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Line up to apologize to Judge Chen! "The first shot of electricity ban" was launched in Sanyuanli. People applauded

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Reference source: Dawan News 2024-05-11 21:24 - "The fire on Kangying Street in Guangzhou caused damage to many shops" Follow up: it was the spontaneous combustion of outdoor electric vehicles and ignited the outdoor billboards of shops

Recently, the ban on stopping electric vehicles in Sanyuanli has become a hot topic on the Internet.

This should be the first village in China to ban electric vehicles from entering the village, which is really powerful.

Why is the village so overbearing? Even electric cars are not allowed into the village. What's the secret? Let's see.

It is learned that only a few days ago, Sanyuanli Village caught fire due to the electric motor train.

And the fire is very fierce. It takes a long time to extinguish the fire, and many buildings around have suffered different damages.

After the fire was extinguished, the cause of the fire was also investigated, and it was found that it was caused by the spontaneous combustion of an electric vehicle.

Because there are too many worst things, after negotiation, many people think that the village should prohibit electric vehicles from entering the village.

That is to say, two days ago, Sanyuanli Village in Guangzhou started to implement this policy on the same day.

It takes no more than five days. This speed is really fast, and it is also the first village in China to ban the parking of electric vehicles.

It is also to let everyone see their determination, but after their village began to ban the parking of electric vehicles.

Although it can prevent a series of fire accidents, many people still don't know it.

Just like a delivery boy two days ago, he just knew that the village had been in a fire, and he didn't know he was going to stop the electric vehicle.

After delivering the takeout to the customer, when he went out, the whole person was silly for less than two minutes.

My own electric car was gone. I didn't even have a frame left. Finally, I found out the reason after asking.

Ok, no one dares to deliver food here after that. Customers have to go out to the village gate to deliver food by themselves.

During this period, there were already many electric vehicles, so they were parked in the village and towed away by trailers, without giving any opportunity to explain.

Because the number of electric vehicles is huge and very chaotic, it is certainly necessary to strengthen management, but some people do not know about it.

Or those who think what I call them feel that these are nonsense and have no effect at all.

In the end, it will cause public anger. Some friends who do not understand the reason say that home electricity is also dangerous.

Otherwise, the electricity should also be stopped, but you should know that electric vehicles are not guaranteed.

There is no car insurance, no insurance, no security and no guarantee. If you come out of the body, there is no guarantee.

Therefore, unlike the cars we buy, electric cars have insurance everywhere, and cars and people are in the car.

If something goes wrong, there is a car body outside that can help us fight against injuries, and finally we will be hurt.

But electric vehicles are different. When something happens, it is completely that people are suffering from all kinds of injuries, and the danger level is greatly increased.

In fact, they are right in management, but they manage in this way, not to mention that outsiders are unwilling to see it.

It is estimated that even people in this village will feel angry after reading it, right? Because electric vehicles have become everywhere in China.

It is a necessary daily travel tool for every family. If he forbids it, it will affect the inconvenience of many people's lives.

For example, when the delivery boy delivers the food, the delivery is bound to be restricted, which is very inconvenient.

However, some villagers said that they did it for the sake of "our" safety. Now when we go out.

Don't be afraid of suddenly appearing an electric car and bumping into yourself, but nothing can be perfect.

If someone likes it, someone will hate it. For those office workers, this is totally an unreasonable rule.

For them, they could not get up in the morning and were easily late for work.

It's better now. I could have slept a little more, but now I have to get up half an hour earlier, or I won't have time.

I went to the village to ride my own electric donkey, which is not reasonable at all, so it should be reviewed again.

The small editor suggested that a relevant policy could be put forward, and electric vehicles could enter the village and park normally.

However, it is necessary to specify, for example, where to divide a parking area, as well as recharging.

There is a specified period of time for charging, and charging is prohibited after the time is exceeded, so that things can be avoided.

Or hire a person who is specially in charge of charging, and charge the battery within the specified time, after this time point.

It is necessary to unplug all the power supplies and not charge any more. This method may be troublesome, but it must be effective.

If someone breaks this rule, he or she will be punished accordingly, or fined.

It is learned that the number of electric vehicles in our country has reached more than 350 million, which is also very large.

And this quantity is only used to count the number of people buying, but the electric vehicle manufacturer has not calculated the electric vehicle inventory.

Many people may have no idea about this number. Let me tell you something, this number is very huge.

