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Professor Zhang Weiwei deserves to be a master of modern Tai Chi

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After reading several issues of Professor Zhang Weiwei's This is China, I felt a fire in my heart and had to find a place to vent!

On a certain issue of This Is China, a girl asked a very real question: "Why do we Chinese have no share in the major scientific and technological inventions in the past 300 years?"

Who can't ponder over this question?

But Professor Zhang, who is good, is like playing Tai Chi. Once he pushes two five six, he begins to circle.

He first asked the girl, "Why do you focus on the last 300 years instead of 400 years, or the last 1000 years or 2000 years?"

As soon as I said this, I knew that he would begin to "play Tai Chi".

Then he began to talk about how wonderful our history is, saying that the development of the West was actually completed on the basis of our China, "We have been ahead of the West in the last two thousand years. The West has developed relatively fast in the last two to three hundred years, because we have provided them with the basis to achieve a breakthrough from 0 to 1."

Then Professor Zhang immediately talked about China's development since the reform and opening up in the last three or four decades: "The reason why we have developed so fast in recent decades is that we have always been ahead of the West in history. We are a civilized country with a deep culture. We have caught up with them again, and in some areas we have surpassed them, far ahead, which is right."

However, Professor Zhang still did not answer the girls' questions head-on.

Is he a little empty hearted when he evades questions like this?

The question is still the question, and the answer is still missing.

Then why did Professor Zhang go around in circles?

To put it bluntly, he was afraid! He is afraid that answering this question directly will cause him to lose popularity, and even more afraid of being targeted by those extreme "cyber mobs".

Do you think that if he admits that "there are no Chinese major scientific and technological inventors in the past 300 years", his fans will not blow their feathers? It is estimated that someone would jump out and scold him immediately, saying that he was brainwashed by the West, how could he betray his motherland.

Therefore, he chose to avoid, and came to a "look around him".

How smart it is to not face the problem directly or offend the fans!

But is this really good?

I think this is just like those people we meet in our daily life. When you mention their shortcomings, they will be anxious. The more you cater to them, the more they feel right and don't know if they are wrong.

In fact, people's eyes are bright. Ordinary people like me, although not as beautiful as Professor Zhang, can also see that sometimes telling the truth is really kind. Instead of blindly flattering, the result is that flattery hits the horse's hoof and is kicked off by a hoof.

We have to be honest, face our shortcomings and admit our mistakes. This is the real confidence and strength.

Look at those truly awesome people who dare to face and correct even if they make a mistake occasionally. This atmosphere is the nutrient soil for real progress and development.

As for Professor Zhang, I sincerely hope that he can be less false and more real. Dare to face problems and tell the truth, which is the true style of scholars. Instead of asking three questions without knowing, but still talking with confidence, the topic was confused without saying anything clearly.

In the final analysis, this is a microcosm of our society.

In this age of face seeing, sometimes truth and honesty become luxuries. Everyone is used to listening to good things. Even if it is fake, it should be sweet enough to make people happy.

But who can understand the bitterness behind it?

Professor Zhang's logic is simply "a horse flying in the sky". If you think he wants to go east, he will give you a way. The girl who asked the question was probably confused. Her own question was like a water drift, and she didn't respond to anything.

Professor Zhang's fans may also be happy. They may also feel that their idols are really powerful, and once again they have demonstrated their extraordinary ability of "playing Tai Chi", which makes the other party confused. In their eyes, Professor Zhang is truly a knowledgeable person who can turn the topic around and make the other party lose pace.

But is this "fierce" really worth being proud of?

To tell the truth, this phenomenon is quite common in society.

The best way to solve problems is to solve them head-on, but this is often not the case in real life. Sometimes the courage and cost of solving problems head-on deter many people, who prefer to detour rather than confront them head-on.

In this way, the problem is still there, the contradiction has not been solved, and the problem will become more complex after a long time.

I think that although Professor Zhang has made some academic achievements, he is really a little guilty on this issue.

He may also understand that the true courage is not only to climb the academic peak, but also to speak frankly about his true thoughts when facing social and practical problems.

How far can a society that dare not tell the truth go?

How positive can a culture that always avoids the heavy and takes the light?

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