorder last May) to prove that I was mentally ill." Li Heyong asked Li Heyun to apply for judicial expertise from a qualified institution.

Li Heyong encouraged Li Heyun: "We must believe in the law, and we will win... They can break the law, but we can't break the law, which I have repeatedly stressed."

According to the general medical record of outpatient (emergency) clinics in Hubei Province provided by the medical department of Enshi Central Hospital, the patient Li Heyong was 44 years old, and the time of treatment was May 8, 2023. The hospital of treatment was Enshi Central Hospital, and the department of treatment was "Spring Action". The medical record shows that the chief complaint is: emotional instability for more than ten years; Current medical history: ten years ago, the patient was emotionally unstable, excited, talkative, and consciously able to start a business successfully; No special medical history in the past; Physical examination: able to answer questions, thinking quickly, talking eloquently, speaking fast, thinking fast, not easy to interrupt, denying hallucinations and delusions, and attacking others two years ago in the past; The auxiliary inspection result is "none".

On the same day, Li Heyong was diagnosed with "Bipolar Affective Disorder", and it was suggested to strengthen monitoring and hospitalization.

The surging journalists saw in the medical department of Enshi Central Hospital that the daily sealed medical records were nearly 10 cm thick, and the home page was the document organized by the local health department to screen patients with mental disorders. The first medical record numbered "2023001" is exactly Li Heyong's.

On May 20, the surging journalist visited Li Heyong in the name of his family, and learned that the diagnosis certificate was made by going to the countryside for screening. Li Heyong said that he had no impression of being screened for mental disorders.

"I was not asked to sign, nor told about the diagnosis result. There is nothing. Nothing in the medical record has ever been communicated to me." Li Heyong stressed.

On May 21, Li Jian, a physician from Enshi Central Hospital who signed on the diagnosis certificate, told the surging news that Enshi Central Hospital was responsible for the screening in Tunbao Township and went directly to villagers' homes for diagnosis. The screening list was reported by the village. Because it is a screening in the countryside, there is no other information, only a medical record and a diagnosis certificate.

Li Jianyuan is a professional physician in internal medicine. In 2021, after job transfer, training and passing relevant examinations, he obtained the professional qualification of neurological health. Li Jian said that there was no psychological measurement, auxiliary examination, etc. during the screening, which should be done in the hospital when rechecking is needed, and these scales should be done (at that time). "It can be diagnosed during screening, but further review is needed". He did not respond to the question of "why there was no further review".

When the surging journalist asked what was specifically meant by "attacking others two years ago" in the medical record, Li Jian said, "It seems that it was said that (he) was going to make trouble, but I can't remember clearly." He said that the medical record does not need detailed description.

"Believing that entrepreneurship can succeed" is also a manifestation of mental disorder? Li Jian said that at that time, Li Heyong bought a lot of sewing machines. "He said that he learned how to make shoes and sell them all over the world, which is an exaggeration and a delusion".

Many villagers think Li Heyong looks "normal"

According to the guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders formulated by the National Health Commission (2020 version), bipolar affective disorder is typically manifested as high mood, high energy and increased activity, low mood, reduced interest, reduced energy and reduced activity (depression), repeated or alternating attacks, which can be accompanied by psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions or catatonia, and obsessive and anxious symptoms, It can also be associated with metabolic syndrome, thyroid dysfunction, polycystic ovary syndrome, substance use disorder, anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and personality disorder. Bipolar disorder has the characteristics of high morbidity, high recurrence rate, high disability rate, high suicide rate, high comorbidity rate, low age and chronicity.

The relevant diagnosis and treatment specifications are clear, and it is necessary to make a comprehensive assessment to determine whether the patient suffers from bipolar disorder, which involves laboratory tests, manic, hypomanic, and depressive scales.

Some sewing machine equipment purchased by Li Heyong

Li Heyun introduced that Li Heyong only went to grade four or five of primary school, and when he grew up, he went to Guangdong to work. As a result of labor disputes, he began to contact and study law by himself in his twenties. In 2020, when the epidemic hit, he returned home, bought some sewing machines and other equipment, and wanted to set up a shoe factory. However, due to capital and other reasons, he never opened.

There are cobwebs in some places in Li Heyong's room

The main house of Li Heyong's family is three simple tile houses. Because no one has come back for nearly a month, the open rooms have been covered with cobwebs. There are six or seven second-hand sewing machines in the hall, and sundries are piled up in disorder.