It has already exceeded 99% of the world's population, so you know how many.

This is more than the original number of motorcycles, so this group cannot be underestimated, and it is even more difficult to change.

This matter is related to the travel of hundreds of millions of Chinese people. Ordinary people usually encounter the fire of electric vehicles.

I only think about how to extinguish the fire. The most important thing is that the person behind me is immoral, and the plug is not pulled out in time when charging.

If this matter is really brought to an end, in the end, people all over the country will have a problem because one person receives an electric vehicle.

Then this person will get verbal warnings from many people and fall into the vortex of public opinion, so now there is a fire and an accident.

Few people go to provoke the cause of this matter, because they are also afraid of falling into the vortex of public opinion.

Reference source: Beijing Daily client 2024-05-14 10:22 -- Survey | What are the responsibilities of the owner, seller, property and landlord of an electric bicycle fire?

Let me tell you a case. I was in a community in Fengtai, Beijing, about four o'clock in the morning.

A family began to emit a lot of smoke. Someone called the police and waited for the firemen to arrive. It was already a step late.

The surrounding residents, a family surnamed Zhou, and the corridor were eroded by the fire, but the victims of Sanming were all expelled.

But unfortunately, two of them died because the rescue time was too late, and they were trapped for too long.

But the other survivor, though alive, was seriously injured, with extensive burns.

A large amount of harmful gas was inhaled into the lungs. Just last year, the People's Court of Fengtai District in Beijing approved such a case.

According to the follow-up survey, since it was around 10 o'clock in the evening, Zhou went home to charge his own Green Energy electric car.

Maybe he was afraid that someone would steal the battery. He took down the lithium battery of the electric car and took it home and put it next to the bedroom for charging.

Because I needed to sleep at night, I didn't manage it. I thought I would pull it out in the morning, but I didn't expect it.

In the early morning, the TV was overcharged, leading to a fire, which is equivalent to putting a time bomb around.

Later, the court ruled that Zhou's fault caused the fire, resulting in two deaths and one injury.

Zhou was sentenced to fire and sentenced to four years and six months in prison by the court. This is really his own fault.

It is learned that Mr. Zhou's family lives on the first floor, about 10 meters from his home, and there is a charging shed, but he did not use it.

In the final analysis, it was the fluke mentality and the weak knowledge of fire safety that led to the tragedy.

It is learned that many electric vehicle fires are caused by battery failure.

According to the report of the local fire department in Beijing, the spontaneous combustion of electric vehicles occurred in Beijing around April this year.

There are 41 cases in total. There are 30 fires caused by battery failure.

Judging from these battery failures, many batteries are caused by post modification, and the proportion is still high.

It is learned that if the vehicle battery is modified subsequently, it will not move even if it is not charged, and will ignite spontaneously.

Then the owner of electric vehicles also has to pay certain responsibilities. For example, a house caught fire in Chenzhou, Hunan.

It was also a casualty incident. Later, during the investigation, it was found that the cause of the fire was the charging of electric vehicles in residential buildings.

The failure of lithium battery and the chaos of internal battery led to spontaneous combustion and fire. Previously, lead-acid batteries were replaced by lithium batteries.

Because after the battery is modified, the battery itself will lose its airtight function, because the battery is illegally modified.

The defendants, Liu and Zhou, constituted the standard for the prosecution of a fire case, and they were sentenced to three years' imprisonment in June and three years' imprisonment respectively.

Returning to the previous topic, the main reason is that the number of electric vehicles is too large and it is difficult to effectively implement the traffic rules.

Nowadays, electric vehicles in many places are still the ones that run me and you run you, and they don't care about each other's vehicles at all.

As long as there is a place that can pass the electric vehicle, it can walk. Therefore, the electric vehicle will cause many accidents.

There are too many core problems of electric vehicles, no matter what, as long as there is chaos.

It is difficult to manage, and the final treatment should be based on the quantity. Only when the quantity is less, can it be better treated.

Because there are too many accidents, many people believe that electric vehicles will follow the old path of motorcycles, which should be impossible.

Compared with motorcycles, electric vehicles are more environmentally friendly and will not be banned completely.

It is estimated that the problem will be solved from the source. The source of the manufacturer, or the battery management, cannot be modified illegally.

In the end, it should be thoroughly investigated. Otherwise, accidents will not pay off.

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