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The average temperature in Ningxia since May is the highest in the same period since 1961, breaking the record

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On May 23, the Associated Press of Finance reported that, according to the Ningxia Climate Center, since May, the temperature in Ningxia has been abnormally high, reaching 18.9 ℃, 3.2 ℃ higher than that in the same period of the year, the highest since there was a complete meteorological record in 1961. On May 22nd and 23rd, 35 ℃ high temperature appeared in many places in central and northern Ningxia. According to the meteorological department, the recent high temperature is mainly due to the joint influence of the ground thermal low pressure and the upper warm ridge, which has prevented the invasion of cold air, making the ground temperature rising constantly. In addition, the recent sunny and cloudless skies in Ningxia, strong solar radiation warming, and low altitude in Sichuan, the combined effect of high temperature weather. The meteorological department predicted that there will be a precipitation process in Ningxia from the 24th, and the continuous high temperature weather will temporarily end.

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