When he just returned home, Li Heyong's second mother advised him, "I said that you should not rush to open the factory and repair the house first. My daughter-in-law said that we should work together. He didn't listen and said that if I opened the factory, my daughter-in-law would worry about nothing.".

"He wanted to build this factory, but he didn't hear that he wanted to sell shoes to the world." Li Heyong's second mother said that the factory didn't start. Li Heyong had pressure, but no mental problems.

Neighbor A refused to comment on Li Heyong's sending to the mental hospital, saying that "no one wants to offend".

Neighbor B said that Li Heyong could not play with most of the villagers because of his personality. "To put it simply, he thought he was great and knew everything"; However, Li Heyong is in good spirits.

Neighbor C said that Li and Yong'ai were reasonable and easy to get angry when chatting with him. However, there is no mental problem. Li Heyong wants to run the factory successfully and not let others look down on him. Li Heyong was very thrifty. He picked up the sick piglets thrown by others and raised them for three or four years. During this period, the village committee bought corn flour and sent it to Li Heyong's cousin's house, who helped Li Heyong feed pigs every day.

Neighbor D said that Li Heyong was "quite reasonable" in his words, but he didn't feel that Li Heyong was hot tempered. "We don't believe him when he says he can help others to file a lawsuit. We all think he has no education background and is unlikely."

Hospital side: don't think Li Heyong is in danger of hurting others

Different from their neighbors, the villagers who were instructed by Li Heyong to fight a lawsuit were convinced by Li Heyong.

Compared with them, Li Heyong is really more familiar with the law. In April 2023, Li Heyong began to guide others to file lawsuits, write materials, and even negotiate with the litigants and relevant departments. In that month, Li Heyong was unhappy with the leader of a certain unit when he received a visit, but he kept calm, which made many people admire him.

By the time of the incident, Li Heyong had helped about ten villagers. Many people said that he never asked for money.

"For more than a year, we have often met, but I only invited him to have a meal. In a small restaurant, he only asked him to order two vegetarian dishes, and I insisted on adding a meat dish, which cost a total of thirty or forty yuan." Villager Wang said that he had a wish that he would win the lawsuit in the future and would express his wish to Li Heyong.

Liu Mingcui, a 62 year old villager, said that what impressed her most was that she had repeatedly applied for obtaining civil litigation files but failed. Later, she took the relevant laws and regulations found by Li Heyong and finally called them out.

Liu Mingcui said that Li Heyong asked him to pay 200 yuan for his work delay because he came to help him collect evidence. Li Heyong doesn't always help with any cases. He always asks for materials first, and then studies them to see if they are reasonable or have a chance. He will dismiss cases that do not occupy legal principle. He also pushed out a trivial civil lawsuit within the family and felt that "it is unnecessary for a family to fight a lawsuit".

Several villagers who had received Li Heyong's help stressed that Li Heyong was not mentally ill and had a clear mind. "He believes in the law and always says to us, don't do anything illegal."

Ma Heping, head of the psychiatry department of Hualong General Hospital, made it clear that he did not think Li Heyong was in danger of hurting others. He has always stressed that if the family is dissatisfied with sending Li Heyong to the psychiatric department, they should go to the village committee.

Hualong General Hospital involved

The village committee sent Li Heyong's mother to the psychiatric department as a temporary guardian

The certificate stamped by the village committee on May 20 shows that there is Fu Bixiang, a 77 year old villager, who is voluntarily sent to Enshi Hualong General Hospital for treatment as a temporary guardian because there are no relatives with guardianship ability in his family.

Ma Heping read as he read: The admission record shows that some people in the village and village cadres reported that Fu Bixiang was mentally abnormal in the village, mainly because he had a bad relationship with his neighbors, and then he quarreled with his neighbors for no reason. He shouted loudly in the village, scolded everyone, and often ran around at night. After waking up, he went home by himself. He said that the village committee targeted their families and did not implement their policies. He often went to the office of the village committee to make trouble and said that he would complain. During this period, the patient did not receive formal treatment. Two days ago, the village cadre took the doctor to the patient's home for a mental appraisal. The son of the patient was unstable and had impulsive retaliation. The village cadre sent the patient's son to the psychiatry department of Hualong General Hospital for special treatment. The patient felt that the village cadre wanted her son. At about 12 o'clock in the night, he took a machete to the door of the village committee office and asked the village cadre to take his son back. He smashed the door and signboard with a knife crazily, saying that someone in the office would not open the door for her. Then the village committee contacted the police to control him, Later, the patient was sent to our department at 1:00 this morning and was admitted to our department for schizophrenia.

Li Heyun said that he and his mother stayed together in the afternoon of the incident until her mother was taken away, and her mother didn't smash the office door of the village committee with a knife. In addition, my mother needs a crutch to walk. It is a mountain road, one or two kilometers away from the village committee. It takes a long time to walk.

Many villagers told the surging news that they had not heard about Fu Bixiang's smashing the door of the village committee office.

The picture shows Yangjiashan Village Committee

On May 22, the surging news asked the Enshi police whether they had received the alarm of smashing the office door of the village committee on the night of the incident, and whether there were relevant surveillance videos?

On the evening of the 22nd, a village cadre of Yangjiashan Village Committee responded that he went to Li Heyong's house on April 18 to screen his mother for mental disorder. Later, there was a dispute between the two sides. Li Heyong "said to fan me", but he didn't actually do it. Xiao Yujun, the village director, said that according to the local screening regulations, if the patients with mental disorders had excessive behavior or threatened anything, they would step in and ask them to go to the psychiatric hospital for treatment.

As for "Fu Bixiang smashed the village committee with a knife on the night of the incident", Xiao Yujun said that there was monitoring outside the village committee. However, the village cadres mentioned above warned that it was "dark" (at that time), and another female village cadre said that the monitoring was "maintenance".

Li Heyun said that even if the mother was really hacked, the consent of her guardian should be obtained for the admission of her mother according to the mental health regulations. However, it is obviously untrue that the village committee said in the certificate that the mother has no relatives who have the ability to supervise. In this regard, Ma Heping said that because it was the village committee that sent the people, and the guardian had been replaced by the village committee, it was unable to meet Li Heyun's requirements for copying medical records and understanding the treatment plan.

The person concerned said that his physical condition was getting worse and worse

As for the treatment cost, Ma Heping said that it is natural that whoever sends it will solve the problem.

According to the staff at the charging window of Enshi Hualong General Hospital, as of May 22, the expenses of Fu Bixiang and Li Heyong were 7000 or 8000 yuan respectively. The pre settlement shows that after the reimbursement of medical insurance, an individual needs to pay 3000 or 4000 yuan.

According to the staff of Enshi Health Bureau, the village committee must go through the township comprehensive treatment office to send patients with mental disorders to the hospital, otherwise the problem of logistics support costs cannot be solved.

"The policy I understand is that there were two sudden deaths of family members in Enshi City last year, so the management of this issue is relatively tight. Those (personnel) who have dangerous and aggressive behaviors are sent to two designated institutions, one is Enshi Hualong General Hospital, the other is Enshi Fuda Psychiatric Hospital." The staff member said that the funds are from civil affairs, medical insurance There are three aspects of insurance companies.

The surging news query found that both hospitals are private hospitals.

On May 20, when the surging news visited in the name of his family members, Li Heyong said that after he was sent to Hualong General Hospital, he came in for injection and medicine without any examination. If you don't obey, you will be pressed and beaten. "It's unclear what kind of injection was given. Ma Heping pressed it himself. He took six pills twice a day, four small ones and two large ones. He was trembling and dizzy."

"Li Heyong said that if we hit him, I can let you see whether to fight, restrain and protect him." Ma Heping denied that he once beat Li Heyong. He said that Fu Bixiang had not eaten or drunk since he came in. The hospital found a nurse and a psychologist to persuade him slowly. Now he can take a walk in the corridor, watch TV during activities, and chat with other patients.

However, Li Heyun asked whether Fu Bixiang could be discharged from the hospital. Ma Heping said that Fu Bixiang's mood was not stable, so it was not suitable for discharge.

During the surging news visit, Li Heyong said that his health was getting worse and worse, and offered to ask his family members to send some eggs and bread to make up for it. Li Heyun said that compared with the first family visit 14 days ago, Li Heyong's voice was obviously trembling, and he could also see shaking hands.

Editor in charge: Li Xiaohan _NB31894

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